Decisions To Make

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After Namjoon left, you fell back into a deep sleep, more refreshing than the previous one. Again, your brain couldn't come up with any dreams that came even close to what you experienced these past days, and when your eyes fluttered open a few hours later, you were thankful for it.

The room was silent, but Yoongi was still sitting next to your bed. He rested on a chair that he seemed to have pulled close to be able to watch over you, arms crossed in front of his chest and apparently deep in thought. As soon as you took your first conscious breath and rolled onto your side, he looked up.
"How do you feel?", was the first thing he asked with a voice that was as soft as cotton and almost melancholic. "Are you in pain anywhere?"
You shook your head. "No", you croaked out, "I'm not hurting."
Yet you couldn't deny that you didn't feel good – even though you had been sleeping for so long, your muscles still protested any big movement and your body felt weak.
You reached for the refilled glass of water and chugged it, all the while Yoongi was still watching you attentively.
"I don't feel good", you complained after you had put the glass back to its original place, voice a little less of a croak and more of a rough mumble now. "What happened?"

Yoongi leaned forward a bit, resting his elbows on his thighs and rubbing his palms together as if he was trying to relieve some of the tension that was evident in his pose. "We're not sure", he replied. "It's nothing one of us did, if that's what you wanted to hear."
He sounded honest and you immediately believed him. "Then what is it?"
The devil slowly shook his head. "I'm assuming your body finally came to the realization that you're not meant to survive down here", he then gave in. "Your body's failing."
You pulled in a sharp breath. "Failing?", you repeated. "I'm dying?"
Yoongi lowered his head even further, unable to look at you. "It seems so, yes."
Uncomfortable silence filled the room for a while while you tried to come to terms with the fact that apparently, you would still die, even if it wasn't the way you expected it to happen.
"How long?", you finally managed to ask, and finally, Yoongi shot you a small smile. "You still have some time taking in account the speed your health is deteriorating at. And we-", he shortly hesitated but then continued firmly, "we will do as much as we can to prolong that time."
You snickered, even if it ended in a dry cough. "I'm sure not all of you are amazed by this idea", you croaked, and Yoongi couldn't help a short grin, even if your state seemed to worry him. "Well, no... But that doesn't matter."
He went quiet while you tried to calm your coughing, refilling your glass and adding a cup of herb tea without you having to say anything. While you slurped on the warm, sweet liquid which helped calm down the scratch in your throat, Yoongi sighed.
"Namjoon wants to send you back", he murmured and his hands cramped around each other. "He thinks it's best for you."
You raised the cup towards him. "Sweeter", you simply stated, and Yoongi's features softened, lips curling into a warm smile.
"Of course, Mylady", he whispered and snipped his fingers. The next sip you took was perfectly sweetened and you sighed contently.
"So, he wants me to go?", you replied to the demon, and he shrugged. It seemed as if he tried to act as unbothered as possible. "Kind of."

You hummed, feeling weirdly peaceful despite the devastating news you had just received. Somehow, you had always anticipated this – one way or another – and it didn't really shock you. "How about the others?"
Yoongi chuckled. "Pretty much divided in their opinions and thoughts. Some agree with Namjoon, some don't." He paused shortly. "It's a difficult situation and decision to make."
You threw him a short glance, taking another sip from the tea. "How about you?"
The devil smirked. "Curious little thing", he teased, but it didn't sound mean. "I don't know, to be honest." He frowned, serious again. "I can understand both sides. Trying to save you – or trying to save their sacrifice, it doesn't really matter in this situation – or getting their rightful portion of the annual sacrifice. Neither of them is better or worse." He huffed. "But we don't really have time to properly think about this and contemplate. You're getting weaker every day." He looked at you and his glance pierced right through you, making you shiver with its intensity. "We'll have to decide quickly."

You nodded, still taking small sips from your hot cup, when Yoongi asked a question you hadn't even thought about: "How about you?"
You looked up, surprised. "Me?"
He nodded. "What do you think? What would you want to do?"
He probably expected you to fall into deep thought, but your reply was simple and quick. "I don't know."
Yoongi quirked an eyebrow in disbelief. "Honestly?"
You shrugged. "I don't know if I could live among humans normally again after all... this. All that happened." You sighed. "But of course I miss my mom and nature and what it means to live in the human world. Still. If someone made me choose for real, it'd still be a tough decision to make." You threw him a short smile and returned to your tea, leaving the devil with an astonished expression on his face.
"You continue to surprise me", he finally mumbled before he got up. "I'll have to attend some business. Rest." He hesitated before opening the door. "If there's something wrong or you need anything, just say my name." His voice gave away a light smile. "I'll hear."
You hummed as a reply, watching as he left the room and carefully closed the door. As soon as he was gone, overwhelming tiredness washed over you and you only managed to put the empty cup onto the night desk before you fell asleep again.

Downstairs, Yoongi entered the kitchen. Six pairs of reddish eyes glanced at him – some determined and angry almost, some sad or tired. He closed the door and only then did Namjoon speak up, crossing his arms in front of his chest. "How is she?"
Yoongi leaned against one of the counters and reached for the bottle of whiskey Taehyung was holding. The younger threw him a sharp glance, but he handed over the alcohol. Yoongi took a sip and sighed when he felt the whiskey sting in his stomach. Only then did he reply, handing the bottle back to Taehyung.
"She's exhausted. She fell asleep as soon as I left the room, and she was awake for barely half an hour." His posture was tense as he now lowered his glance. "It's getting worse."
To his and the others' surprise, Jungkook now raised his voice – Jungkook, who normally stayed out of things and avoided you since the incident with the shadows. "What do we do?" He sounded half desperate, half irritated.
Yoongi was too tired to answer. Silence filled the room before Jin spoke up. His voice was way calmer than Jungkook's, successfully ripping the others out of their daze.
"Namjoon. We have to make a decision."

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