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You spent the night on the floor. It wasn't that you were unable to move, but you just didn't find the motivation to. In the end, it didn't matter anyway. You would be dead in a few days, maybe a bit more. Nothing really mattered. 

In the morning, you only got up to take a shower. The palace was relatively quiet – when you went downstairs, the room you had been eating in yesterday wasn't occupied by any of the devils, but someone still prepared something to eat. Although you didn't feel hungry or thirsty, you still sat down and ate a few bites, even if the food tasted bland. After breakfast, you roamed the mansion and found a few interesting places, but you certainly weren't able to bring up any excitement or happiness. Everything just seemed like a blur, and when you finally sat down in one random, dark room, you stared up to the ceiling and wished for a window, for blue sky and sunshine. Even rain or snow would've been fine, really anything at all that would get you out of your apathy.
You only moved when you heard the door clicked. A dark figure was standing in the frame, and you quickly sat up. You certainly weren't in the mood to deal with any of the moody demons, but you didn't have the strength to engage in any kind of game or argument either. Because of that, you just waited quietly until the person stepped out of the shadows.
When you were able to make out his face, you grew aware that this was one of the two demons you hadn't met already. He had dark brown hair, so dark it seemed nearly black, and beautiful almond-shaped eyes. The devil approached you silently and stopped right in front of you. Judging from his expression, he seemed to expect you to get up, but you didn't feel like it, so you sat there quietly and looked up to him.
"You're the Chosen One, right?", the demon asked. His voice was deep but smooth, and you nodded. "Yeah", you replied, unable to say anything else. "I am."
A pause formed before he spoke up again. "My name is Jungkook." He sounded indifferent to say the least, and you replied in the same manner. "My name is Y/N", you tiredly answered, expecting the young man to start snickering or humiliating you in some form. But nothing like that happened. Instead, he just looked at you for a while, then he turned around. "Don't worry", he said before he left the room. "You don't have to endure it for long anymore."
You watched him leave, surprised that he didn't seem interested to torture you like the others did. On the other hand, you thought when you returned to your original position, not engaging with someone at all was some kind of torture too. And his last words certainly didn't help to lighten up your mood.

You spent the whole day in this room, dozing on and off for hours. Only when it got darker again and you felt like evening arrived, your stomach demanded something to eat, and you decided to go downstairs and get something to eat. While you walked down the corridor, you prayed to every god you knew that there wouldn't be any demons around, even though you knew close to none of your prayers would ever leave this cave and reach heaven.
When you reached the entrance hall, everything was quiet and you relaxed a bit, making your way down the room to look for dinner. When you entered the chamber you and Hoseok had been having breakfast in, you noticed a variety of warm food waited on the table for you. The smell was delicious, and even though you were still suspicious, you sat down slowly and started eating. At first, every bite seemed like rubber in your mouth, and the taste was revolting to your tongue, but after you gulped down the first few pieces of food, it got better, and soon you were eating slowly, but steadily – until a sound made you look up.
You hadn't noticed before, but on the opposite side of the door to the entrance hall, there was a second one. It had been closed so far, so you didn't really notice because the dark wood blended in perfectly with the color of the walls, but this time, it was slightly open and you could see a thin streak of light shining through the gap.
You quietly put down your fork and stood up only to approach the room carefully. When you opened the door a bit more, you grew aware of the big figure standing in front of a counter, and when you looked around, you realized you were looking at a kitchen. A gasp escaped your mouth, and before you could move, the person froze and then turned around.
Dark eyes met yours as you were looking at a quite handsome face. The young man turned towards you fully and straightened his back, exposing his wide shoulders. "Who are you?", he asked. Despite his intimidating figure which was also as scary as Namjoon's, his voice was soft and smooth and he didn't sound dangerous at all.
You swallowed, then took a hesitant step forward. "I am Y/N", you replied silently. The demon looked at you for a while, then seemed to relax a little. "My name is Jin", he answered. "What are you doing here?"
You pointed over your shoulder. "I was eating", you said, and suddenly, the young man's eyes began to sparkle. "You ate?", he asked, sounding excited all of a sudden, and you realized he had been the first of the seven to actually behave like a human. For now.
You stayed careful and nodded slowly. "Yes?", you answered. "There was food on the table, so..."
Instead of replying, the devil stepped aside and exposed a variety of foods on the countertop. You frowned and opened your mouth in confusion. "But... Demon's don't eat, or d-do they?" Jin's expression darkened at your question and you could see how he gritted his teeth. "No", he replied, forcing himself to stay calm, "but they can cook."
You were surprised. None of the others had acted like they wanted to be human or despised their demon life, but it was obvious that Jin was different. When he looked down on the foods he prepared and yet had to prepare, his eyes turned a bit sad. Feeling bad for confronting him about it, you stepped forward and attempted to touch his arm – a completely normal human act.
You had forgotten that those guys weren't human just again.

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