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The silence was weighing heavy on your shoulders and you assumed on Hoseok's too. You now realized that the demons' situation was utterly hopeless, all because Namjoon failed to control himself one crucial time.
Yet you felt yourself struggling to blame him. He lost the love of his life – and he was, from the beginning, an extraordinarily strong but unstable demon. Noone could blame him for that.
The more you thought about it, the less sense it made. Something didn't add up until you finally remembered the day you had come down here and a silent gasp escaped your lips. Hoseok looked up and quirked an eyebrow.

"You've been here for 247 years, right?", you asked, more a rhetorical question than anything else, but Hoseok still nodded.
You frowned. "But why...", you started and now Hoseok cocked his head to the side. "Why what?", he inquired and you quickly pulled yourself together.
"When I was sent down here... They called it the 1956th Day of Descent..." Your frown deepened. "But you've only been here for 247 years."

The devil next to you didn't say anything, but you noticed his hand balling into a fist on the table. For a second, it seemed as if he was about to break something, but then he took a deep breath and slowly loosened his grip.
"Humans", he growled, and his voice gave away just how furious he was, but he pulled his hand away from the table as if he was afraid of damaging it by accident. For a few seconds, he seemed to solely concentrate on calming down, then he looked up again.
"Sorry", he said, voice still rough but sounding almost normal again. "That much audacity just..."
You shook your head and looked down on your hands. "No, I understand", you quietly replied. "To think that they would lie to all of us..."

Hoseok shrugged. "Times are changing", he said. "Slowly, but surely. And they're afraid of people asking questions, or changing their opinion, or becoming curious... So they display it as an old, very old tradition, when in fact, it's not."
He hissed, eyes flaring up in the lightest shade of red. "To be helpless against that kind of abuse... It really sucks."
You looked over to him, expression turning almost apologetic. "You know", you spurted out without thinking about it a great deal, "after all of this... I'm not sure if I want to return."

The demon's eyes widened and he seemed at a genuine loss for words, just staring at you quietly. You averted your glance, feeling a bit uncomfortable at the intense glow in his eyes, but the more you thought about whether you meant what you said, you realized you weren't lying.
Hoseok opened his mouth as if to say something, then closed it, then opened it again. But before anything could pass his lips, a familiarly deep voice coming from the door of the dining room had the two of you quickly turning around.
"You don't want that."

It was Namjoon, casually leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed in front of his chest. His red eyes were fixated on you, but his expression was relatively soft, an unusual view. He slowly shook his head, pushing himself off the wall and approaching you two. "You don't want to stay down here", he repeated, grabbing a chair next to you and sitting down on it. "And you're not going to."
Hoseok's eyes narrowed, but at a simple short glance of Namjoon, he held back.
The tall demon's eyes returned to you and he sighed. To you, it almost seemed as if he was tired, burned out, even if you weren't sure from what.
"If these guys insist on letting you go", he started calmly, running his fingers through his hair as he was leaning forward, "I'll comply."
The redness of his eyes burned in yours.
"We'll send you back up if it comes to that."

"What if I say no?"
Your voice was surprisingly calm as you looked back at the demon. His expression didn't falter. "Humans don't belong here", he stiffly replied. "You'd die sooner than later."
Hoseok pulled in a sharp breath at his words. His obvious reaction to Namjoon mentioning your death surprised you, but the latter didn't allow your glance to stray from his for even a second.
He stood up again, supporting himself on the table.
"I don't want you here", he coldly added, figure hovering over you to support his point. It didn't leave any room for opposition. "If these guys refuse to give in to their urges, I won't force them. But in that case, you will leave."
His eyes flickered towards Hoseok just the tiniest bit and his expression hardened for just a second. "And I expect all of you to obey. There will be no discussions." His tone was harsh and Hoseok turned his face away.
Namjoon straightened his back and turned towards the door, but not without throwing the two of you a short glance before leaving for good. His eyes were piercing your skin and it made you shiver.
"Still..." His words lingered in the air as he left the room again. "Don't forget that they're starving, girl."

The silence between you and Hoseok had suddenly turned heavy. Finally, the demon sighed, rubbing his forehead in obvious distress. "That man", he mumbled to himself. Namjoon's words had obviously gotten to him, and you figured he wasn't in the mood for any more of your questions. Your lips formed a small smile. "Let's stop here for today."
Hoseok hummed. "I enjoyed the talk, though", he said, eyes piercing right through you as he turned towards you again. "Let's continue another time."
You simply nodded, quietly watching as Hoseok got up and slowly left the room without even looking back once. Only then, lost in your thoughts, did you move to grab the glass of water. You pulled your knees up to your chest, curling up on the chair, and took small sips of your drinks while you tried to sort all the things Hoseok had told you.
You couldn't believe the people you had known for all of your life had lied to you and deceived you like this, and you slowly started to realize that maybe the demons' view of humanity wasn't all that wrong. Still it stung in your heart to blame your own race, even if you knew it was the truth. In the end, your mother and friends had been among those people, and how could you betray them like this?
'It doesn't matter', it echoed in your mind. 'They think you're dead anyway.'

You slammed the waterglass on the table to shut the sarcastic, bitter voice in your mind up. The glass burst into thousands of glittering shards, some of them piercing your palm. You only realized you had hurt yourself when blood started dripping from your hand, and the pain was overshadowed by how impressed you were with your own sudden strength.
"What did you do?"
It was Jimin who stood in the door, Daimon next to his feet in a stiff posture and with pointed ears. You looked up and shrugged, the adrenaline still numbing the pain. "I set down the glass a bit too hard, I guess", you replied, voice calm, and Jimin's eyes wandered towards your hand.
He hissed, you couldn't tell if out of annoyance or worry, and approached you with quick steps just to grab your hand and shortly inspect your palm.

"We need to take care of this", he stated, and then the demon vanished into nothingness. 

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