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You couldn't prevent a silent gasp. "She died?", you asked quietly. Grief was dancing in Hoseok's dark eyes, and it seemed sincere.
"She died", he confirmed and cleared his throat right after as if he was trying to seem unfazed, but the emotion in his eyes didn't vanish.
"She was killed – by humans, surprisingly, even though she was so strong. She didn't pay attention. Namjoon was too far away to help, and so were we." His voice sounded sad. "When we arrived, we were too late. It just... completely ruined Namjoon."
A deep breath indicated how difficult it was for him to talk about this. "After we buried her, his rage broke loose. He was the first of us who was assigned a sin. 'Wrath', because his fury – directed both at humanity and himself – was uncontainable, unstoppable." His shoulders sunk down and suddenly, he seemed very tired. "We tried everything, but he wouldn't stop."

"What happened?", you asked quietly, unable to raise your voice even a littlebit. Suddenly, the weight resting on the demons' shoulders seemed to rest on yours too, crushing you beneath.
"He destroyed entire villages", Hoseok mumbled, eyes glazed over with memories of that time. "During one of his fits, Namjoon encountered Jungkook. He was nothing more than a boy, around 16 years old. His older brother jumped in front of him to protect him and Namjoon ripped him apart in front of Jungkook. He didn't stand a chance after that and then Namjoon lost his appetite in the middle of business."
"What about the brother?" Your voice was rough because even though the demon's words had been clear enough, you still had the urge to ask about the older boy who died protecting his young brother.
Hoseok shook his head as an answer, apparently slowly getting out of his haze and regaining his composure. "Namjoon was furious", he said. "We couldn't do anything but watch and take Jungkook with us." He sighed. "Yoongi and Jin tried to stop him at times, when it got too bad. They had full control over their powers which enabled them to cage him sometimes, immobilize him, things like that. But he always broke their shackles at some point. It went on for centuries like this. Destruction satisfied his wrath for a few years, and then it returned even stronger than before."

He paused shortly, nearly unnoticeably wincing as if the following hurt him physically. "And when it broke lose again 246 years ago, it went out of control. We were trapped because Namjoon went too far, and as always, we were closeby – too close." He shook his head. "Humans wouldn't understand that our presence protected them from something much, much worse than what Namjoon did that day. They are blind." His expression hardened. "But so was Namjoon, and we had no choice. He was our leader, and he was – or had been – our friend. Believe it or not, demons have something like compassion too."
A weak smile tugged at his lips when he looked at you. "Normally only for fellow demons, of course. But it caused us to agree to a pact with the humans." He crossed his arms in front of his chest, seeming defensive. "They wouldn't kill our leader, Namjoon, but we would have to spend eternity here. They didn't realize the fact that we weren't the only demons who came to the human realm, but it was already too late when they did. And thus, we are trapped."

Silence filled the room for a little while.
"Namjoon does feel guilty at times, I believe", Hoseok finally spoke up again after a while. "But it only leads to more rage and anger. He made Jungkook a demon, he is responsible for us being here, and he even destroyed the cave to a point where all life and distraction is gone. He is to blame, but we don't. Not anymore."

"Why?", you asked. "Aren't you angry?"
Hoseok threw you a short glance. "Of course", he replied, "especially Jungkook. That boy is still not over it. But with time comes indifference, and wisdom. Namjoon is not at fault for becoming a demon, he is not at fault for being unstable by nature, and he is not at fault for losing the love of his life." He shrugged. "Who knows what would have become of Yoongi or Jin with their immense power and control if they found someone they loved as dearly as Namjoon loved Claire? What would've happened if they lost that person?" He smiled, but it flickered with melancholy. "I, at least, don't blame anyone for going rampant at the loss of their one true love. And that they were." He hesitated. "Soulmates, if you will."
You sat in silence, unable to fight the feeling of sympathy for Namjoon. Hoseok's glance rested on you, piercing, and he raised his hand with an apologetic expression when you looked up jerkily at a sharp sting in your head. "Excuse me", he smiled, and it seemed sincere. "I couldn't help it."

You furrowed your brows while his expression turned softer.
"You know how it feels, don't you", he mumbled, eyes still glued to your face. "You lost your father, am I right?"
A shiver ran down your spine when you realized Hoseok just read your mind. "Yes", you whispered, " a long time ago."
Hoseok nodded. "Human pain fades, you see", he said, and you felt bad for not being able to deny it. Losing your father in young years, you couldn't even remember his face clearly at this point. The demon chuckled, but it didn't sound happy.
"Well, a demon's emotions are stronger, less likely to be forgotten, and even though we can ignore them much more easily than humans can, grief and pain are... strong feelings. And since our memory lasts a lifetime, in almost every detail, well... Let's just say, Namjoon remembers everything about Claire." The demon's smile seemed crooked. "Which explains why his wrath doesn't falter."

"Do you think it will some day?", you asked while the demon got up and paced around the room with his hands behind his back. "Do you think anything can help?"
Hoseok shrugged. "I don't know", he replied honestly. "His fury goes beyond what the average being can imagine." He stopped and thought for a while before continuing to walk in circles. "But I believe that there is some part of the old Namjoon left in him. You know – before he became Wrath. I believe he needs to learn how to feel again. How to love, specifically." He laughed, but it sounded bitter. "But guess how likely it is that he will encounter someone who teaches him that down here, when everything we get is one tiny, weak human a year."
His glance rested on you shortly, then he huffed.

"In other words, no, it's unlikely. We're trapped here forever. Changing him will be impossible."

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