A Devil's Favour

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Yoongi leaned further and further down without your glance focusing on his figure. The rest of the demons stood quietly and watched, none of them able or willing to interfere. They could see that their fellow devil wasn't enjoying this, but then again, he had never seemed very eager about taking his part of a soul. None of them knew why, and he had never spoken about it either.

Now his features softened as he shortly halted above your face. Your chest was still pumping, your heart struggling against the overwhelming pain of not having enough of a soul left within you, and Yoongi grimaced when he looked past skin and bones and saw the remaining splinters of what had previously been the colourful, shining orb which represented your whole being. It looked brutal even to him, and that's why for the first time in centuries, the demon closed his eyes when he touched your lips with his for a soft, nearly hesitant kiss.

Silence filled the room as Yoongi consumed what he deemed enough – or necessary – to end your torture. Nothing in his face changed as he did it, and when he pulled back, his eyes were cold. He let go of your wrists and stepped back.
Your breathing slowed down to a normal pace and your heartbeat fluttered – once, twice before it fully gave out and your eyes closed. Under the piercing glances of the Seven Sins, your human body changed into that of a demon at a painfully slow pace, invisible to the human eye, but much too obvious for a devil's heightened senses. At some point, Jin turned around. "Let her sleep", he mumbled. "It's going to be her last, after all."
He turned around and left without a further word, and slowly but surely, the others followed. Namjoon stopped in the doorway, waiting for Yoongi who was the last. It seemed as if he couldn't rip his glance from your changing body, couldn't get rid of the grinding of bones and muscles in his ears – until Namjoon spoke up.
"You did the right thing", he said quietly, and Yoongi lifted his glance to look at him. "I do hope so", he replied calmly before he turned away from you and stepped past the leader. The latter nodded as a simple reply and followed him, closing the door with a last glance towards your motionless body.

For a while, the castle stayed quiet. The Seven Sins, for the first time in their lives, were waiting for something almost anxiously. Their ears were constantly trying to catch any sound that might've come from the room you were resting in.
It took longer than expected. For almost three full days, there was nothing, and the younger ones started doubting what had been done, but everyone knew Yoongi wasn't just any devil. He wouldn't mess up something as basic as this.
And their trust in him was justified. After three days of nothing but silence, something stirred in the room, and the Seven Sins all raised their heads and looked at each other. In quiet consensus, they assembled in front of your room and again, it was Jin who pushed the door open with a slight bump of his fingertips.

For the first time since this human set their foot into their cave, the castle was completely devoid of the sound of heartbeat again.
The Seven Sins were greeted with a scared glance out of pinkish-red eyes that were swirling with uncontained emotion and power.
"What did you do to me", you whispered, voice almost trembling. "What the hell did you do to me?"

Namjoon was the one who stepped forward, the others quietly making way. Within a few seconds, he was next to you, slowly sinking down onto the mattress next to you. "You don't have to be scared, Y/N", he mumbled while his eyes searched for your glance and didn't let it go anymore. "But we had to do this. There was no other way."
Neither of them expected your aura to suddenly grow thick and sickly sweet before you let your fist bang onto your nightstand – preceded by a swing of your arm that was half-hearted, almost weak, yet the surface of the table broke and splintered under the impact of your newly obtained power. The teacup Yoongi left next to you rolled off the nightstand and shattered on the ground and after a second of you staring at it, you buried your face in your hands and started sobbing into them.
"What did you turn me into", were the only words the Seven Sins could make out as you curled up in your bed, and they exchanged dark glances.
At some point, Namjoon's hand softly pressed into your back and started rubbing smooth circles onto your skin, but it couldn't calm you down. Under the red stares of six demons – Jungkook had left in the middle of it, unable to bear the view – the tears flushed away the rest of you that was clinging onto humanity desperately until you were able to let it go.

"I'm sorry, Y/N."
It sounded like a genuine apology and finally managed to make you look up. The devils had left after you had sent them away with a snarl, only Yoongi stayed – to keep you company, you presumed, but even more so to keep an eye on you.
Newborn demons were dangerous, they all knew that, and even you could feel the emotions rage within you, making your skin itch and your blood boil. The older devil had taken seat in the chair he had been sitting in before, calm and quiet, and his presence filled the room and managed to suppress any need and urge you felt to let it all out and destroy everything around you.
"It's a good thing you're here", you rasped, voice scratchy and unfamiliar in your throat, and ignored Yoongi's apology.
The older's glance pierced through you. "You're crawling in your skin, am I right?", he asked huskily, and you hummed as a reply. He nodded to himself. "It will fade soon", he said. "Wait for a bit longer."

"A bit in devil years or human years?"
The snarky response rolled off your tongue before you could stop it. A few days back, you would've held your breath now, waiting for the devil to snap at you for your disrespect, but this time, another feeling crawled up your spine – excitement.
Excitement to see what Yoongi was capable of doing to you, and the wish to pay him back tenfold.
A few seconds later, the shock about what was going on inside your mind knocked the unnecessary oxygen out of your lungs.
The older demon looked at you with a straight, motionless face, calm and composed as ever. Only in his eyes was there a hint of movement – sympathy, compassion maybe, but it was gone before you could notice.
"You'll get used to it", he said quietly, as if he knew all too well what was going on within you, and while you ran your fingers through your hair and tried to calm the storm within you, you realized that all of them probably knew perfectly well how you were feeling. 

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