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You didn't know how long you had slept when you woke up, but you felt way better than before. When you looked around, expecting to see some dark figure sitting there and watching you, the room was empty to your relief. Carefully, you sat up. You felt refreshed even though your muscles were still hurting and your feet had left a bit of blood on the sheets. When you inspected them further, you realized you went into bed without washing yourself. The soles of your feet were dry and dirty, and you immediately got up to go to the bathroom.
With a few fresh clothes, you entered the bathroom of the chamber. It was big and – to your surprise – completely white and clean. While you undressed and stepped into the spacious shower, you wondered who was cleaning this huge mansion. It was almost impossible that the devils themselves kept it tidy, especially if they all acted like the one you met yesterday.
With a huff, you turned on the water. Namjoon. "What kind of name is that anyway", you mumbled to yourself, letting out a sigh as the warm water trickled down your body. Though it burned in the scratches on your knees, hands and feet, you were glad to be able to clean off, and stayed in the shower longer than necessary.
When you finally got out the bathroom, relaxed and comfortable in clean skin and clothes, you noticed a piece of paper on your bed. With a frown, you stepped closer and read the few words written on it.

Dear visitor,
I hereby invite you to have breakfast with me downstairs. Come and join me,


You put the note back and shoved your dirty clothes into a bag you brought just for that purpose. "H?", you murmured as you took a look in the mirror. "Hopefully the name isn't as weird as the other one's." You snickered to yourself. "Hamjoon?"

Only after a few seconds, the smile vanished from your features, and you were shocked that you actually forgot you had been brought here to be eaten. For that reason alone. This surely wasn't a situation to laugh in.
Your good mood was gone and suddenly, you felt like staying inside your room all day and avoiding every contact with your hosts. But you were aware that if you didn't come out, they would come for you, and thinking of yesterday's events, you weren't eager to provoke that. And to be honest, this room was so dark and cold that it wouldn't make a difference if you stepped outside.
With a sigh, you straightened your blouse and opened the door.

You had realized the palace was huge, but it turned out to be more of a problem than you thought it would be. You didn't remember how you got up here, and it took you a while to find the stairs you assumed you took. While you descended, you looked around – the architecture wasn't something you had been able to appreciate yesterday – and were quite impressed. Though it seemed so dark and intimidating, you noticed the mansion was quite skillfully built, and the closer you looked at statues and gargoyles, you noticed they were way more beautiful than you had assumed. Scary, yes, and a bit weird, but still beautiful in their own way.
When the stairs finally ended, you found yourself standing in the entrance hall where Namjoon had left you yesterday, and you immediately shivered. It wasn't a nice memory, but before you could dive into it too deeply and go back to your room, you heard a voice humming something, and then you noticed the flickering light of flames at the other end of the hall. Curious, but also careful, you walked closer slowly. Two torches lit up the area around an open door, and when you stood in front of it, you could make out the room behind it. It seemed quite friendly and not as cold and stony as the rest of the mansion, so you gathered your courage and entered.

At first sight, the room appeared to be empty, and even more so since you were distracted by the luxurious breakfast on the big wooden table – pancakes, bread, fresh fruit and vegetables, milk, tea... It was everything someone could ask for if they were positively starving like you, and with a dry swallow you took a step closer.
"Ahhh", someone announced and you winced, quickly searching the room for the source of the voice. The someone chuckled. "A woman. I should've guessed."
You bit your lip, hiding your trembling hands behind your back as you scanned the room a second time, but nobody was there. "W-who are you?", you asked, trying to suppress the insecure tone of your voice. It was quiet for a while, then you heard steps and a second later a young man entered your field of vision. He was shorter than Namjoon and not quite as bulky, his figure was slim but you were pretty sure he was toned. His movements were elegant, quite as if he was dancing, and when he approached you, you were surprised by the warm and bright smile on his face. "Welcome", he hummed. "My name is Hoseok."
You had to swallow a giggle – those creatures knew pancakes, but their names were out of this world. "N-nice to meet you", you then answered, still nervous even though the young man didn't seem like a threat. He dipped his head to the side and watched you curiously. "Well", he finally said. "Who are you, then?"
You forced your nervousness back and stood straight. "My name's Y/N", you introduced yourself, and a sweet smile took over Hoseok's face. "Y/N", he repeated. "What a nice name."
Although he was smiling, you were starting to feel uncomfortable. He didn't seem quite as impulsive and aggressive as Namjoon, but his eyes were the same – this weird mixture of darkness and a red spark, something that caused an intuitive fear within you. Hoseok watched you, and his smile turned into a bit of an evil grin. Apparently he noticed your fidgeting hands and the tension in your body. "No need to fear me", he mumbled. "I won't hurt you."
You could feel the unspoken "yet" lingering in the air and huffed quietly. Hoseok looked at you sharply. "What is it?" His voice sounded a bit harsher than before, so you were quick to explain. "Ah, just... One of your friends said the same to me yesterday, and in the end..." You bit back a tiny smile. Hoseok raised an eyebrow. "He touched you?"
At his choice of words, you could feel the blood rushing to your cheeks, and the shame diffused the tension. "Not like that", you protested. "He threatened me."
The demon looked at you, then he snickered. It wasn't a nice sound, but he didn't seem angry at all. If anything, he sounded genuinely amused. "Yeah, that's just like him", he replied with a knowing grin. You looked down, your face still burning. In the world you had been growing up in, talking about a man's and woman's business was nothing you even thought about doing, especially not if you were a woman. But this demon seemed like it didn't bother him at all, no, he even seemed to enjoy it.
"But don't worry", Hoseok interrupted your thoughts. He smirked. "I am not interested in that kind of stuff." It was obvious he wasn't just talking about hurting someone, and you wanted the ground to open up and swallow you. "Good", you managed to croak out, and the young man chuckled. "Well, now that that's settled, let's eat, huh", he offered, and although you still moved carefully, you were just too glad to get to sit at the table and have a proper meal. These last days, you hadn't been able to eat out of pure nervousness and fear. A meal would be just the right thing to make you feel better.

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