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The comfortable silence between you and Yoongi was interrupted when the heavy wooden door of the living room was pushed open with so much force that it banged against the wall. When the both of you looked up, you startled with the loud crash but Yoongi unfazed as always, you grew aware of Namjoon standing in the doorway, Taehyung behind him, eyeing you up and down sharply before a low growl escaped his mouth.
"Where is he", he snarled, anger flickering in his eyes. You could see Taehyung pulling up his shoulders and even Yoongi stiffened, as if both of them could sense something in the air that indicated how furious Namjoon really was.
"Here he is."
Daimon's ears perked up as Jimin spoke up from the entrance hall, the familiar jumping from your lap and running towards his master. Jimin didn't spare him a glance, instead he lifted a lifeless Jungkook up in the air before dropping him to the ground.
"He refuses to talk", he mentioned before squeezing through next to Namjoon and approaching you. When he reached you, he knelt down next to the sofa and cocked his head to the side. "Are you feeling alright?", he asked, and you replied with a faint smile. "I'm okay."

Jimin eyed you up and down at your reply but didn't inquire any further. Instead, everyone focused on Namjoon again who now loomed up in front of Jungkook.
The younger didn't move a muscle, didn't even bother to look up.
Namjoon's face darkened even more, shivers running up and down your spine as his aura turned even more threatening than it already was.
"Yoongi", he coldly ordered, to which said demon rose from the sofa and approached the two. Namjoon's voice had been quiet, but you had a feeling that it sounded way more dangerous than if he had shouted.
Yoongi halted next to the taller devil and looked down on Jungkook. "What do you want", he quietly asked, face as emotionless as it could get, and Namjoon threw him a short glance.
But instead of saying something, he turned around and looked at you. "Y/N", he spoke up, voice a bit softer than before and not as intimidating. "How is your chest?"
You froze, four pairs of red eyes now resting on you.
"Uhm", you stammered, gathering your thoughts as much as you could despite the ache in your chest and, even more so, the sight of Jungkook on his knees, "it still hurts... But I'm fine!"

Namjoon didn't seem to care about the last part, his expression hardened and he turned back to Yoongi.
"Make him feel it."
Yoongi threw him a sharp glance. "You sure?", he inquired coldly, and Namjoon's eyes flared up.
"Are you opposing me?", he asked, even quieter than before, and to your surprise, everyone in the room seemed to stop breathing for a second. Only Yoongi seemed to stay calm, even if his eyes narrowed a bit.
"No", he simply replied and averted his glance to Jungkook, raising his hand a bit.
"Zath qota maah."

It was hard to watch when Jungkook's body suddenly tensed up. Yoongi furrowed his brows, seemingly concentrating even more, and then the younger threw his head back and started to scream.
Everyone witnessed the torture silently until you couldn't take it anymore and averted your eyes. Jimin was the only one who noticed while Jungkook's screams died down to a whimper.
"What is he doing to him", you whispered, more an expression of shock than a question, but Jimin apparently found it his duty to answer nevertheless.
"He's making him feel the same pain you're experiencing", he quietly explained, eyes wandering back to the shaking demon. "Now, us demons don't experience pain too often – we can turn it off, for once, and due to our powers and our nature, it's hard to hurt us at all, be it physically or emotionally." He paused for a bit. "That's why Jungkook, even though he is barely experiencing the same amount of pain you are, is struggling a lot more." A smile flickered over his face when he looked back at you. "In that aspect, you humans are stronger than us", he murmured. "You are more used to pain than us."
You couldn't think of a proper answer so you just silently stared into your lap until Jungkook's pained moans finally subsided. Only then did you dare to look up again.

Namjoon waved towards Yoongi, dismissing him from the scene, and the demon complied, leaving the room without a word. He looked tired, and you wondered what he was going to do now – it didn't seem as if he had enjoyed his task a lot.
Namjoon looked down on Jungkook, who had yet again slumped together on the ground, and then motioned towards Taehyung to come closer.
"Take him upstairs", he ordered quietly. The anger had vanished from his voice. "We will talk this over when he has recovered."
Taehyung simply nodded and picked Jungkook up just to follow Namjoon through the door and vanish upstairs. The living room was quiet like before, only you and Jimin left at the scene. The demon didn't seem like he wanted to leave you alone, and when the silence finally became to much to bear, you took a deep breath and turned towards him.
"Why didn't Namjoon do it himself?"

Jimin's lips twitched. "You're observant for a human", he commented quietly before looking down on his hands. "He won't be amused if he notices I tell you this, but..." He hesitated for one more second before giving in.
"Namjoon doesn't do it himself because he can't."
You frowned. "He can't?", you repeated. "But I thought he's somewhat a leader of yours or something, shouldn't he be-"
"The strongest then?", Jimin interrupted. "You might think that way, but it's different for demons." He turned towards you a bit, resting his arm on the backrest of the sofa. "You're right though, he isn't necessarily the most capable. The reason why Yoongi, sometimes Jin or Hoseok are asked to do such stuff – not necessarily punishing people but getting rid of intruders, enemies and such things – is because Namjoon is not good with controlling himself."
Jimin frowned, relaxing into the couch a bit more. "Namjoon has immense power. By means of strength, both physical and mental, he probably exceeds us all. But Yoongi and Jin, Hoseok too, have the best control over their powers. It doesn't depend on your strength if you can invade somebody's mind, project a picture of the whole universe into the void of the cave or light fire in the air." He snipped his fingers and the blue flame you were already familiar with flared up above his head. "It's a matter of willpower and control."
His eyes darkened and the flame flickered, vanishing as quickly as it had come. "Namjoon is strong, but once he uses his powers for a more complex task, all hell breaks lose. And quite literally so." He nods towards the entrance hall.
"When we "moved into here", the cave wasn't as much of a mess as it is now. We even had a lake. But Namjoon, in countless incidents, destroyed everything in his uncontrollable hate, rage and sadness."
Jimin eyed you firmly. "That's why no one messes with him. He might as well kill us if we do."

You took a sharp breath when the truth dawned on you. With wide eyes, you looked at Jimin.
"Wrath", you whispered. "Namjoon's wrath."
Jimin didn't need to answer. The rattle of the tablet that Jin dropped in the doorway to the kitchen was confirmation enough.

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