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"We're here."
Jungkook stopped somewhere in the middle of the way which was rather a tiny, barely noticeable path between all the shattered rocks and boulders.
You stopped right behind him, furrowing your brows in confusion. "Here?", you repeated. "Where's here? I don't see anything."
Jungkook chuckled lowly. "I just needed to get away from the castle a bit", he admittede. "The others don't like me talking to the shadows, and even though they can still hear us if they want to, they won't be bothered by it at this distance."
"Hm." You frowned. "Why don't they like you 'talking to the shadows'?"
Jungkook grinned. "They think it makes me too attached to the human world." Something unspecific that you couldn't quite comprehend flickered in his eyes. "That being said... I just like a bit of distraction from this cave. After all, and you know that", his expression got serious and his eyes darkened, "we aren't here out of free will, are we."
It wasn't a question and you refrained from commenting on it. Instead, you cocked your head to the side with an attempt on a smile. "So?", you asked. "Back to the topic, where are your shadows?"

Jungkook's lips twitched as if your disbelief and mocking tone amused him. Averting his eyes, he seemed to search for the darkness he was supposed to talk to, glance flickering through the emptiness of the cave. "Where?", he asked quietly, turning towards you again. His eyes, burning with a bright red in the dark, stared you down. "We're in a cave with no light. There's darkness everywhere, and where darkness is, shadows follow."
You were about to interrupt him, saying 'Shadows can't exist without light', but he seemed to watch through you just fine. "I'm not talking about the literal shadows." His eyes narrowed. "That's a name the small human brain came up with for the lack of sunlight, and in a human's eyes, it's just that." He sighed. "The human view on the world is so narrow... So restricted. So finite."
While he spoke, darkness seemed to pool around his feet, much deeper and endless than the one you were used to by now, and you realized it was because this was another kind of darkness, not natural due to the lack of light, but one that was attracted by and alive in all the creatures of the night, be it the devils in the castle or the demons above the lava lake Jimin had shown you.
A kind of darkness that didn't go well with humans, and that humans weren't supposed to see.
You stumbled one, two steps back, eyes glued to the emptiness under Jungkook's feet, and the demon chuckled. "Scared?", he asked, and before you could say anything, he vanished into nothingness.

For a heartbeat, there was nothing but the empty, dark cave around you, and just when unrest started to settle in your heart, there was a slight breeze behind you and when you took another step back, you bumped into something.
Frozen with fear, your body didn't even have the capacities to scream or jump away. Instead, you just stared straight forward, waiting for whatever was behind you to end you.
Jungkook snickered, obviously amused, and you realized he was the one standing behind you, your back pressed against his chest.
He now leaned down so his lips were right beside your ear, and with a low voice hummed: "They aren't that bad. Look closer."
And then, the demon placed his hands over your ears and your mind fell into velvety darkness.

Only for a second, though, because when you blinked, you saw the cave again, everything as it had been before, and you were about to sigh in relief when you realized that the slight pressure in back – assuring you that Jungkook was still there – had gone.
You twirled around, and a shaky swear escaped your mouth when you saw nothing but darkness again.
Jungkook was gone, and you were alone.
That's what you thought at least, because a heartbeat later the air was filled with whispers and murmurs. Goosebumps formed on your skin and you looked around for whoever was talking to you, but nothing was moving in between the rocks. No glimpse of red eyes or alabaster skin, no demon in sight.
"Who is it?", you asked into the void, the voices dying away for a second, only to come back a bit louder.
Poor child.
Have you been left alone, beautiful?
Look at you, princess. What are you doing here all alone?

The tone of the voices creeped you out, but it was not scary enough for you to flee. Instead, you tried to find the body of who was talking to you before you realized what Jungkook had taken you here to do.
"Shadows", you whispered.
The voices erupted in gleeful giggles, not scary at all anymore, seeming more excited than threatening.
So you know us, princess?
You swallowed and mustered some courage to stand straight. "Jungkook took me", you replied defiantly.
The voices hummed.
Pretty boy.
Good boy.
He's our favourite, princess.
So he wanted to introduce you to us?
What an honor, beautiful.

You noticed a movement in the dark, and it took you a few seconds to realize it wasn't worldly bodies you were noticing.
The shadows were moving around the cave, reminding you of mice or squirrels in their movements – rushing from place to place, halting in between as if to assess the situation, then going on.
Some were coming closer, some halting in the distance, but all seemed to assemble around you.
Are we scaring you, beautiful?
No reason to be scared, child.
We're just shadows.
Princess, come talk to us.
Now that you were listening closely, their voices were breathy, like wind in the leaves of an autumn tree, and yet had a sweet and soft tone to them. It was a pleasant sound to listen to, and you chuckled.
"So you're telling me you're not dangerous?"
The voices giggled again, snickering all around you.
Oh, no, princess.
Not dangerous.
For people we like, that is, beautiful.
And we like you.

A smile spread on your face without you actually wanting it.
"Really? Tell me more about yourselves then."
The shadows huddled closer around you.
Whatever you want, princess.

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