Demon Tongue

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"Bear what?", you asked, voice trembling out of weakness, not fear. "And what kind of bite?"
"Who knows", Yoongi mumbled while looking into the distance where Jungkook had risen to his feet by now. Insecurely swaying, he stared at the elder, bloodlust burning in his eyes.
You knew what was about to come without Jungkook even moving yet. "Watch out!", you wanted to warn Yoongi just when the younger demon pushed himself off the ground with unbelievable speed and practically zoomed towards the other, mouth open with a loud growl and his hand ready to punch Yoongi as hard as he could.

The older merely raised a hand when the younger demon had reached him, and reacted with what rather looked like a hesitant slap in the face than a real attack, yet his blow wiped Jungkook out the air and whacked him to the side.
Yoongi watched unfazed when his opponent flew several hundred meters before crashing to the ground and skidding over the rough stones.
It took him a while to get up again after he finally stopped.
"Jungkook, stop", Yoongi said calmly, aware that Jungkook could hear him just fine even from the distance. "I don't want to hurt you."
The younger's face convulsed with a loud snarl and he approached the other at a rapid speed yet again, only for his opponent to step out the way almost lazily, letting him quite literally eat dirt again.
He got up and turned around within seconds this time, rage still flickering in his eyes but when Yoongi raised his hand in a threatening motion, a scowl evident on his face, he refrained from attacking a third time.
Instead, he sunk to his knees, and his expression turned desperate.
"You know why I did it!", he screamed at his elder, hands balling into fists on the ground. "Everyone's just playing around, like last time, and the time before that, and..."
His voice broke and he lowered his head, staring at the gravel on the ground. Yoongi had listened to his words without moving an inch, but now his expression softened the tiniest bit. "I know, Jungkook", he said quietly. "I know."

But then he straightened his back.
"Still, just a part?" He threw you a glance, watching silently when you curled up one more time to ease the pain in your chest area. "You should've taken her whole while being at it."
You couldn't see him, but Jungkook's glance burned on your skin. "I wanted to", he finally said, voice rough and spiritless. "But I couldn't."
Yoongi's eyes flared up with anger. A heartbeat later, he was with the younger, grabbing him by the throat with one hand and mercilessly dragging him over the ground to a big boulder where he pressed him up against the hard stone.

"When will you grow up?", the demon roared, the grit on the ground starting to tremble at the sheer volume of his voice. "When will you finally understand that it is your job, no, your duty as a being of the underworld to keep the balance?"
His grip tightened, Jungkook's head now leaving a dent in the stone.
"And when will you accept that the only favor you can do the beings of the world above is to make. it. quick."
Yoongi let go of the younger who dropped to the ground without any resistance, and looked down on him coldly.
"Grow up, youngling", he said, his tone more soft than anything else. "Just grow up."

When he returned to you, Jungkook not moving from the spot where Yoongi had left him, he knelt down to you and looked at you with something bordering on worry in his eyes. "Let's go back", he mumbled, and when he saw you lacking the will and strength to get up on your feet, he silently shoved his arms under your body and lifted you from the ground effortlessly.
With a last glance back to Jungkook who had sunken back against the boulder and stared into the void of the cave's ceiling, he turned around and carried you towards the castle of the demons.

"What did he do to me?"
You were wrapped in a blanket, Daimon curled up in your lap, and with a cup of tea between your hands. The other demons had been surprised when Yoongi carried you through the door of the palace – "other demons" included Jimin, Jin and Taehyung; Hoseok and Namjoon had been nowhere to be found – but he didn't answer to any of their questions. He carried you to what seemed to be the living room and placed you on one of the sofas gently before pulling a blanket over your shivering body. Jimin had left to go look for Jungkook, leaving Daimon in your care, and Jin had returned only to hand you a cup of tea, then he went to prepare the dinner. Taehyung hadn't even entered the living room; you suspected he had gone and reported to Namjoon.
Yoongi had placed himself to your feet, staring into the flames of the chimney fire in silence. Only when you sat up and touched his arm to rip him out of his thoughts, he slowly turned to you. His eyes were almost black as he looked at you.
"What did he do to me?"
Yoongi's expression turned from blank to almost warm and soft. He looked at you for a few more seconds, then sighed. The warmth and softness from his face vanished, but he didn't seem angry or tense.
"He swallowed a part of your soul."

The mention of your soul alone caused your chest to sting and you wheezed. Something like a sad smile flickered over Yoongi's face.
"A part? What part?" you breathed, rubbing your chest to ease the pain.
The demon shook his head. "I have no idea", he admitted. "It rarely happens among our kind – lower demon species tend to consume souls in parts for their own entertainment and to torture their victims, but we have no interest in that." He averted his glance. "Once a soul or a part of a soul is swallowed, there is no way of getting it back, and no one will ever know what part was taken."
He frowned. "Jungkook luckily stopped after a few heartbeats, so it won't impact your life too much. But the pain", he pointed towards his own chest, "will stay for a while at least."
You swallowed. "How much did he take?", you asked, quietly. A weird feeling of emptiness filled your body.
Yoongi looked at you sharply, then sighed and raised his fingers while he closed his eyes. "l'tael ya zaeuh", he mumbled, brows furrowed with concentration. It didn't hurt nor did you feel anything unusual, and after a minute or so, Yoongi opened his eyes and lowered his hand.
"It's not a lot", he said. "I can't see it specifically, but you should be fine... For a while."

You relaxed as well, taking a sip of your tea and staring into it for a while as you processed what had been happening. When the silence weighed too heavy on your shoulder, you looked up again.
"What is the language you were just speaking?", you asked.
Yoongi looked up, seeming a bit surprised. "Language?", he repeated, then his lips twitched. "Ah, right. I forgot you can't understand. That's Qaay, tongue of demons. Meaning our language, if you will."
You chuckled. "It sounds like you're swallowing your tongue indeed..."
The demon's face softened a bit, the corners of his mouth curling upwards the tiniest bit.

"Don't worry. I don't need to go that far."

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