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Yoongi's face went blank for a second as he stared at you, but then his lips curled upwards. "Correct", he replied without any shame. "I'm Pride." He bowed his head slightly. "Nice to meet you."
You relaxed into the chair. You hadn't been sure, but you knew that if you had guessed wrong, the demon could've flipped – and then your soul would've been nothing more than history. Luckily, he seemed very laid-back, and not prideful at all, but when you looked closer, you could see the little arrogant glimmer in his eyes.
"What sin are the others?", you asked. The young man chuckled. "I don't know if I am allowed to tell you", he replied. "Maybe you should go ask them for yourself. I am sure they will gladly tell you."
You were a bit disappointed, but didn't let it show. Yoongi smirked. "Curious?", he asked, but it wasn't a question he wanted you to reply to. "You'll find out soon enough, and believe me, not all of them are nice like me."
You nearly laughed. "Nice?", you mumbled to yourself, slightly amused at the kind of view the demons had on themselves. In the human realm, nobody would've described the young men as "nice", let alone "friendly". But to the devils themselves, it seemed like not too bad behavior if they didn't consume their meal at the first day of its arrival, and to some extent, you could understand it. Those creatures had been locked in here for so long that their perception of what was right and wrong was completely distorted.
The thought of it made a question appear in your head. "How did you guys end up in this cave?", you asked, remembering how you had entered it the first time. It had been scary and not very welcoming, and since those demons were thousands of years old – at least that's what you were told in school – you couldn't imagine they chose this place to live in voluntarily.
Yoongi's eyes narrowed into slits. "They didn't tell you?", he asked quietly, and you slowly shook your head. He leaned back and sighed, seemingly frustrated. "Humans", he mumbled to himself. His jaw muscles tightened. "Only seeing what they want to see."

You frowned. "What?", you asked. "What do humans want to see?"
Yoongi looked at you sharply. "Humans are stupid beings", he sneered and you stiffened when you saw the hate and arrogance flickering in his eyes. But it was gone after just a few heartbeats, and then the demon smirked.
It wasn't a nice smirk.
"You know why humanity offers one sacrifice a year to us, right?", he said and you took a deep breath. "Yes", you answered quietly. "So that your wrath doesn't come over us and destroys our world."
Yoongi nodded. "Correct", he said. "Easy. But do you know how the threat of our wrath became a thing to worry about in the first place?"
You frowned, utterly confused. "You guys are demons", you replied. "Your wrath is something always to worry about."
The devil hissed quietly. "You really have no clue, do you?" Your answer was a simple head shake. Yoongi sighed. "Well, I probably can't blame you for it", he murmured. "Human education systems have always lacked."
He paused and you patiently waited for him to keep going. It took a while, silence filling the room and crawling into every corner, but finally he sat up a bit and started explaining.

"We demons have lived for hundreds and thousands of years", he started. "We weren't necessarily alive before humanity, but we've watched you for a very, very long time."
You nodded, careful not to interrupt. You had figured so much.
"When humans found out we existed, they panicked pretty quickly." Yoongi chuckled. "The whole world was debating how and how soon they could defeat and banish the evil for all times." He shook his head. "Not that they would've managed, but the fear grew, and at some point they even started to fight each other – remember Salem, for example."
He sighed. "But for us, the humans were nothing more than a rat is to you."
You quirked an eyebrow. "An animal?"
Yoongi rolled his eyes in annoyance. "A nuisance", he said. "But you wouldn't kill a rat with your own hands, would you?"
You shook your head. "No."
The demon shrugged. "Same for us. The netherworld didn't really care about humans. Apart from when we had a meal to sustain ourselves, we ignored them for the most part. Of course there were demons who ravaged and eliminated whole towns, but they were rare."
He snickered. "Because there were so few of them, humans underestimate the number of demons to this day. But", he became serious, "they noticed us. And when they realized the danger wasn't coming from other humans but from those demons, they attacked."

Silence settled in for a while. Yoongi shook his head. "They killed a lot of those who dared to raze towns and people to the ground. Mostly lower demons, but still."
His expression darkened. "Of course, the netherworld noticed, and more and more demons came out to fight back and seek revenge for those who were killed by humankind."
Your eyes widened. In the human world, no one had ever spoken about this. All the details had been left out.
Yoongi looked at you directly and continued. "Of course the higher demons like us kept away from the human world. We knew that is was dangerous and did everything we could to protect the others, but the rage was growing. Still most of us managed to contain or anger and stay calm."
Your expression softened a bit without you noticing. You knew too well how it felt to suppress emotions. "It must've been hard", you whispered, and the darkness vanished from Yoongi's face a bit. "It was", he said, "but not as much as you may think. A demon's emotional system works a bit different from a human's."
You cocked your head to the side, suddenly interested. "How is that?", you asked, and Yoongi seemed surprised. "What?", he asked.
You repeated your question and he relaxed into his seat a bit, apparently glad he could get away from the topic of how they ended up in the cave. "It's a bit hard to explain", he said. "But first of all, a demon's emotions are much stronger than a human's. In comparison to a human's emotions, ours are several times more aggressive and intense. That's why we need to learn how to control them quickly, or we will become a threat to ourselves and others." You blinked and he smiled. "Other demons, not humans. I told you we don't care about them."
You swallowed and Yoongi waited a second before he continued. "But controlling them is also easier for us than it is for you", he said. "We can practically switch them off. Many of the demons who bulldozed little towns in the earlier years used that technique to escape the feelings of guilt and disgust afterwards, and the stronger ones used it to keep the anger contained."
You frowned, another question having popped up in your head at his words. "Guilt?", you asked. "Demons can feel guilty?"
Yoongi's dark eyes pierced right through you.
"Yes", he answered quietly. "Demons can feel guilty."

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