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The evening with Yoongi and Namjoon had left you a bit upset, but if anything, you were confused. It wasn't clear to you why the people wouldn't talk about what happened on the surface and avoided the topic of The Seven Sins at any costs.
In the story Yoongi had told you, it seemed as if the demons were innocent of committing any crimes, if not more or less harmless to humanity at all. But at the same time, you could understand the reaction of the demon hunters – one of their feared enemies had killed countless people and devastated everything in his field of vision, so naturally they would seek to destroy or at least lock it up.
"For the safety of everyone" had been a sentence you encountered every single day in the human world, and still the doubts kept you awake this night. You couldn't quite wrap your head around what happened and your confusion only grew the more you thought about it.
It took hours before you fell asleep, partly because of all the thoughts, partly because you had slept so much that day, and when you finally did, you dreamed of a beast with glowing red eyes that started weeping bitterly as soon as the hunters surrounded it.

Naturally, you weren't very well-rested when you walked down the stairs for breakfast. You were even so exhausted you had skipped the shower and appeared in the dining room with a messy bun and comfy clothes. Funnily enough, you found Namjoon sitting at the table, and as soon as he looked up, you blushed and attempted to turn around to change.
His glance rested on you coldly, but he seemed somewhat harmless. "Sit down", he demanded, but it sounded a bit exhausted. You hesitated, but when he waved for you to join him impatiently and when the delicious smell of fresh breakfast made your mouth water, you finally gathered all your courage and sat down quietly.
You ate in silence for the first ten minutes. Namjoon just sat a few seats away from you and studied a newspaper. It wasn't a surprise to you; you had seen the newest editions of several newspapers in different languages laying around in the entrance hall even if you weren't sure how they got there. But them existing meant that someone read them quite frequently, and it wasn't a shock that it was Namjoon.
"You've been declared dead", the demon broke the silence after you had finished your first slice of bread. You looked up and swallowed the bite. "What?", you asked, and he returned your glance for a second before it returned back to the paper in front of him. "Your death", he said. "It's been declared in the newspaper."
Your face went numb and you quickly stood up to look over his shoulder, all fear forgotten. "Where?", you asked, fervently searching the page for your name. You didn't notice the glance Namjoon threw you when you leaned closer, almost brushing against his shoulder.
He pointed to a little box in the middle of the page with one slender finger. "There", he said.
You froze as you read the few lines, holding your breath. He was right. It was your name, accompanied by the title of "The Chosen One" and several expressions of condolence.
"It's true", you whispered, stunned with disbelief. Your eyes were glued to the page. "They think I'm dead." You could feel tears creeping to your eyes at the thought of your mom reading the short declaration. Namjoon was quiet for a while, then he closed the newspaper. "They always assume their death far too early", he said. "It's easier that way."
You gritted your teeth, reminding yourself not to let the tears spill – at least not in front of him – and returned to your seat. "Probably", you croaked out. Namjoon's attentive glance rested on your figure.
"Your mom is well", he finally said, and your head jerked up. He returned your glance firmly. "I can hear her."
You opened your mouth, but no words made it past your lips. Instead, you couldn't hold your tears anymore, and before you or Namjoon could react, they rolled down your cheeks.
The demon seemed astonished. He didn't dare to say anything as he watched you wipe them away and force them back, but some kind of emotion danced in his eyes. Even if you would've noticed, you wouldn't have been able to identify it, but you were busy regaining your composure, and when you looked up again, the emotion was long gone.

Silence spread through the room, but it was interrupted a second later. Jimin came in and when he saw the two of you, he smiled brightly. "Good morning, Y/N", he greeted you, but you didn't react.
Namjoon stood up and left the room without a word, leaving the newspaper behind on the table. Jimin stepped closer curiously and while you were busy with sorting out your emotions, he opened it and took a look inside.
It didn't take him long to notice the death notice. An expression of sadness flickered across his face. "Oh", he mumbled. "I'm sorry."
You finally awoke from your trance. "No", you were quick to reply, burying your emotions deep inside so you would forget about them quickly. "No need to be sorry."
Jimin looked up and eyed you sharply. "You can't really fool me", he then smiled, "but in that case, I'll leave the matter alone." He closed the newspaper and put it aside, sitting down in the chair Namjoon had previously rested in.
Although you weren't that hungry anymore, you put a few fruit into a bowl and started snacking on them quietly just so you didn't have to bear with the uncomfortable silence settling in between Jimin and you. The demon watched you eat, but not for long.

"Hey", he finally said after a while, and even though you didn't really feel like engaging with him, you raised your glance from your fruits. His expression was kind of friendly. "How do you feel about me showing you the cave a bit?"
You frowned. "It's just a cave", you said. "I saw it when I arrived. It's boring." Your inner uproar didn't leave any time and space for thinking about being polite and careful, and you surely didn't miss the short angry shimmer in Jimin's eyes. But the demon got a grip on himself quickly. "It might seem like it", he said, sounding rather mysterious. "But I can show you some of the stuff I can do."
Despite your lacking motivation, his words caused a spark of interest within you, and after a few seconds of thinking and Jimin looking at you curiously, you finally nodded. "Okay", you said. "I'll go with you."
Jimin smiled, he seemed pretty content with himself. "Great!", he replied. "We'll leave after breakfast. Meet me in the entrance hall."
He got up, twirled around and left you alone with all the food and a blank mind.

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