How Demons Are Made

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Jungkook pulled air through his teeth at your words, resulting in a sharp hissing sound, and then he stepped back and pulled his hand from your fingers. "Don't call me that", he said quietly, only to realize how harsh it must've sounded and therefore adding: "Please."
You ripped yourself out of it and quickly took a step back too, bringing some distance between you and him. "Sorry", you mumbled, and his face softened a little.
"It's okay", he said. His voice was a bit rough.

Desperate for something to do to interrupt the tension building between you and the demon, you reached for the glass on the counter and chugged the water. "You want some, too?", you asked while turning around for a refill, all the while forgetting that the demon didn't eat nor drink.
Jungkook's quiet laughter made you realize your mistake and you sighed in playful exaggeration while turning on the tab and checking the water temperature with a finger – nobody likes to drink lukewarm water after all. "I'm a mess", you mumbled to yourself while filling the glass, and Jungkook leaned against the kitchen island with a thud. He was seemingly more relaxed now that the inevitably uncomfortable part of your encounter was over. "Don't worry about it", he replied in an easygoing manner. "I appreciate the offer, even if I can't take it."
When you turned around again, he shot you a playful wink and you relaxed. "Still", you shrugged, taking another big sip. "Sometimes I feel like I don't want to offend you guys."
Jungkook shook his head. "I told you not to worry about it", he repeated himself. "Rest assured, we won't get offended. Though", the corners of his mouth twitched and you couldn't tell if it was because of a smile or a growl, "I can't speak for all of us."

"Speaking of which", you said after a short pause during which you debated whether you should comment on Jungkook's implied criticism of Namjoon, "what is this picture?" You turned around to the cupboard and pointed at it with the glass in your hand. "Where is it from?"
Jungkook's expression flickered somewhere between anger and sadness and his eyes darkened a bit. He pushed himself off the kitchen island and stepped up to you, stopping right by your side and crossing his arms in front of his chest. His eyes narrowed the tiniest bit and he seemed kind of defensive. "That was a gift, if you will", he mumbled, whether he was lost in thoughts or memories you couldn't tell, but his glance was glued to the photograph.
"A gift?", you couldn't hide your curiosity. "From whom?"

"The men who caught us", a voice rung out to the both of you and you quickly turned around while Jungkook stood completely unimpressed. Hoseok was standing in the door, red eyes flickering back and forth between you and the younger demon before he sighed and approached you.
"That", he said, eyes resting on the yellowed picture, "is us shortly before we entered this earth hole forever." Walking by, he stroked past Jungkook's side which could've almost seemed accidental if it wasn't for his hand which rested on the devil's back a second too long to be a coincidence. With a quick hand movement, he plucked the photo from the cupboard, threw a short glance at it and then handed it to you for further inspection.
"It was taken by one of the men as a reminder of their triumph over the Seven Sins." He clicked his tongue and now seemed almost angry. "I don't know if it was meant as a joke at our expense, but they gave us a second one. I didn't know Jin kept it."
You stared at the picture for a while, then gave it back to Hoseok who carefully reattached it to the cupboard. After a while of silence, you turned to Jungkook.

"You look younger in the picture", you commented softly. "Almost..."
"- human?", Hoseok finished your sentence with a short look towards the other when you didn't dare to say it. "Yeah. He does. He was. Almost."
You frowned, but Jungkook made no attempt to speak up. Instead, he seemed frozen in his spot and couldn't take his eyes off the picture. His expression was something you had never seen before, neither on humans nor on the demons, and thus indescribable - a flicker of different feelings within mere seconds, melting together into something that you weren't sure any human was capable of feeling. Hoseok's glance however turned soft. He seemed to understand too well what Jungkook felt. "You go", he mumbled, causing Jungkook to flinch out of his haze. "I'll explain."
Jungkook threw you a short, almost apologetic glance before storming out of the room. You followed his movements with your glance, then turned to Hoseok in confusion. His eyes still rested on the door where Jungkook had already vanished. "It's better to not mention this before him", he finally said and returned your glance, but he didn't seem angry at all. "Just so you know."

Hoseok led you to the dinner room, the place where the two of you had first met. You set your glass of water down on the dark wooden table and took a seat. Hoseok sat down right next to you.
"I don't know if you remember", he began, frowning. "A human's memory is so short-lived... But the first time I talked to you, here at this table, I asked you if you knew how demons were made, and you said no." He cocked his head to the side slightly. "You remember?"
You nodded, the memory was vague, but you remembered the overall occurance. "That time when you threw the apple at the wall?", you asked and Hoseok seemed as if he had to bite back a smile. "Exactly", he hummed. "Jin had to clean it up afterwards. He was not amused. I had to run for my life."
You quirked an eyebrow in disbelief. "You? Really?", you asked, but Hoseok replied with nothing but a weak smile.
"Now, I never gave you an answer to that, I think. Would you like to know, Y/N?" His red eyes now rested on your face with a firm, serious glance.
"Do you want to know the full story of the Seven Sins?"

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