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The only thing you could do was stare at the demon while your brain tried to come up with a witty response to his words, but it failed miserably. Instead, you plopped to the ground and asked the only thing that came to your mind: "Why not?"

Jin sighed. He seemed almost relieved, as if he was glad you didn't really jump off the cliff or insist on him eating your soul right there, right then. "I'm not hungry", he tried to argue, but you knew it was a lie and Jin could see it in your face. You didn't have to say anything for him to give in. He turned away and let his glance wander over the deserted cave.
"Because I don't want to", he finally answered, but this was way too vague for you.
"Why not?", you repeated. "I mean, that's my purpose. You know that."

Jin growled, quietly and not directed at you. He looked frustrated now. "I know", he pressed. "And believe me, before you, I didn't give a damn who the sacrifices were or how badly they wanted to live."
His glance returned to you, resting on your figure intensely as he continued. "But you're... different."
"How so?", you asked, but this time, Jin didn't answer. "It doesn't matter", he quietly said after a while and got up. He skimmed the cave once again as if he was looking for something. "Fact is, you'll have to ask someone else to kill you. My decision might be selfish, but", and this time a sly grin rested on his features as he looked down on you, "I'm a devil, after all."
He offered his hand to help you up and you gave in, even though you were determined to bring up the question again. Just not now.

Jin slung his arm around your waist and jumped off the boulder, his grip effortlessly safe around your middle until your feet were safe on the ground. Only then did he pull back his arm.
"We should get back", he said. "The others are wondering where you are."
"How do you know?", you asked as you followed Jin along the uneven path he seemed to be following, even if your human eyes couldn't make out any form of trail in the messy landscape.
The demon shrugged as he jumped a small boulder and waited for you to climb over it. "I can sense it, I guess", he replied. "Our senses are far more evolved than a human's, and if demons live together for some time, they form a special 'bond', if you will." His lips twitched, curling into a faint smile as he looked at you over his shoulder. "It equals the human feeling of knowing who's coming down the stairs just by listening to their footsteps."
You nodded, the feeling was familiar to you, and kept following Jin. "Can you read their thoughts, too? Like Hoseok does?"
The demon grimaced. "Hoseok's ability is quite special. I don't know of any other demons, not even any higher ones, that possess the ability of reading someone's mind to the extent that Hoseok does. Ergo, the answer is no, I can't." He shrugged. "But it's natural to be able to figure what they're feeling at a certain time, even if I'm far away. That's not an ability though, it's simply experience."

"What's your ability, then?"
Jin chuckled, it resounded from the huge boulder you were passing now. "Before I answer that question, I'll have to explain to you how demonic abilities work. Not all of us have them, and not all of them are as apparent as Hoseok's mind-reading, though I will agree that the Seven Sins are an exception from that rule. Generally, a demon's ability forms even before they know their purpose or role, and it has nothing to do with what kind of demon they are. Our abilities have nothing to do with the sins that are assigned to us, for example, even though some of us use our abilities to conform to our sin."
He shortly paused. "My ability are illusions and projections, as you may have figured, though I am less talented than Yoongi in that aspect."
"Yoongi?", you inquired, and Jin hummed.
"Yes, Yoongi. He's kind of special, even among the Seven Sins." He paused again, this time it seemed to be out of hesitation. "Yoongi's ability is different from mine in that his illusions or projections feel perfectly real if he wants them to. You might argue that I did the exact same with the projection right now, but it's slightly different." His eyes sparkled red for a second. "the flower I picked up, which vanished from beneath my fingers?" You nodded and Jin hummed. "Yoongi's flower wouldn't have whithered. And there's more. Jungkook's punishment, for example? An illusion. Yoongi was playing with his senses to an extent where everyone, especially Jungkook, really believed he was being tortured."
"But he said he transf-"
Jin nodded. "Transferred your pain to Jungkook, yes. I would tell you how he did it or what his abilities are exactly, but no one knows how far his powers go. It's never been up for debate that he is one of the strongest among us, but no one wants to find out."

You furrowed your brows, confused. "Why not?", you asked. "Wouldn't that make him able to be the first in command?"
Jin threw you a sharp glance. "Yes", he carefully replied, "but either Yoongi or Namjoon would die. And that's a risk no one here is willing to take."
You were quiet for a while before you asked a last silent question.
"Who do you think would it be?"
Jin turned towards you with an apologetic smile. "That, my dear, is not meant for you to hear." He stopped on the top of the little hill you were climbing, and when you joined him, you could see the castle lying right in front of you, dark bricks against even darker stone. "There we go", Jin said and started climbing down the steep slope. When you started following him, he threw you a short glance.
"Careful", he mumbled, eyes glued to you. "Don't fall."
You just wanted to give back a snarky response when you slipped on some loose rocks and fell, uncomfortably twisting your wrist on the ground and proceeding to slide down the hill without any opportunity to stop. Jin hissed behind you and apparently tried to reach you, but before he could stop you, you were engulfed by a body in a white, loose shirt and a deep voice chuckled next to your ear.

"My, my", Taehyung whispered, looking at you from the side curiously as he stopped your uncontrolled fall. "Take better care of our little sweetheart, won't you, Jin?"

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