The Full Story

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He had just asked you if his explanation had solved your questions, but Hoseok didn't seem to want to leave. That's why you still dared to ask one of your remaining questions after a while of comfortable silence.
"So, I know where you all come from", you started, gaining Hoseok's attention as he looked up to you. "But how did you form a group? Judging from your story, demons seem to roam alone for the most part."

The demon chuckled as if he had expected your question. "You're right", he replied casually, "demons prefer to be on their own for most of the time. The only common reason for that being ignored is..." He leaned forward a bit, eyes sparkling. "Strength."
You frowned. "Strength?"
Hoseok shrugged and leaned back again. "Or lack of strength, depends. As powerful as we might be, there are situations in which a single individual itself is not strong enough to reach its goal. Now, there are two of those goals that cause demons to search for support among others: greed for power – or the need for defense." His lips twitched. "You guess which one it was for us."

"I don't know", you answered quietly. "I can't imagine you being so hungry for power that you form a group, and yet it seems unlikely that you had to defend yourselves. So which is it?"
Hoseok snickered. "Clever girl. You're right, both seem very unlikely, huh..." After a short pause, his expression turned serious again. "But when Jin and Taehyung, the only original pair, picked up Yoongi along the way, things got... heated." Redness flickered in his eyes. "The Ayabbi were furious when they found out what Yoongi had done. Xagire had been a well-known and respected member of them, and his death – which was pitiful from what I've heard – fueled their hate." He hummed. "Plus, they couldn't stand the fact that there was someone stronger than them who didn't belong to their rows. Thus, they tried to hunt Yoongi down."
The demon's eyes narrowed into slits.
"And so they did."

He ran his fingers through his hair. "The Ayabbi, as full of themselves and as arrogant they might be, aren't called hell's officers for no reason. They are hunting dogs – looking for those who cause trouble and getting rid of them. And so far, they haven't missed out on even one."
Hoseok quietly clicked his tongue. "But Yoongi outwitted them all, one after another. He didn't kill them – he just kept quiet enough for them not to be able to spot him, Jin and Taehyung, but as far as I know, it always bordered on provocation. But being with Jin and Taehyung gave him the cover that he needed; it was safer than travelling alone. Still, when I crossed their way, he had been labelled 'The one that plays with Ayabbi' already. Being infamous for defying their power, it was getting more an more difficult for him to stay hidden." Hoseok frowned. "Yoongi knew that he was done for if they all attacked him at once. One or two at a time were a mere game for him, but even he was – and is – not almighty. Therefore he tried to find more members for his group."

The devil snickered. "One might think that it was Namjoon who built the Seven Sins, but no. In the beginning, it was Yoongi."
His snicker faded and he stared at the wall behind you. "Namjoon wasn't with us until after we had found Jimin. Yoongi grew fond of him for some reason, although he was unsociable and had this... cat with him, but Yoongi insisted, and he was the strongest of us at that time." His lips curled into a faint smile. "I'm sure you noticed, but Jimin and Yoongi get along well. One might think they are twins or a couple judging from how often you see them together, but Yoongi simply has a soft spot for Jimin." He pulled up his shoulders with a small laugh. "Noone knows why."

After a short moment of silence, Hoseok took a deep breath and continued.
"However, all that changed when we encountered Namjoon." The red in his eyes darkened at the memory until it was almost black. "Namjoon was... different, even back then. He had a certain feel to him and seemed dangerous even to other demons, which is rare."
Absendmindedly, he reached beneath the table and when he pulled his hand back, a little black being with tiny wings hung between his fingers, apparently biting and scratching to get free. Hoseok scrunched up his nose in disgust, silently hissed at it and proceeded to crush the tiny demon in his hand. Black dust trickled through his fingers and formed a little pile on the floor that the demon scattered with his foot.
"Yoongi stepped down immediately. Maybe he could have defeated him, but we all sensed Namjoon was unstable, even then." The red in his eyes now vanished until they were fully black, deep as the hole you had descended through. "And we all realized when we went up", he pointed towards the ceiling, "to feed. His power destroyed everything around us, ground shaking, fire blazing. He was a natural force, and earth bowed before him." He lowered his head. "We decided never to go into villages after that. It was too dangerous and would attract too much attention. And if we caused a war between humans and demons, well, we would not only have the Ayabbi hunting us, but the entire human kind too. It was too much of a risk."
He paused shortly and you tried to wrap your head around how Hoseok had chosen to describe Namjoon – he was a natural force, and earth bowed before him. So much power seemed so unlikely to you that your brain just couldn't imagine it however hard you tried.

The demon next to you threw you a short glance. "I know", he said as if he knew what was going on inside your head. "Until you have seen it once, you can't imagine it. Even I, as a demon..." He hesitated. "I couldn't believe it. I would've never thought that someone so powerful existed." His voice was quiet and you couldn't help but think that he still seemed to struggle with this.
After a while, the devil took a deep breath and proceeded to continue with his story.
"Looking at you, I believe Yoongi has mentioned Claire before." You couldn't remember but didn't bring yourself to say it. Hoseok's lips twitched; he seemed amused for some reason.
"She was a female higher demon, I believe even higher than most of the Ayabbi. 'Claire' was the name she chose for herself, but her true name was Aezraya. As far as I know, she was a sister of Teannu's – the demon who made Jin her Xiqaa." He paused and seemed to be searching for the right words. "She wasn't on the hunt unlike the Ayabbi, but we encountered her on one of our strolls. Everything changed after that."
The look he gave you was open and honest, almost vulnerable. "Namjoon fell in love with her. And seemingly, that was the only thing that could contain his powers." His expression hardened. "She was a friend to most of us, but to him, she was his love of a lifetime. And that's why-" He stopped mid-sentence and apparently couldn't bring himself to continue.

"Why what?", you asked softly.
Hoseok's jaw muscles tightened and he looked away.
"That's why he broke when she died."

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