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Yoongi slumped back into his chair, occasional red flickering in his eyes as he ran his fingers through his hair. "I just care too much", he quietly hissed through gritted teeth, but in your weakened state, you weren't able to fully hear it. Yet it was obvious that the demon was struggling, so you slowly propped yourself up on your elbow and turned towards him, extending your hand for his. For a second, he didn't react, then his shoulders relaxed with an inaudible sigh and he grasped your hand, holding it in his as you nuzzled your head into the pillow. Silence spread between the two of you, only interrupted by the glances you exchanged until your eyes fluttered close and you fell asleep, and only then did Yoongi's expression harden again, because he could feel how cold your skin was, almost as cold as his own body, and for some reason, it made him shiver for the first time in 17.500 years.
The demon kept sitting there, watching over you, waiting for what was about to happen.

The dark seemed even darker than usual when Yoongi grew aware of the silent, unhuman footsteps on the floor and slowly sat up. You were still sleeping and apparently the intruder had noticed – the door was opened very carefully and then a silver-haired figure slipped into the room with a silent swish.
Jimin closed the door quietly and then turned around to the bed. Yoongi couldn't make out any sign of movement or emotion in his face as the younger took in the scenery.
"How long has she been sleeping for?", he finally whispered, and Yoongi shrugged. "A few hours, I presume", he mumbled back just as quietly. "I haven't been counting."
Jimin's glance wandered over to him. "You don't agree with this at all", he murmured. It wasn't a question, and Yoongi didn't react to it in any way. The younger's stare was so sharp it almost penetrated the black-haired devil.
"Are you gonna get in our way?", he asked, there was a hint of judgement and – fear? in it, and Yoongi's face twitched, a sign of emotion for just a millisecond. "No", he finally replied after a moment, slowly and carefully as if his tongue was struggling against an invisible hurdle to form the words. "I won't."
Jimin breathed an inaudible breath of relief before he stepped towards the bed, sinking down on the edge across from Yoongi. "Are you sure you want to watch?", he asked, and this time he sounded soft, almost concerned as his glance wandered towards your face that looked tired even while you were fast asleep.
Yoongi crossed his arms in front of his chest. "I'm not leaving." The younger's glance lingered on his figure for a second more before he turned away and lifted a hand to wipe a few strands of your hair out of your face. "You look awful, sweetie", he mumbled warmly, but the sudden bright redness in his eyes took the feeling of compassion and worry out of his words. "Don't worry, it's not going to take long", he whispered before he lowered his head over your face and, after a second of hesitation, pressed his lips onto yours.

Yoongi could hear the tiny, pained sound that escaped your dry throat as Jimin took his part of your soul, and he watched coldly as the bright ball of light in your chest started to flicker.
"Jimin", he finally hissed after what felt like an eternity to him. "You're done."
The younger demon pulled himself back from your figure with visible unwillingness. The look in his eyes was ecstatic, almost animalistic, as he licked his pink lips. "God", he rasped, running his fingers through his hair. "She's delicious."
Yoongi's fist balled on the armrest of his chair, but he controlled himself. "Out", he said, so quiet only a devil's ears could hear it. Jimin sighed deeply and took an insecure step back. His aura was looming with power and it made Yoongi grimace in disgust while the weakening thump of your heartbeat was resonating within his head.
With a few big steps full of a powerful spring, Jimin walked towards the door and left the room. He didn't look back once, and Yoongi bit his lip to prevent himself from doing something stupid.

The old devil let in his fellow demons one after another, quietly watching as everyone took their turn. Some were gentle – Hoseok and Jin quite hesitant, and as far as Yoongi could tell, they took way less than they could have – some a bit more eager, like Taehyung. Jungkook took his time, as always. He was young, inexperienced, and Yoongi watched with growing unrest as your face twisted into a grimace of unconscious pain as he young devil's lips came to a rest on yours. Jungkook could tell and pulled back sooner than later. He rushed out without saying anything else, but his eyes were full of emotion and Yoongi's anger subsided immediately.
Namjoon was the last to enter. As always, he seemed calm, full of control when he approached your bed and looked down on you. Your face was even more pale than before and your breaths a lot more labored. Not much more, and you would be gone, a soulless being to be buried behind the castle like all the other unfortunate Xiqaas before you.
"She looks peaceful", Namjoon commented. His voice was surprisingly quiet and almost rough, making Yoongi lift his glance from your face that he had been watching for the past he-didn't-know-how-many hours. "More peaceful than ever, if you ask me."
"Surprisingly", Yoongi admitted unwillingly. "Despite this whole process is a less than peaceful." He grimaced. "But that's to be expected."

Namjoon's glance rested on the other's figure now. "You aren't going to do this, am I correct?", he asked. There was no anger in his voice, no subliminal criticism or frustration. He sounded almost understanding, if not apologetic.
Yoongi's face darkened. "Do I have a choice?", he replied and his tone was sharp.
Namjoon shrugged. "You always have a choice", he answered. "The question is whether she will appreciate that choice or not."
Yoongi raised his glance again, watching the leader stand at the end of your bed, not moving a muscle. There was no way of telling what was going on in his mind, but Yoongi had never been scared of Namjoon - or of confronting him.
"You're not going to either", he assumed aloud, and an expression of surprise crossed his face as the other shook his head.
"No", Namjoon replied, and now he sounded softer than ever. He walked around the bed until he reached your side, extended his hand and let it rest on your icy skin. Still asleep, a little sound left your lips at the touch, and your head moved towards the gentle hand ever so slightly as if you were searching for some comfort. Namjoon's eyes filled with warmth. "I can't", he said, before he looked back at Yoongi.

The latter tried a weak smile.
"Me neither."  

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