Second Sin

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It took a while for you to gain your ability to speak back, but Jimin seemed unfazed, ruffling Daimon's dark hair with a grin. The familiar's lips twitched, but he didn't say anything or pulled away from his owner's touch. Instead, his silver eyes rested on your face and he seemed to be waiting for your reaction.
"Y/N", you finally managed to say, "nice to meet you". Daimon's eyes seemed to soften a bit, their silver colour vanishing into more of a light grey. Jimin pulled his hand away from his hair. "He can, in fact, shapeshift", he unnecessarily answered your question, and you smiled weakly, taking in the former cat's appearance. "I can see that."

Daimon didn't really seem to know what to do with himself, unrest bordering on discomfort evident in the way he was shifting from one foot to the other, and before Jimin could mention it, you turned towards the familiar with a frown. "Are you hurting?"
The teenager seemed a bit surprised at your words, but he got a grip on himself quickly. "No", he replied, and it sounded honest. "I'm just... not used to this form." He violently rubbed his left arm. "I much prefer being a cat."
You instantly felt a bit bad for forcing him to take on a human form. "I'm sorry", you apologized, hoping it sounded genuine. "I didn't want to force you-"
Daimon shook his head, and Jimin looked over to him with a faint smile. "I don't think you forced him", he said, voice surprisingly soft. Again, he ruffled Daimon's hair. "He wouldn't have done it if he didn't want to. He may be a familiar, but that doesn't mean he has to obey."
To your surprise, Daimon seemed to relax at Jimin's touch, leaning his head into said demon's palm. The latter chuckled. "He's a friend rather than a servant. He belongs to himself more than he belongs to me."

With a shake of his head that clearly wasn't human, Daimon now stepped to the side and out of Jimin's reach. "Well, I was lucky to have you as a Bound, and not the monster", he dryly commented, and for a second, Jimin's face turned white.
It was the first time for you to see something on one of the demons that equaled fear or shock. He looked around a few times, eyes dancing over walls and doors, and when he made sure no one was around, he turned towards the young boy next to him and threw him a sharp glance. "Be careful what you say", he scolded harshly, red spark flickering in his dark eyes and voice rougher and deeper than usual. Daimon returned the glance seemingly unfazed, but you noticed how his body tensed up. "Forgive me", he finally mumbled when Jimin didn't back down, and lowered his glance, to which his owner finally relaxed. Jimin sighed, deeply. "You know I don't want to do that", he murmured back, so quiet you could barely hear it. "But I don't want you or me or both of us beheaded either." He surprised you; his wish to not harm his familiar in any way seemed genuine, and even the apology you could half believe. But then again, all of the demons had been good at lying, so you tried not to fall for it.
Daimon however gave back a short nod and straightened his posture. "I know." He at least seemed to trust his master fully.
The previously tensed atmosphere vanished and both of them turned to you, Jimin with a small smile. "Should we go and see how the candy is doing?", he asked, and Daimon raised his eyebrows. He seemed in disbelief about what Jimin just said when he asked: "Candy?"
Instead of answering, Jimin nudged him and you forward to the kitchen.

"What's a Bound?", you asked when you entered the kitchen where Jin was still preparing food. He looked up shortly when he noticed the guests, facial expression softening at the sight, and nodded towards the trays with the hardened candy on it. Jimin rushed over to the orange candy, but Daimon stayed with you as you followed a tad slower. "A Bound is the other half equivalent to a familiar", he silently explained. "It's the person or being a familiar devotes its life to, and it's a bond that stays for a lifetime, hence the master, if you will, is called a Bound. It shows that not only the familiar does its bit, but that the master as a Bound has responsibilities too. He can't just get rid of me or erase what we have. We're in this together for as long as we live." Daimon nodded towards Jimin, who now proceeded to hold up one of the candies up against the light and admired the colour. "A familiar chooses its Bound, but a Bound chooses to keep the familiar. If they don't, we die." His voice sound emotionless as he said this, and you looked up to him. "I'm sorry to hear that", you replied, thinking that it was a cruel way to end someone's life.
If rejection led to death, it came to your mind, the human world would be reigned by death. But you kept that thought to yourself.

Reaching Jimin, you discovered that the candies had hardened nicely. Picking one up and sticking it into your mouth, you sighed at the sweet, yet slightly sour orange flavor of it. The taste of cinnamon, anis and cloves awoke nice memories in you, and immediately, a smile crept onto your face. Making these with your mom had always been one of your favourite things to do.
Both Jimin and Daimon looked at you curiously, then the familiar took a candy too and popped it into his mouth. He played around with it a little and it took a while till the flavor hit him, but then he sighed and closed his eyes. "It's good", he mumbled, and you smiled – until you saw Jimin, with a slight smirk, closing his lips around his candy and eating it.

You frowned. Didn't Jin say that 'Demons don't eat'?
Yet here was Jimin who clearly seemed to be enjoying his candy. You turned around to the cooking demon, throwing him a questioning glance, and Jin turned away.
Jimin noticed, and snickered. Something mean sparkled in his eyes, something you didn't like at all. "Oh. He hasn't actually told you", he figured coldly and even Daimon seemed a bit uncomfortable now. Jimin swallowed his candy and licked his lips.
"Listen, Y/N", he said, leaning over to you a bit. "Jin here may have told you that demons don't eat, but he's not quite right." The silver haired male straightened his back again. "We normally don't, which is right, and it doesn't give us satisfaction as it does to humans, but we can eat it we want to, and if we're lucky, we will taste it, too."
A small grin crept onto his face and he leaned onto the counter. His glance flickered towards Jin. "Well, most of us."

Before you could ask what he meant, he clicked his tongue and motioned for Daimon to follow him. With a short bow in your direction, the familiar obeyed, eyes resting on you till the both of them had vanished out the door.
When they were gone, you turned around to Jin, opening your mouth to ask the question that was burning in your throat – why did he lie?
Jin returned your glance, eyes as dark as coal. "Hello, Y/N", he said, voice deep and rough and rasping over your skin.

"My name's Gluttony. Nice to meet you."

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