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Jimin returned within what felt like mere milliseconds to you, equipped with a box that seemed to contain medical supplies of some sort. Without saying a word, he pulled a seat next to yours and sat down before opening the box.

You watched quietly as he picked out bandages, a bottle of alcohol and tweezers. Then he reached out for you. "Give me your hand", he ordered and you complied, placing the back of your hand in his.
He stared at the wound in your palm for a second, then turned around to pick up the tweezers and started to get rid of the shards of glass that were stuck in your hand.
"Why did you slam the glass on the table that hard?", he quietly asked while he was working, and you tried to quickly hide the truth. "I just set it down a bit too hard", you replied with a weak smile, to which Jimin looked up for a quick second, dark eyes boring into yours. Then he huffed. "Sure", he said, returning his attention to your palm while he plucked out another splinter, "and that's how you completely destroyed it?"
Only now did you realize that the ground was full of glass shards and water that was dripping from the table, making it obvious that you had set down the glass with full force – and possibly even the intention to make it burst.
You sighed. "I got angry for a second", you mumbled. Jimin stayed quiet for a while, then he looked up again. "Why?", he asked, putting the tweezers on the table while he inspected the wounds.
"I don't really want to talk about it", you answered weakly. Jimin complied with a nod. "Okay."

For a while, Jimin worked quietly, drenching a bandage in the alcohol and turning towards you again. You shut your eyes in expectation of sharp, stinging pain in your palm, but nothing happened.
When you opened your eyes again, Jimin's fist was clenched around the wet bandage, alcohol dripping from his skin onto the ground. His glance was fixated on your bloody palm, and just when you wanted to ask him what was wrong, he looked up.
His eyes were flaring a devilish red, sharp teeth showing when he pulled his lips back in a toneless growl, and before you could react and pull back your hand or move away from him, he lifted your arm towards his face, stuck his tongue out and lapped up one of the drops of blood on your wrist.

You were sitting, yet your knees buckled as soon as the tip of the demon's tongue touched your skin, fire burning in your veins a few seconds after. The feeling was so intense that you sucked in a harsh breath, heat flushing your face. Jimin glanced up from your wrist and his lips curled into a sweet smile that sent shivers down your spine.
"You have good blood", he rasps, the unsettlingly bright red swirling around his pupils, and leaned down again to have another taste. You were unable to move, even though your brain was trying to convince you to pull back, but every thought was fuzzy and you felt yourself drifting off into delicious nothingness.
Jimin's teeth grazed your skin and he growled against it, sharp fingernails digging into your forearm as he forced himself to pull back, licking his lips. In his eyes stood bloodlust, pure hunger, and you could see the tip of his tongue repeatedly running over his sharp teeth and stained lips to catch every single drop of your blood.
You would've pulled back, but your body was limp, muscles not listening to the remaining conscious part of your brain screaming at them to save yourself.
Jimin's glance lingered on your face and the grip around your arm tightened, fingernails cutting your skin and causing new, thin lines of blood to run over your wrist.

Jimin's body tensed and then everything blurred around you when, with inhumane speed, he ripped you from the chair and spread your body out on the table. His hunger was too strong, you thought, and when Jimin grabbed your blouse and ripped it in two, exposing your top, you were almost certain you would die now.
Funnily enough, you weren't even scared.
You simply closed your eyes and waited for Jimin to devour you.

The devil's breath fanned over your neck as he closed in, surprisingly warm despite the icy cold feeling of his perfect skin, and he pressed his lips on the curve of your collarbones, carefully exploring the tempting softness of your skin. '
His teeth grazed against your neck, right where your blood was pulsing through your veins, and he tightened his grip around your arms, pinning you to the table even more.
One of his canine teeth left a tiny scratch in your skin, a few droplets of blood running over your neck with every pump of your oh so human heart, and Jimin licked them up as if he was a cat drinking milk.
"It's been so long", he murmured, voice muffled against your skin, the barely contained greed evident in his tone.
You found a last sliver of self-control and raised your voice – nearly inaudible and shivering. "Too long?"

Jimin's lips didn't stop moving against your skin as if he was addicted to your scent – or taste. "Yes", he growled, shoving himself closer, full set of teeth now pressing against your throat as if he was about to rip it out. "Way too long."
"Will you share my soul with the others?", you asked. Your voice was still raspy and sounded pressed, cause being Jimin's teeth around your trachea.
A low growl slipped past the demon's lips and vibrated against your skin. "Who said I'm about to kill you?"
Before you could answer anything, his canines punctured your skin and you sucked in a harsh breath. It didn't hurt, it wasn't even unpleasant – instead, a rush of something you couldn't name ran down your spine and goosebumps formed on your skin.
Heat filled your body, pooling in your lower abdomen, and against your will, your back arched off the table and a tiny moan tumbled off your tongue.
Jimin hummed.
"Good girl", he whispered as he loosened his bite, violet marks around your throat from the pressure of his teeth, four small holes where his canines had been. His lips, normally a rosy pink, were a disturbingly bloody red now, but when he looked down on you, you didn't even notice. Your expression was one of full bliss as pleasure was, inexplicably, pumping through your veins.
You were at Jimin's mercy, and the devil knew. With a small smirk, he leant down again, fiery red eyes glued to where he knew your blood was rushing beneath your skin, and then he opened his mouth for the last time. 

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