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Hoseok made a pause to heighten the tension, and successfully so. When he noticed how eagerly you were waiting for him to begin the story, he chuckled.
"As I said already", he began, "Jin is about 19.000 years old. Yet that is only a fraction of the normal lifespan of higher demons like ourselves." He hummed. "Jin, as far as I know, was the son of a villager's family far away from here. They lived in a county that was well-known for its demon activity, therefore Jin wasn't really afraid of them. His family had dealt with devils before." His expression turned a bit more serious. "That's why one of the higher ranking demons, a lady named Teannu, caught an interest in him." Hoseok's eyes darkened. "She made him her pet, and after a few weeks, when she grew tired of him, she made him her Xiqaa. But before she could swallow the remaining bit of his soul, Teannu was interrupted. Thus he grew to be a demon, and a strong one on top of that – being Teannu's pet had allowed him to learn quite a lot about the demon world even before he was part of it. His knowledge did him good, he survived through hiding until his powers fully developed after a century or so. Since then, he kept quiet."

Hoseok clicked his tongue. "His history shows the typical development of a demon. A higher rank likes you, plays around with you and then messes you up." He shrugged. "It was the same for me and Taehyung, actually. Apart from the fact that my master was called Orza, Taehyung was pet to the same demoness as Jin. Teannu." He shook his head. "She is a strong devil, high-ranked, and always thirsty for both souls and sensations of all kinds." He cocked his head to the side. "Her pets never lasted long, and neither did her Xiqaas, apart from Jin and Taehyung."
He paused shortly. "Orza however was a different kind. He was cruel, and his only goal was to feed. I was simply at the wrong place at the wrong time. But he left a part of my soul – willingly. I wonder till this day why he did it." He sighed. "Jin and Taehyung, being a dôin, meaning the demonic offspring of the same 'parent', if you will, found each other shortly after Taehyung was turned. As I said, that was about 9400 years ago. Jin, at this point, had been a devil for 10.000 years. Being no ill-natured demon, he took his younger dôin in to teach him. As far as he told me, he never expected to be stuck with him for so long though." A smile tucked at his lips.

"What Taehyung did before he became a demon, I am not sure. I think he was part of a lower-ranked family as well, but he never told me about it in detail." Hoseok shrugged. "Everyone here keeps their secrets. I probably know each member's story, but the details, most of us keep to themselves." He turned towards you a bit more.
"As for Namjoon, he is- or was the son of a middle-class merchant family. His turning was bad luck – he attended one of the meetings his father regularly held with the local oracle to beg for good winds and full ships to keep his business going. Unfortunately, that woman summoned one of the less friendly demons – Aczaar. He asked for a sacrifice, which he was granted by Namjoon's father before the oracle could intervene, and unfortunately decided that said sacrifice needed to be a human soul. As the oracle was the summoner and his father the one who asked for the favour, the only soul left to take was Namjoon's."
He huffed. "Although the oracle woman managed to seal the downworld at some point, it was already too late and Namjoon was left with a shard of his soul and an eternal life as a demon."
You hummed. "I'm surprised you know so much about Namjoon's past", you commented. "He doesn't seem like the guy to talk about it a lot."
Hoseok's lips curled into a smirk. "No, he doesn't talk a lot", he agreed with you, "but he can't hide his thoughts from me – at least not during a rage." He rubbed his temple. "I've acquired the details of his story over the years, and it took a lot of listening to manage that."
"So you can read thoughts?", you asked, intrigued. But Hoseok merely winked at you and put a finger over his lips, hushing you. "Another time", he quietly said, "but for now we have a different story to tell."
You agreed with a short nod, and he continued.

"Jimin, huh... Jimin was a kind of... a special case, in that he served his mistress, Zezenha, for over ten years before she made him a Xiqaa. Rumour has it that he was her favourite playboy but grew too greedy over the years." He grinned. "But don't tell him I told you that."
The grin vanished as quickly as it had come. "However greedy Jimin grew – if that rumour is true – and whatever that greed was aimed at, he was still attached to his mistress. He roamed the downworld for a good 5.000 years before he even started to mingle with others. Even Jin was more involved with other devils." He chuckled. "It took a while for Jimin to realize that being a demon meant he was free of Zezenha's shackles and her rules. Now, it's been mumbled that Zezenha actually tried to go after him after she realized he had survived, but he refused her." Hoseok's eyes formed small crescents with his amusement. "But I can't guarantee for the amount of truth in that rumour."
You couldn't help a small smile and Hoseok seemed content with himself, but his expression got serious right after.

"Now, who's next..."
"You forgot Yoongi", you were quick to help him out. "Didn't you say he was the second oldest?"
Hoseok nodded, apparently deep in thought. "Yes, he is, but I didn't forget him. I just wanted to save him till the end." He hesitated shortly and his next words seemed carefully chosen. "You see, Yoongi is the one out of us seven whose soul could not be swallowed. He was caught by Xagire, a high ranked demon who intended to make him a quick meal and nothing more." His eyes darkened. "Xagire is one of the 'Ayabbi', hell's officers with a very high rank. He has immense powers, but still he couldn't swallow Yoongi whole."
He paused for a moment. "Now, Xagire could have left the broken soul behind and let it go its way, but he saw the immense potential Yoongi held and decided to keep him in close proximity to the higher ranks in a hope that he would choose to become an Ayabbi himself one day. But Yoongi had other plans, even though he took advantage of the privileges of his position nonetheless. He learned Qaay, proper etiquette, and a lot about the world of the high demons that regular demons would not know."
Hoseok crossed his arms in front of his chest, a frown forming on his forehead. "But when his time came, Yoongi decided to leave the high ranks and travelled by himself - not without ripping Xagire to pieces, and effortlessly so, for being unable to devour him completely. I don't know why he deemed our group a suitable party to be with. Anyway, because of him, the Ayabbi aren't too fond of us – they despise us for taking one of the strongest demons from them." He laughed quietly, but it sounded bitter. "As if 'we' planned on 'recruiting' him! They fact that he joined the group by himself is easily overlooked by the officers, and also the fact that we had nothing to do with Xagire's killings."
The anger vanished from his face and he shrugged. "But I guess that was a risk we were willing to take when we welcomed Yoongi."

"And Jungkook?", you asked, curiosity at its peak. "What about him?"
Hoseok's expression turned pitying, almost sad. "Jungkook was an accident", he quietly said. "It was Namjoon who turned him during one of our raids. We rarely did raid – only in times of great hunger – and Namjoon lost his appetite in the middle of eating. He didn't realize what he was causing until it was too late." He sighed. "He didn't mean it, I believe, and tried to make up for it by taking him with us, but Jungkook never forgave him fully."

Silence filled the room until he sat up straight and looked at you firmly. "Now you know", he said calmly. "How demons are made and where the Seven Sins originated from. Does that answer a few of your questions?"
You nodded as to not to offend him, but Hoseok didn't seem to realize the fact that his story had probably caused more questions to arise than it answered.

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