No Other Choice

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Namjoon nodded, silently and seemingly lost in thoughts. For once, the usually quick-thinking leader seemed lost for words and the silence turned heavier the longer he stayed quiet, almost vibrating with the tension that was building within and between the seven devils that were scattered around the kitchen. Most of them had crossed their arms or seemed at least defensive and they were all brooding over something; only Jungkook's glance attentively flickered from demon to demon – seeming almost scared, but at least anxious of the decision his elders would make.
Finally, Namjoon sighed and his posture relaxed a tiny bit. "We don't have a choice", he mumbled. Yoongi's expression hardened at his words and Jin pulled in a sharp, almost inaudible breath. Jungkook's face twisted as if he was feeling a twinge of pain, but the other three – Hoseok, Taehyung, Jimin – didn't seem surprised.
The leader turned towards Yoongi, who seemed the most agitated. "I know you care about her", he said roughly. "It's not like the others don't." Hoseok's reply was a slight nod. "But she's dying. And we can't do anything to help her."
Yoongi's hands balled into fists, but he didn't utter an answer. The walls of the room were ever so slightly trembling with the intensity of his emotions as he slowly straightened his back and walked towards the door, with small steps that seemed almost too carefully controlled, as if it took all of his self-control not to blast the whole castle into ruins and take out his rage on every being around him. There was a cold glimmer in his eyes that made Namjoon and the others make way – a glimmer of pride, maybe even arrogance, and they all knew that was never a good sign.
After Yoongi had left the room and quietly closed the door, Jimin breathed a small sigh of relief. "He's furious", he mumbled as quietly as possible, glance still resting on the door. They could all sense Yoongi was gone by now, but the knowledge that one of the strongest among them was in such an unstable condition still rested heavily on their shoulders.

"When should we do it?"
It was Jin who asked, to the surprise of everyone else. Jungkook opened his mouth as if to interfere, but one very dark glance of the oldest prevented him from uttering any doubt. He closed his mouth, but the red in his eyes was flickering with emotion.
"Soon", Jimin said. His voice didn't quite sound cheerful either, but he didn't show any signs of insecurity or doubt. "The more she deteriorates, the harder it will be to watch."
"Let's just get it over with quickly", Taehyung added, sounding almost bored, and reached for the bottle of whiskey Yoongi had left behind on one of the countertops. He took a big swig. "We've been playing this game for long enough. It's time to stop."
"Show a bit more care, Taehyung." Jin's voice was almost toneless, his eyes nearly black and showing just how difficult this was for him. "She's been good. To us. I get that you're Sloth, but one more careless comment and I will rip your damn heart out."
Taehyung shot him a lazy grin. "I don't have a heart. Neither do you." His expression turned more serious, almost dark. "Stop acting like you do."

"That's enough!"
Namjoon's voice made everyone's head turn. The leader was towering in front of them and his expression didn't give away anything, as usual. "It's been decided and we will follow through. But we will do it as we always have – properly, in order, and without any torture." He shot Taehyung a short glance. "Jimin will be first."
The latter just nodded shortly. "You're starting tonight. Don't mess it up."

On the second floor, Yoongi was standing in front of your door, not a shred of his rage left within him, and listened to the words of the others. His jaw muscles were tightening when Namjoon ended the discussion in his usual cold and precise demeanor, but more than anything, his body was filled with lethargy.
The demon knew he didn't have to knock, you were still fast asleep, and thus he shut out the silent voices of the other devils and quietly opened the door. As he expected, you were still sleeping, and he slipped through the gap before closing the door just as carefully again.
Nothing but your silent breathing was filling the room. When Yoongi came closer, his heart cramped up at the sight of your pale, gaunt face and when he listened a bit closer, your breathing was more of a wheeze than anything else.
Yoongi sat down next to your bed, leaned back into the chair and simply watched.

It took more than an hour before you woke up again. The voices of the other demons had died down a while ago, everyone was now attending to their own business and thoughts. As your eyes fluttered open, so did Yoongi's, and before you were even fully awake, he straightened his back and snipped his fingers for a cold glass of water and a cup of tea to appear on the nightstand.
"Thank you", you croaked after you had grown aware of his presence. Every single of your muscles hurt when you reached for the cup and carefully pulled it towards you, but your arms were almost too weak to lift it to your lips. Dangerously close to spilling the hot liquid on yourself, you tried to take a sip, but Yoongi couldn't watch any longer.
"Don't burn yourself", he quietly warned, kneeling down next to the bed and softly pulling the cup from your cold fingers. "Here. I'll help you."
Patiently, as if he was feeding a little kid, he held the cup to your lips again and again until you sighed and leaned back into your pillows, already exhausted just from keeping your body upright.

"How are you feeling?", Yoongi asked after the cup had vanished into nothingness again, and you smiled weakly. "I'm okay", you replied, but the expression on his face showed very clearly that he knew you were lying.
"Did they decide yet?", you continued to ask and Yoongi's jaw muscles tightened, his glance stiffly focused on anything but your face. "They did?", you inquired further, and after a minute of no noticeable reaction, Yoongi nodded.
"So?" He could hear in your voice that you already knew what was coming, and with a last push, he buried his emotions deep inside and tonelessly said: "They decided to sacrifice your soul. Jimin is first. Tonight."
Silence filled the room for a while before you spoke up again. "I'm not mad, Yoongi. It's what I am here for. And I'm dying anyway."

The demon growled lowly. "How can you be so okay with this?!", he snapped, fury and pain swirling in his eyes as he towered in front of you.
A coughing fit shook your body and it took a while for you to calm down again, but when you did, you gave him a tired smile.
"Do I have a choice?"

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