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"What are you doing?"
You flinched and hastily turned around when Namjoon entered the room. The other demons didn't seem surprised, probably because they heard him coming, but to your human ears, the steps of a demon were nearly inaudible.
Yoongi looked up and slowly rose from the ground. "Namjoon", he greeted, coldly mustering the leader.
Namjoon approached the sofa, eyes flickering over the three other demons' faces. "You kneeled?", he then turned to the older. "In front of a... human?"
His words were sharp like spearheads, but you couldn't tell if it was because of disgust or surprise. Jin and Jimin lowered their glances, but Yoongi stood straight. His left hand loosely rested on the armrest of the sofa, right next to you, and he stared right back at Namjoon. "Yes", he admitted calmly, seeming not the least impressed with the leader's intimidating aura. "I did."
Namjoon's jaw muscles twitched as he apparently controlled himself. "And?", he asked, voice now soft like fresh snow, and still just as cold at the same time. "What was the occasion?"

Yoongi blinked. "You heard it", he stood up against Namjoon. "There's no need to explain."
A slight tremble ran through the ground and the walls of the castle, even you could feel it, and you threw Yoongi a concerned glance. His lips curled into the faintest of smiles as an answer. "Don't you worry", he mumbled.
"I want to hear it from you still", Namjoon pressed out, anger about Yoongi's opposition now glistening in his eyes. "Now."
The elder noticed how Jimin and Jin also looked at him with worry and thus gave in with a sigh. "She apologized", he quietly stated. "She... felt sorry. For us. For this."
Namjoon huffed. "And you bowed? Because of that?" Next to the anger in his eyes, there was something else that made your heart sink when you saw it. He stepped up to you and the other three, and out of the corners of your eyes you noticed how Yoongi shifted ever so slightly, as if he was preparing to shield you from Namjoon's wrath anytime.
The leader's eyes were now resting on you, a storm raging in them. "She's a human", he said silently. "She's so emotional, so weak, so susceptible to influence." His glance flickered towards Yoongi who with a stone cold face and tensed up muscles still stood beside you. Of course he had noticed how the older demon was willing to protect you from his anger. "And you bow in front of her because of that?"

Yoongi opened his mouth to reply, but instead a clear voice filled the room and only when all four of the devils looked at you in surprise did you realize that it was your own.
"How are emotions a weakness?"
For a moment, the tension in the air grew so thick you could've cut it with a knife. Namjoon tensed up and so did Yoongi next to you, ducking the slightest bit as if ready to jump in front of you, but then he relaxed and straightened his back again, and the next second, so did Namjoon. Still his voice sounded strained when he replied.
It wasn't a question, but for once it seemed like he didn't know what else to say. With Yoongi relatively calm next to you, you mustered the courage to answer.
"Why is it a sign of weakness?", you repeated your question. "If anything, doesn't it make us strong?" You paused shortly when there was a movement in the shadowy darkness of the entrance hall. It was Jungkook, accompanied by Taehyung, who stood in front of the door and apparently listened to the conversation. Namjoon didn't seem to notice, but Jungkook's figure, still a bit slumped, gave you an idea.
"How about Jungkook?", you continued softly. "The pain he felt? He seemed much worse than even me, and I", you rubbed over your chest at the thought, "I lost a piece of myself." You looked at Namjoon. "Isn't that because he is not used to it? Because he doesn't know true pain, or the emotions that bring pain?"
You tried to smile, but it turned out weak. "Sure we break easily, because our bodies are so fucking fragile and soft. A grip from your hand and you could have me dead. But emotionally..." You jut your chin forward defiantly. "I'm stronger than you."

Silence filled the room while your words vanished in the air. The doorway was empty, Jungkook seemed to have left again, and Namjoon stood in the middle of the room and stared at you.
His fists were clenched and his whole body tensed up, and his eyes glowed a furious red.
"Humans", he then hissed, voice rough and deep with fury. "Always thinking they are something better." His glance was laced with pure wrath when he raised his head.
"Just you wait how much 'stronger' you really are, human girl."
And then, with a movement of his hand, he vanished into nothingness. The lights in the room darkened for only a second, but then everything turned normal again and you were alone with the three others.
Jin was the first to move, leaning against the chimney and chuckling. "Well, that was interesting", he hummed while eyeing you. "Yoongi was right, you're a weird human."
"Weird but good", Jimin added almost shyly, sitting down on the sofa, and Yoongi took a step back. All of them seemed genuinely relieved, but now that Namjoon was gone, your adrenaline kicked in and you started to shiver. You stared into the flames of the chimney fire and pulled the blanket tighter around your shoulders when goosebumps formed on your skin.
"Oh my god", you whispered to yourself, realizing what you had done. "He's going to kill me. He's so going to-"

Your monologue was interrupted by Yoongi who started to laugh quietly. "Rest assured, Y/N", he said with a mysterious sparkle in his eyes, resting his hand on your shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze, "I'm pretty sure he's going to do everything but that."
His glance rested on the spot where Namjoon had stood earlier and a smile tucked at his lips, but when you and the other two looked at him questioningly, he just shook his head and chuckled. "No, I'm not gonna spoil anything, plus I am not 100% sure either", he said and turned to Jin. "Didn't you prepare some dinner earlier?"

With Jin leaving for the kitchen and Yoongi excusing himself soon after, you quickly forgot about what happened and the mysterious words of the older demon.
A certain devil in his room on the second floor, however, couldn't, pacing around in his chamber relentlessly.
"Humans", he tried to hiss, but it came out sounding soft and almost fond instead of hateful.

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