Eight Sin

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It took a week before they let you out of your room. You felt how time passed by for some reason, almost as if you could hear the stars and the sun move through the sky. Everything was heightened: the cave that had previously been dominated by the most overpowering, intimidating silence was suddenly filled with scratching, dripping, rumbling; the familiar darkness that before had been the blackest, most impenetrable thing you had ever seen – or not seen, for that matter – suddenly seemed like a mere thin veil of fog over the bizarre beauty of the cave, easily broken if you looked close enough.
A touch of a hand sent shivers up and down your spine now, the sheets in your bed became unbearably heavy and restraining, but despite all of the sensitivities, your body seemed immune to warmth or cold now and it didn't get hurt although you still felt pain – which was a good thing, because demonic speed and strength was also a thing you had to get used to, and more often than not, you crashed into walls and boulders, jumped too high or rammed yourself so deep into the ground it took hours to get yourself out.
Yoongi was always around to keep you in check. Though sometimes, Jin or Hoseok accompanied you, the black-haired devil always had an eye on you, and that was for the better.

Demonic emotions, you learned, were a raging, uncontrollable fire within you. A day didn't pass without this showing – in anger and aggression, mostly, because as Jimin explained to you in a moment of silence, "there is still human pain within you, and it will stay there for a long, long time". Jin later added: "Your heart may not pump blood anymore, but it's still a heart. Even if some of us don't like to admit it."
Yoongi never let you roam too far. Now, as a devil, you could sense the strength that radiated around him at all times, a much more elaborate feeling than the simple human awareness of his aura that you were used to. Often enough, this presence alone sufficed for your rage to disappear like a spiderweb in a storm, and even if not – you didn't stand the slightest chance against the older devil. He handled you as easily as you had handled the newborn kittens of your mother's cat each year. Sometimes, he let you fight him on purpose, and when he truly got into it, his ravenous grin and his flickering red eyes scared even you. After such an incident, you sometimes wondered how you weren't more scared of him during your time as a Xiqaa. When you mentioned it to him, Yoongi's reply to this was simple and delivered with a shrug: "You didn't know this side of me then, so why should you have been scared of it?" Later he added, with a short smirk in your direction: "It takes way less to intimidate a human than it takes to intimidate a demon, you know."

The first soul you consumed was that of a small mouse, one of the few unfortunate beings that occasionally found their way into the cave and never got out again in most of the cases. You wondered why the others relied on human souls to feed them, to which Jin explained that at some point, the souls of anything less than a human didn't satisfy a demon anymore.
Though you felt bad for taking the mouse's soul, it left less of a bitter aftertaste than the thought of consuming a human's soul. The soul tasted like nothing you had ever tried before, yet it was the most delicious, exquisite thing you could imagine – an elaborate combination of flavours and feelings that left you in an almost high state for a few minutes, drunk with the power that rushed through your veins. Only Yoongi's aura looming in the corner kept you from searching out that high again, possibly by rushing up the stairs and ravaging the human town above. You couldn't even begin to imagine what it felt like to try a human soul, and as much as your demonic side was tempted by the thought of it, you were disgusted and shocked by it to a much bigger extent. Silently, you swore to yourself to never touch a human, completely missing Yoongi's quiet chuckle – as if he was seeing right through you.

The thoughts of a devil were scary at times. More often than not, you found yourself shocked at the cold-bloodedness, aggression, brutality and arrogance evident in your being and behavior now; features that were almost unbeknownst to you during your time as a human.
"Demons are bad, Y/N", Jungkook whispered once, leaning against the door with crossed arms after one of your fits. "You can't fight against it, and it's best not to. It'll destroy you otherwise." His face grimaced into an expression of discomfort, maybe pain for just a second. "Trust me, I tried for a long time."
"I wasn't a bad person, though", you replied tonelessly, blood still raging as you tried to contain the rush of confusing emotions within you – despite the fact that the worst of your previous fit was over for now, it was still ten times, twenty times more intense than anything you had felt as a human. "And I still am not."
Jungkook shook his head. "That's not how it works", he said. "Being a demon doesn't make you bad, it just takes all the bad things within you and elevates them. No matter how good you think you are, there's always going to be something off." He paused shortly. "Humans are sinners, you know. If they believe in God, that may help, but it doesn't make you a better person. And it sure as hell doesn't protect you from becoming a demon."
Whatever you were going to say was stuck in your throat and Jungkook's face softened. "It sounds worse than it is", he added, his voice a lot less harsh and bitter than before. "You will get used to these thoughts, and you will learn to control and accept your emotions with time. Just be a little more patient."
You couldn't help but wonder how long "a little" meant to the Seven Sins.

One night about two weeks after you had woken up, you stepped into the kitchen and found Namjoon leaning against the granite countertop, a glass of whiskey in his hand. He swirled the amber-coloured alcohol around and seemed to be deep in thought, but he looked up as soon as you opened one of the cupboards and grabbed another glass.
"Want some?", he simply asked as you turned around, and handed you the bottle before you could reply. In silence, you poured some of the whiskey into your glass and set the bottle back onto the table – which had been mysteriously replaced after Jin had ruined it in his anger.
"Getting used to it?" The devil eyed you from the side after you had taken your first sip and you shot him a short smile. "Not eating and tasting anything is weird", you replied. "But at least this stuff is strong enough to allow me to taste something."
The reason the demons often drank strong alcohol was, apparently, that the drinks – next to souls - were the only thing pungent enough to stimulate a devil's taste buds. It had been weird drinking pure alcohol in the middle of the day in the beginning, but sooner or later, you found yourself getting used to it, almost welcoming the taste. Plus, as Jimin explained with a mischievous grin once, it took a lot before a devil actually got drunk.

Namjoon now nodded, taking a sip from the whiskey himself. "At least something", he chuckled quietly. "It's a lot to take in, after all."
You agreed in silence, now swirling the stinging liquid around in your glass yourself. Namjoon's glance was burning on your skin for a while before he sighed and turned towards you.
"Believe us or not, we all know what you're going through", he said, causing a rush of demonic anger within you that resulted in a sharp glance towards him. He raised his hands, whiskey glass still in his right, as if to signal he didn't mean trouble. "Some of us might show it more than others, but we do", he insisted. Against his glance – one that spoke millenia of experience, pain and power - yours soon faltered and you averted your eyes to the ground to take another sip of the whiskey.
"Just know that we're here for you now", the demon hummed. "As long as it takes and as long as you want us to, because you belong here now."
"You forced me to belong here", you spat bitterly, and the leader's lips curled into an apologetic smile. "That's true", he mumbled more to himself than to anyone else and downed the alcohol in his glass in one go, already reaching for the bottle again.
"But I promise you, we'll make up for it as best we can."

He filled his glass in silence, already back to his usual calculated self, but his words still lingered in your ears and when he looked at you questioningly, you handed him your glass for a refill.
The smile that filled his face as he poured you some whiskey lit up the room – for the very first time, it seemed completely real and genuine.
He gave the glass back to you and raised his.

"To you, Y/N. Welcome to the Seven Sins." 

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