Another Sort of Life

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Underneath you, a sea of fiery orange lava opened up to your eyes, seeming like candy mass at first, but when the heat and the smell of burned stone raised up to your face, you very quickly realized it was not. You raised your head and looked at Jimin. "Impressive", you said, returning to the view after you saw Jimin's smile brighten. "It's beautiful, right?", he asked. "But wait, it only gets better."
Even though you wouldn't have called the spectacle "beautiful" exactly, you had to admit, the view was something different. For a short moment you even realized very few humans had been able to see something like this for themselves on the surface, but you suppressed the feeling of pride dwelling in your chest. This was nice, but still you didn't trust Jimin.

The devil noticed that your thoughts were wandering and shifted from one feet on the other impatiently, which ripped you out of your daze. You continued to stare at the moving, boiling mass beneath you for a little while longer, wondering what Jimin meant when he said "It only gets better", because you at least couldn't see anything. Only when Jimin leaned forward to you, whispering "There, lower right hand corner" into your ear, you realized it wasn't only the lava which was moving.
Just shortly above the surface of the hot stone mass, you noticed a movement which didn't stem from the bubbling and boiling of the lava. Instead, you were able to make out the flapping of tiny wings, and, hanging below them, the body of a highly mysterious creature.
When the being turned around, you were able to make out a scrunched up, little face which did resemble the one of a cat vaguely and was kind of cute in a very weird way – if you were able to ignore the bilious green eyes. The big ears were also similar to those of a cat, but they were accompanied by two totally cliché horns. The creature had four legs (or arms?) and when it flew up and attached itself to the stone wall, you automatically flinched back. But the thing, obviously noticing the visitors, just turned its head in curiosity and stared at the two of you.
You stared back, but Jimin chuckled next to you, only to shove his fingers between his lips and emit a sharp whistle. The creature's eyes widened, and before you could react, it jumped from the wall in your direction, glided over the lava lake and then landed on Jimin's shoulder.
The demon smiled and pulled something from his pocket that looked like a gemstome, but you couldn't make out what kind, because before you could comprehend, the little thing on his shoulder snatched the stone from his fingers and crunched it up in his mouth.
When it was done, it showed sharp fangs and then emitted a sound similar to a purr, but with a much higher pitch and at a much faster frequency. It snuggled up to Jimin's neck, and then the demon turned towards you carefully.
You stared at him and the creature.
"What is that?"

Jimin seemed like he wanted to shrug, but then refrained from it due to the guest on his shoulder. "We don't know", he replied. "They seem to be a lower form of demons, but they're harmless and only eat stone. We haven't seen them before we came down here, so we supposed it's a specially adapted species, but with rarely any power within ourselves, we can't evaluate them, let alone communicate with them." He took a step closer to you. "Do you wanna hold it?"
First, you declined firmly, taking a step back everytime Jimin urged you to extend your arm. Finally, the demon rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Come on, he won't bite", he said, and before you could flee, he grabbed another gemstone from his pocket and shoved it into your hand.
The creature's whole body wiggled as it focused on the treat in your hand, then it stared in your face in anticipation and emitted another purr. It reminded you of one of your neighbour's puppies who would come by and beg for a bit of bread every now and then. With a sigh, you gave in to the pleading eyes and extended your arm so it could climb on your shoulder. With a content sound, the tiny demon left Jimin's shoulder and clawed his way to yours, the sensation somewhat similar to what you thought it would feel like if a huge parrot climbed around your body. When it was finally safe next to your neck, it purred into your ear and after a nod of Jimin, you raised your hand and let it eat the gemstone.
Jimin approached you and grinned. "See", he said, running the palm of his hand over the weirdly scaly back of the demon. "They aren't dangerous." Despite his words, you still felt highly uncomfortable with this thing on your shoulder, and after Jimin had petted him some more, you shook your arm and watched it fly off.

When it was gone, you turned away to continue staring into the abyss, fascinated by the movement of the lava. "It looks like orange candy", you mumbled to yourself, but of course Jimin caught on to your words. He looked at you in interest. "Orange candy?", he asked.
You chuckled to yourself and looked up. "When you make candy, the sugar and water get molten first." You pointed to the pit in front of you. "This lava looks just like the mass before it cools down and can be formed." With a heavy feeling in your chest, you lowered your arm again. "My mom used to make them for me, for special occasions", you ended your explanation, swallowing the lump in your throat.
Jimin, who had been listening carefully, was quiet for a while. Then he suddenly extended his hand and slowly took yours, searching in your face for any disapproval if not fear, but you were too immersed in memories to care.
"Would you like to make them?", he asked softly.
You raised your glance, furrowing your brows. "What?", you asked. Jimin smiled warmly and suddenly, his face lit up and his eyes seemed much more human than before.
"Would you like to make orange candy with me?"

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