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Your eyes were closed, shades of orange and grey swirling behind your eyelids, and that's why the only thing you got from what was about to happen now was a loud crash and a deep growl, more intimidating than any sound you had ever heard. It made the tiny hairs on your body vibrate with fear and your muscles tensed up.

Jimin's weight was ripped from your body, and with the loss of body contact, the fuzzy feeling in your head faded. You opened your eyes, body curling into a ball to protect you from the danger that was obviously looming in the room, an aura that your senses couldn't ignore.

A young man was standing in front of you and after a few seconds, you realized it was Yoongi.
You could only see his profile as he stood facing the wall Jimin had crashed into, leaving cracks all over the old stone. Some of them had crumbled and fell to the ground, the dust from the impact slowly rising and filling the dinner room now.
Even though you could only make out half of his face, Yoongi's expression was no less than terrifying – so much so, that you crawled back on your hands a few inches, unable to peel your glance from his features.
His posture was stiff, but loosened a bit as he grew aware of you moving now. His glance shot towards you, eyes hard and piercing like cold mountain water. Only the deep red, frightening colour of them and their aggressive expression made it clear that Yoongi was way more dangerous than any mountain river could ever be.
His glance ran up and down your body. "Are you okay?", he asked, voice even lower than usual, and the intensity of his tone and glance sent another shiver down your spine. "Yes", you quietly croaked, to which his eyes narrowed.
"How about your neck?"

Only when he mentioned it did you grow aware of the pulsing pain around your throat and when you touched the area, you couldn't prevent a small hiss. You pulled your hand back and your fingertips were drenched in blood.
Yoongi's face twisted into a snarl, fury evident in his eyes. He turned back into the direction were Jimin now slowly rose from the ground, grimacing with discomfort. His right arm was twisted in an unnatural way and you couldn't help but feel sick when you watched it snap back into its correct position with a loud crunch.
"Killjoy", Jimin said, dusting off his clothes. Yoongi's reply was a low growl. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"
Jimin's eyes flickered towards you. He looked at your face for a second before his glance slipped downwards, too obviously resting on the spot where blood was still running down your neck, even if it was slower than before. You could see his jaw muscles tensing.
Apparently, so could Yoongi.

With a speed too fast for your human eyes, Yoongi crossed the room. Before he even reached Jimin, the latter fell to his knees and all control over his muscles seemed to have vanished from his body. Only his eyes were widening more and more, and you suspected that Yoongi had never treated the younger like this before. "Yoongi was fond of Jimin for some reason", Hoseok's words resounded in your head, and it became blatantly clear now that the older seemed to punish his friend for the first time in forever.
Yoongi loomed up before the silver-haired devil. His aura was vibrating with uncontained rage, white electricity flickering around his fingers, but he managed to control himself. The electricity died down when he balled his hands into fists. "How dare you", he growled, voice like thunder, and the ground trembled under the impact of his words. Namjoon didn't seem to be the only one the earth bowed before, and only now did you realize just how dangerous and powerful Yoongi was – Yoongi, who was one of the few who never rose a hand against you and at the moment stood in front of you to defend you against a starving Jimin. You decided never to provoke him as you saw him towering above the younger demon, air around him shimmering with tension.

Jimin ducked.
You always thought him a proud being, confident and sly, but next to Yoongi, he looked like a kid. Jimin was proud, but Yoongi was Pride itself. He didn't stand a chance.
For a while, both of them were silent. The ground wasn't shaking anymore and Yoongi just stared at the younger intensely.
"I expect you to control yourself from now on", Yoongi said. His voice was quiet but the dangerous tone had not vanished from it; if anything, he sounded even more intimidating now.
Jimin didn't move a muscle, but you could see his lips moving, even though his words were impossible for you to understand from the distance.
Yoongi stiffened, but his reply was just as quiet.
A second later, the younger demon dared to look up, glance resting on your figure. The red glow had vanished from his eyes, but their current bright silver colour wasn't less unsettling. You averted your glance and a second later, a growl vibrated through the room.
"Behave", Yoongi snarled at Jimin, anger flaring up in his eyes again. The younger hissed back a second later and Yoongi's aura grew even more intimidating. Under the influence of his powers, the shadows in the room started to twitch, a concerning hum running along the walls. Suddenly, you felt as if you were pressed down by an invisible force, unable to move a muscle or even breathe properly.

Jimin's glance flickered towards you.
"You'll kill her", he calmly said and Yoongi looked over his shoulder.
The red in his eyes caused a deeply rooted, instinctive fear in you, so overwhelming that your heart skipped a beat. He stared at you, your mind growing more restless with each second, but then he averted his glance and looked back at Jimin who still stood in front of the wall he had shattered.
A smirk tucked at the old demon's lips but it didn't seem nice. He approached Jimin slowly, reminding you of a tiger in the smoothness of his movements and the threatening aura looming around him.
"You're very optimistic if you think I'd ever let control over my powers slip", Yoongi said. His voice sounded scratchy now, so much so that didn't seem like his own.
Jimin's eyes widened the tiniest little bit. You saw him struggling to keep his composure as Yoongi took one step after another towards him, forcing him against the wall without even touching him.

Having reached the other, Yoongi leaned forward and brought his mouth close to Jimin's ear. He spoke quietly, but you could still understand the last few words of his sentence for some reason.
"... so leave her alone."
The silver-haired demon swallowed.
And then Yoongi took a big swing and rammed his fist into Jimin's stomach. The latter opened his mouth as if to scream, but before a sound could leave his lips, he vanished into black smoke. 

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