A Few Notes - Afterword

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Well - here we are. 

My first book is completed, and before I say anything else, I just want to thank all of you. 

All of my readers, who have commented, liked and supported me throughout this journey. Without you, I wouldn't be where I am now, and the Seven Sins wouldn't have gotten this far! 

I know that this end is kind of abrupt, and a lot of you will ask themselves - why end it here? There's so much more to explore, find out, and write. So many chapters I could still fill! 

I know that I could have kept it going, but I have a few plans, and for this, I decided to end the first part here. 
But don't worry - a second part of this story is coming soon!! 

Even if you were displeased with the ending of Seven Sins part 1, I hope I can make up for it in the second season, and I would love for all of you to join me on that journey! You're free to leave your thoughts in the comments as always. 

Please bear with me while I prepare the second part - I'll give my best to make it worth it! 

And thank you all again, so much. 

See you in a bit! <3 

PS: I'm always up for a chat so don't hesitate to hit me up~

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