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You didn't even realize you fell asleep until you opened your eyes and noticed the room had gotten even darker than before. Sitting up, you assumed that it had gotten night – at least on the surface of the earth. You climbed out of bed, straightened your clothes and carefully opened the door to glance at the corridor.
It was dark, but empty, and you sighed in relief, opening the door a bit further.
A black shadow darted through your legs and vanished in your room. You squeaked and turned around hastily, just to make sure it wasn't a devil in any form who wanted to suck out your soul from behind.
A silent meow and a pair of silvery eyes glistening in the dark made you relax. "A cat", you decided with a bit of a tremble in your voice. "Thank god. A cat."
The animal meowed again and then it came back out of the dark, nearly invisible due to its deep black fur color. It stood in front of you and looked up to you with its weirdly colored eyes, then it started purring and rubbed its head against your legs.
You had always liked pets, especially cats. With a quiet chuckle, you kneeled down. The cat hissed and quickly returned to the dark parts of your room, but after you had spent a while kneeling on the ground motionlessly, it dared to come back. Soon, it was practically climbing into your lap, eager to get every single one of your strokes. The purrs of the little creature calmed you down and you even started to enjoy yourself. "I have a cat too, you know", you said, and your new friend blinked at you slowly as if it understood. "She would love to play with you."

"Daimon doesn't play with other cats."
You flinched at the sudden voice above your head. In the darkness, you didn't even notice someone had appeared behind you. The cat's purrs got louder and it left your lap in a hurry, stroking around its owner's legs.
When you looked up, the unknown young man looked at you with a tiny smile tucking at his full lips. You struggled to your feet and noticed that the demon's hair color was the same as the cat's eye color – silver. When you finally managed to stand, you quickly brushed over your blouse and took a deep breath to calm yourself down. "You scared me", you admitted. The devil's eyes turned into little crescents. "I can see that", he commented. His voice was soft and nothing about him seemed devilish to you.
The young man reached down and picked up his cat, resting it on his arm. "I think we haven't been properly introduced yet", he mentioned and ruffled Daimon's head. "My name is Jimin."
You swallowed. Jimin was extraordinarily handsome. Now that you thought of it, all of the devils you had met so far had been very attractive, but in a state of fear and nervousness, you hadn't been able to react to it. Now, you were quite calm, and you could admire the young man's beauty.
"M-my name is Y/N", you stuttered and lowered your glance, unable to look Jimin in the eyes. He chuckled lowly. "Y/N, huh? You're this year's, I suppose?" You nodded.
He sighed. "All of this worshipping the devils and satisfying us... Don't you think it's a bit much?" He winked at you, and again you were only able to nod.
A husky laughter lingered in the air and you winced when you noticed a dark figure moving in the shadows of the corridor. "Jimin", the unknown male greeted. He had deep black hair with a few blue accents, and he didn't even look at you. "Aren't you overdoing it now?"
Jimin turned towards the other and smirked. "Come on", he hummed. "Let me have my fun, no?"
You took a step back. It had been so obvious, but still you had been blinded by the demon's charm. Of course Jimin didn't mean what he said to you, and of course he was only playing with your mind.

The other grinned, then his glance shifted towards you. He eyed you up and down and quirked an eyebrow. "Her?", he simply asked, and Jimin nodded. "Y/N, as far as I remember", he replied and threw you an amused glance. "I've never been good with names."
The black haired chuckled, then he approached you. "Y/N", he repeated. His voice was deep and very unique. "It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Yoongi." The demon stopped in front of you and studied your face. "Did Daimon like her?", he asked without looking at Jimin, and the latter snickered. "He did", he said. "A lot."
Yoongi turned away from you and threw his friend a smile. "Well, that's good then", he hummed. "Cats have better noses than a lot of other beings after all."
You felt anger boiling in your stomach at his arrogant statement, but you clenched your fist and kept quiet. Still, Yoongi stopped in his tracks and Jimin looked at you, seeming surprised. The black-haired male groaned quietly. "Anger... Such an exquisite smell."
Jimin chuckled and his eyes darkened as he watched your every movement. "Shall we have a taste?", he purred, letting Daimon jump to the ground. "She looks perfect."
Yoongi clicked his tongue. "Naughty boy", he smirked. "It seems tempting, but Namjoon surely wouldn't appreciate us snacking before everyone else, right?" Jimin relaxed and sighed. "No, that's for sure... Hands off, then?"
His companion nodded. "Hands off... For now." He smiled, but it wasn't a nice expression. His eyes flickered and you could practically see the hunger within them.

"I'm looking forward to meeting you again", he purred, and goosebumps formed on your skin. Jimin noticed and bit his lip with pure, devilish pleasure, exposing two sharp canine teeth. "What a good girl", he praised and you shivered at the tone in his voice for some inexplicable reason. To escape this uncomfortable situation, you took an insecure step back, and the silver-haired demon's eyes flashed up. "It's going to be a lot of fun", he hummed and turned around. "Anticipate it."
Yoongi smirked at you before he followed his friend. "See you later, Y/N."
Only seconds after the both of them had vanished into the shadows, you slumped to the ground and curled up into a little ball.
There really was no friendly soul here.
You were in hell.

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