Hunger Cheat

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You grabbed the plate to get seconds and got up. "What's that supposed to mean", you frowned, and Taehyung snickered. "You don't need to know", he replied. "Let's just say, I deem nothing worthy enough to make any efforts for it. Or endure anything unpleasant – like Jin's anger." His eyes followed you as you walked towards the stove and grabbed the ladle.
"You know", he then continued, and suddenly his voice sounded serious, "it's the first that a human has ever survived for so long down here."
You froze in your movements but pulled yourself together after a few seconds and filled your plate. "I figured", you quietly answered. Taehyung's eyes pierced through your back.
"Are you glad about it?"

You sighed and turned away from the stove to return to the table. You waited with your answer until you had set the plate in front of you and sat down. "Well, it sure is unexpected", you mumbled while grabbing the spoon. Taehyung cocked his head to the side and chuckled. "But I guess I can be glad that I'm still alive in fairly... good circumstances."
The devil hummed. "Fairly good?"
You shrugged. "Well, I got hurt by Jimin once and the rest of you has left me alone, so..."
Taehyung's eyes widened and he sat up straight, pulling his feet from the chair he had been resting them on. "Ohhhh", he exclaimed quietly. "So that's what he did."
You frowned, confused about what he was referring to. "Who, Jimin?"
He nodded, a sly grin tucking on his lips. "Namjoon didn't tell us anything", he explained and seemed amused. "I'm lucky you can rely on humans' refreshing frankness most of the time, huh."

"Why wouldn't he tell you, though?", you asked. "Isn't this something he wants to prevent?"
Taehyung shrugged, leaning back a bit again. "Sure he does", he replied. "But mentioning it might tick off some others. We're all hungry, you know. The slightest mistake and one of us might snap." His lips curled into an almost mean smirk. "I'm pretty sure Namjoon wanted to keep this to as few people as possible, but it seems he failed. Thank you."
The glittering in his eyes screamed malicious glee and you were quick to avert your glance elsewhere, finishing off the rest of your bread and then getting up to clean up after yourself. Taehyung's eyes followed you as they did before, but there was something else hovering around him now – if not hunger, at least the slightest bit of agitation, and it was the first time you ever noticed something like a change in emotion on the laid-back devil.
"I wonder if it tasted good", Taehyung now purred, making you pause in your movements for a split second before you continued to clean the stove with slightly jerky movements. The demon's voice was rough and you could feel fear creeping up your spine, memories of Jimin's assault flashing in your mind.
"Don't", it slipped past your lips, almost toneless but luckily, there was no hint of the turmoil within you evident in your voice. "Leave me alone."

Taehyung's grin widened, you could almost sense it even though you couldn't see him – leering at your fear, finding joy in making you upset as if it could cheat his hunger for at least a little while. "Else what?", he replied. "What are you gonna do, human girl?"

With the sound of the deep, familiar voice filling the room, the tension immediately vanished and you could feel your shoulders relaxing at once, even if you were aware that the voice belonged to an even stronger demon.
"Leave her alone."
Taehyung hissed. "Let me have some fun, Namjoon", he complained, and you could nearly feel the latter's aura expanding into the room until it filled every corner and didn't leave any room for Taehyung's resistance.
Namjoon's voice was quiet, but dangerous. "Out."
You could hear Taehyung shoving back his chair and getting up, and within seconds, he seemed to have vanished.

Now it was Namjoon quietly watching you from the door, but unlike when Taehyung did it, it didn't bother you even if your muscles were still a bit tense, aware of the intimidating entity in the room.
"Sorry about that", the demon finally spoke up while you cleaned the plate. "He's agitated but doesn't know how to deal with it."
You turned around, resting your wet hands on the edge of the countertop as you leaned against it. A weak smile was tucking at your lips. "It seems none of you devils really seem to know how to deal with your own emotions", you softly said, an almost teasing tone resonating within the words.
Namjoon's dark eyes returned your glance with surprising deepness. "Well, forgive us for having nothing that could evoke any emotion apart from pain and anger for a few centuries at least", he simply returned, and his voice scratching over your skin in an almost affectionate way made you swallow and caused you to whip around again to clean the soup pot.
Namjoon stayed quiet for a little while more, but you could hear him pull back a chair and sit down on it.

"Are you okay?"
His words surprised you, so much so that you finished cleaning the pot before you replied, simply so you could process the fact that the demon seemed concerned about your well-being for the first time ever since you had come here.
Silence filled the room until you were finished and grabbed a tea towel, drying off your hands while you turned around again. "Why do you ask?"
Namjoon's eyes were piercing into yours. "Jimin", was the only thing he needed to say and your hands immediately clenched up around the towel. "I'm fine", you stated stiffly, but Namjoon seemed to see through your façade easily. His glance turned even more intense.
"Liar." The corners of his mouth lifted the tiniest bit, as if your attempt to hide your sensitive side seemed to amuse – or impress? - him, but he didn't comment on it. Instead, he scooted back on his chair and stood up. "I know it's shocking to her this from me", you didn't miss the self-ironic tone in his voice, "but I think I need to apologize on behalf of Jimin."
You quirked an eyebrow, trying to look unimpressed even if his behavior confused you. "Why should you?", you answered and managed to sound cold. "Taking my soul is your job. You've been slacking."

Namjoon's eyes widened at your words as if he was impressed, but he sounded indifferent as he slowly approached you.
"Maybe", he carefully said, taking one slow step after another. "But he defied my orders. And..."
He cocked his head and stared at you intensely, making goosebumps form on your skin.
"That was no way to treat an unique Xiqaa like you, is it now?"

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