A Good Time to Die

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Silence filled the air as you processed Jin's words.
"Playmate", you repeated. It wasn't a question. "So Yoongi curbed Jimin's appetite?"
Jin simply nodded.

"Yoongi... likes men?"
Now the demon snickered, throwing you an amused glance. "Why? You like him so much?", he teased with a tiny smirk, but his expression turned serious almost immediately. "Demons don't have sexualities. We're either attracted by body or by soul – or by both." He hummed. "There are demons who specialize on the intercourse aspect of this matter alone as well as some that find enjoyment in playing with human emotions. And in very rare cases, demons have been known to lead some form of relationship, consisting of both aspects." He shrugged, fingers playing around with a little twig. "It was different for Yoongi and Jimin, though. Yoongi only did what he had to do. Which is not to say he didn't enjoy it, but it was a necessary evil. Jimin was... extremely demanding."
"Demanding", you echoed, and Jin snickered at your reaction before he continued. "Yoongi taught him how to control himself. For him, it was work. For Jimin... it was different."
You cocked your head to the side. "How so?"
Jin shrugged. "Let's just say he's still very attached to Yoongi", he avoided your question. "And Yoongi's attraction to him hasn't vanished, but their sexual relationship ended millenia ago, when Jimin found control over his powers. He didn't need Yoongi's 'help' anymore, even though..." His voice trailed off.
"Even though...?", you urged.
"Even though Yoongi still helps him out if it gets really bad. But it hasn't happened in a few hundred years at least." Jin sat the twig he had had been playing around with onto his palm. He had folded it into a small bird shape, and when he now blew on the stiff little figurine, the twig started moving and the teeny tiny bird slowly started flapping its wings and then lifted off the demon's hand, fluttering over the meadows around you.
"Jimin is uncontainable", he said, eyes glued to his little piece of art. "It's better if you stay away from him for a while."
His voice sounded dark and with it, the scenery around you slowly vanished, exposing the reality hidden beneath it – darkness, rocks and sand. The little twig bird went up in violet flames in the middle of the air, its ashes being picked up by a last breeze and carried into the darkness. Jin turned towards you.
"Lust is a strong feeling", he murmured. "In some ways, Jimin is like Namjoon. His power is not about destruction, which is a good thing, but it makes him just as unpredictable and uncontrollable a force. And ever since he doesn't have an outlet for it anymore, at least not regularly, Jimin has become more and more frustrated. He doesn't mean to cause any harm, I believe, but his powers..." He hesitated. "He's in an endless rut and his hunger makes everything worse. But he's not a bad man."

To your surprise, the demon then scoffed, but it sounded almost pained. "We're demons", he mumbled, more to himself than to you, and fell on his back, spreading his arms to the sides. His eyes were empty when he stared at the dark ceiling. "We're all bad men."
"I don't think so, you know." Even to you, it was surprising how soft your voice sounded. You scooted a bit closer. "You guys are not as bad as I thought you would be."
Jin huffed. "You're being blinded", he mumbled, eyes boring into yours. "We're the Seven Sins for a reason. And you've experienced a few of those reasons."
You tried a weak grin. "Anybody would go nuts if they were prisoners in this cave, don't you think?"

Jin's features softened a bit. "Maybe", he said, but he still seemed a bit bitter, causing a short twinge in your chest area.
Before your brain could tell you that it was a bad idea, you layed down next to him and, after a second, rested your head on his left arm that was sprawled out next to him.
Jin sucked in a harsh breath. "Get off", he said, but his voice was rough and he didn't sound convinced. You chuckled. "Millenia of experience and you get antsy when a human girl gets close to you?", you asked.
Now the demon couldn't help a snicker. "You wish", he gave back, but you could feel him watching you from the side.

"Do you want to see the stars?"
You turned your face towards him with a silent gasp. "You can show me the stars?"
Jin shrugged, glance now glued to the ceiling of the cave. "The stars from before we were put here, at least", he replied, but you didn't have to hear anything else.
"Show me."
Suddenly, Jin pulled you close against his side, his palm resting over your eyes to protect them from the flash that was caused by his spell. His body was cool and you couldn't pinpoint his scent, but before you had a chance to compare it to anything you knew, he let go of you.
"Look", he said, voice lowered to a whisper almost. "The stars."

The ceiling was illuminated by thousands and thousands of glittering white dots, the black of the stone mixing with a dark blue and purple. The view was so realistic and overwhelming that your heart skipped a beat and your breath hitched in your throat. Jin heard and with a chuckle tightened his grip around your shoulders. "No need to stop your heart", he silently said. "Just watch, keep breathing."
And so the two of you did, laying next to each other without a word, slowly molding against the cold stone and getting lost in the myriads of unreal stars above you.
While you were staring into the beautiful, beautiful void, a thought started to form in your head. First you thought it to be macabre, but the longer it resided in the corner of your mind, you realized it wasn't a bad thing given the situation you were in.
Fearing that Jin would make the stars fade any second, you rose and turned towards him. The demon quirked an eyebrow as you took a deep breath.

"About now would be a good time to die, don't you think?"
The devil didn't seem surprised at your words, calmly watching your expression as you stared at him in anxious tension. Finally he opened his mouth and you were half expecting sharp fangs to show like they did with Jimin, but nothing happened. Instead, Jin's words shook you to your core as the devil gave his reply, calm and collected.
"Then throw yourself off this boulder, because I'm not going to kill you."
A short paused formed.

"Not now, not ever."

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