First Sin

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Namjoon closed the door to the living room and approached his companions, sitting down quietly in one of the huge seats. Hoseok was the one who broke the silence. "What do you think of her?"
Namjoon kept quiet and waited for the others to reply. They exchanged a few glances, then Jin spoke up. "She is nice." His glance flickered towards the leader insecurely, but when the latter didn't show any signs of anger, he took a deep breath and kept going. "I feel like she doesn't belong here. Even less than the ones before her."
Jimin cocked his head to the side and hummed. "Yet she doesn't seem too frightened", he answered. "It's a bit weird."
"She is frightened."
The calm voice made everyone look up in surprise. Jungkook was leaning against the wall, and his expression was dark. "Don't tell me you don't hear her."
The other demons looked at each other, then concentrated. And really, they could hear her – shallow breathing, suppressed hiccups and a heartbeat so fast it could be the one of a tiny bird trying to escape its cage.
Jimin looked down, suddenly feeling bad for not noticing, and Yoongi rubbed his back. "It's not for long", he insisted, his black eyes fixating Jungkook until the younger lowered his glance. "When will you learn that?"
Namjoon huffed and everyone looked at him. "It doesn't matter", he said. "Whether he will learn it or not, it's the same every year. Of course she is frightened. So?" A small smirk flickered across his face. "It makes the taste more exquisite."
The demons swallowed, their throats getting dry and aching when they thought of the taste of a soul. It'd been so long since they had eaten. They were starving.
Jungkook was the first to get a grip on himself. "Then let's just end it", he said, but his voice was hoarse, giving away that his throat hurt just as much as the others'. Namjoon chuckled and leaned back.
"Patience", he chided. "Now that she's here, we can have all the fun we want."
He didn't notice the glances his fellow devils exchanged, wavering between excited and uncomfortable. Instead, he got up. "Yoongi will be first. Don't mess it up."
All he got was a little nod, then Namjoon turned around and left the others behind.

When you woke up, you felt horrible. You hadn't slept, instead you had been dozing on and off, chased by the dark fantasies your traumatized brain produced. When you looked out the window, you realized it was already early evening. You had slept a whole day, still you didn't feel rested.
But although you felt exhausted, you also realized you had gotten a little less scared and intimidated. This new courage was why you got out of bed, showered quickly and then walked downstairs without hesitation when your stomach grumbled. Whatever you did, it didn't matter in the end anyway, so why not let it all go?
When you entered the dining room, the table was full with food, but the door at the other end of the room was closed. You felt a bit sad when you looked at it, contemplating whether you should go inside or not, but finally decided against it. It was better if you stayed away from those boys as much as possible. Quietly, you sat down and started eating.
The longer you sat there, the harder it got to bear with the silence. At some point, you started wishing you had some kind of music to play, but of course you didn't. You hadn't been allowed to take a lot of stuff with you, and since you hadn't expected to be alive for so long, your phone hadn't been one of the things you had packed.

"It's quiet, right?"
A rough voice made you flinch and you looked around, but couldn't find anything. Thinking that you had imagined it, you returned to your food, but a few seconds later, someone chuckled. "Look up."
You raised your head and grew aware of the young man hanging from the ceiling. He smiled, then let go and landed in front of you. You drew back a bit, but Yoongi raised his hands and sat down. "No evil intentions", he said and smiled, and if you wouldn't have known he was a demon, you would've believed him.
With a frown, you reached for your slice of bread and took a bite. Whether he was here or not, you had decided to keep going with your life – if it could be called a life – and the young man didn't seem to mind. He watched you quietly, but after a while, you started to get more comfortable. Yoongi noticed the tension vanishing from your body and hummed. "There we go", he said. "That's better."
You didn't respond to his words, and he shifted in his seat. "Are you angry at me, kitten?", he smiled, and you threw him a sharp glance. His lips formed an appreciative "Ohhh", but he didn't let it slip. Instead, he just leaned back again and kept watching you.
You finished your meal quickly and without saying anything, and then you sat there and waited for Yoongi to react. Even though you didn't want to give in, you were unsure about what the demon would do if you just got up and left, so you stayed still. Yoongi eyed you.
"You're not scared anymore", he noted. "That's good."
You looked up and decided to interrupt. "Good?", you asked. "Don't you want me to be scared?"
Yoongi stared at you for a second, then a quiet laughter escaped his lips. "You're a good observer", he smiled. "Yes, we want you to be scared. Most of the time, that is." He leaned back and relaxed. "But it's very boring if our prey always runs from us, you know?"
You sucked in a breath, but didn't answer. Yoongi shrugged. "Also, if a soul is surrounded by too much fear, it goes bitter." His eyes formed little crescents as he smiled again. "And I hate bitter food."
You lowered your glance and Yoongi got serious. "As nice as it seems", he continued, "you should never start to believe that we do this for you. Keeping you alive for longer simply because we enjoy your company."
His insides twitched as he listened to himself. What he said was mostly right, but not fully. To be honest, it was very lonely down here – especially in this part of the netherworld, very few demons came to visit, and the Seven Sins had been to themselves a lot anyway. As they were some of the strongest demons, most of the downworlders didn't dare to meet with them. It was nice to have somebody to play with. But being the kind of man he was, he was unable to admit it to himself.

"You guys are The Seven Sins, right", his thoughts were interrupted by your voice. Your eyes narrowed. "Which sin are you?"
Yoongi smiled. "Guess", he replied. "Guess which sin I am."
You looked at him sharply, remembering the school lessons about the demons. History had been a big part of your school's curriculum, and you had listened to the story of the demon's a thousand times. That's why you clearly remembered the Seven Sins you had been taught about – everything you had to do was assign Yoongi to one of them.
Yoongi smirked while you thought for a while, but finally you decided and straightened your back. His eyes sparkled dangerously. "So?", he asked. His voice was deeper and rougher now. "Did you decide?"
You swallowed the slight nervousness creeping up your back and looked him dead in the eye.

"Pride", you said quietly. "You're Pride."

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