His Style

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While Taehyung put you back on your feet, Jin reached the two of you with one powerful jump and huffed as he landed next to you. "I told her not to fall", he grumbled, eyeing you up and down. "Are you okay?"
Before you could tell him everything was alright, Taehyung interrupted, dark eyes watching you intensely from beneath his bright blonde bangs. "She hurt her wrist when she fell", he replied, and Jin clicked his tongue in response. "Humans are so fucking fragile", he quietly cursed before he reached for your hand. Before his fingers could wrap around it though, he threw you a short glance as if it to make sure it was okay to touch you. When you agreed with a nod and raised your arm, he carefully slung his slim fingers around your wrist and turned it around.
"Doesn't seem to be broken", he murmured to which Taehyung scoffed. "Would've been a pain in the ass", he declared and Jin hissed, red sparks in the darkness of his eyes. "Behave, Taehyung", he growled.
The younger demon crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Without any proper medical knowledge, a broken arm would've been a reason to kill her to spare her the pain and infections", he opposed before his lips formed a sly grin and his amused glance flickered towards you. "But since you've taken such a strong liking towards her, even that might be difficult now..."

You could feel heat rushing to your cheeks, but Jin didn't seem to deem it a matter to be embarrassed about. Instead, a deep growl filled the cave as Jin stared down Taehyung with glowing red eyes, approaching him with a few steps.
Taehyung didn't seem too impressed, yet he lifted his hands as if to sign his innocence to the older. "Whatever", he shut him up without Jin even having started, "Namjoon wants to see you." He peeked at you from behind Jin's wide shoulders, smiling. "How about I take care of our little darling?"
Even when Jin's eyes now narrowed, Taehyung didn't seem to loose his casual attitude. He returned Jin's sharp glance calmly and finally, the older gave in. "If you dare touch her in the wrong way, Taehyung...", he warned the other before turning away, but the blonde shrugged. "Don't worry", he replied as Jin threw you a last reassuring smile. "I'll just keep her company for now."
Jin huffed and then he was gone in the blink of an eye, leaving you alone with Taehyung among all the rubble. The latter cleared his throat to gain your attention. "You're weak", he stated. "When's the last time you've had a meal?"
With a shrug you admitted that you couldn't remember. Taehyung nodded. "Fine", he said. "I'm not one for walks and exhaustion, so let's get you some food." You agreed with a nod and Taehyung led you back to the castle, seeming very content with himself.

Upon reaching the kitchen, the demon plopped down on one of the seats and rested his feet on the chair next to him. He sighed and closed his eyes, almost seeming as if he was exhausted. Unsure on what to do, you just stood around for a while before Taehyung opened one of his eyes and looked at you questioningly. "What are you waiting for?", he asked. "Make yourself something to eat."
His words didn't make it seem as if he was worried or actually interested in you eating, but you still complied and started to check the cupboards for food. The devil didn't pay any attention to your doing, instead he closed his eye again and seemed as if he was about to take a nap.
The silence was too much for you to bear, especially since you hadn't talked to Taehyung a lot in the past, so while you got out a pot to make some simple soup, you tried to come up with something to talk about and fill the way too empty kitchen with just a bit of life.
"Do demons sleep?", was the only thing you could come up with.

Taehyung blinked and stretched out even further on the two chairs. "No", he replied lazily. "Not normally, that is. But I like the concept of naps and, believe it or not, demons can be exhausted too."
"From what?", you asked, dicing up some vegetables. "There's nothing really exciting to do down here, is there?"
The devil's reply was a short hiss, but you had lived with the demons long enough to not be really impressed. "True", he finally gave in, "but whatever. I don't have to explain it to you, do I?"
The devil's attitude got on your nerves, it reminded you of a 15-year-old boy rebelling against his parents and acting as if nothing got to him, and to be fair, you had never gotten along with 15-year-olds of any kind except dogs. That's why you didn't inquire further, just bearing the silent kitchen even though you could feel Taehyung's glance piercing through you from behind.

Half an hour later, a quick vegetable soup was simmering on the stove and you put two slices of bread next to the plate before turning off the fire. Taehyung hadn't spoken up ever since and you were kind of glad for it.
"Finally done?", he now commented, blinking at you innocently when you turned around with the soup plate in your hands. "Yeah", you simply said and sat down across from him, dipping your spoon into your food and tasting it. "Hm", you hummed at the familiar taste in your mouth. This roasted vegetable soup was a favourite of your mom's and it immediately took you back to winter days after school when she would plate this up for you and stand next to you with a smile while watching you eat up.
Taehyung eyed the soup curiously. "Is it good?"
You chuckled. "Very. You want a taste?"
The devil shrugged, closing his eyes again and leaning back. "Nah", he replied. "Eat up. If I let you starve, Jin is going to kick my ass."
You ripped a piece off one of the slices of bread and lapped up some soup with it. "I don't hold him for a very impulsive person", you said. "But you backed off immediately earlier. Why?"

Taehyung huffed. "Jin may not look it, but if he feels strongly about something – which is rare – he can be quite frightening, even to a demon. I'd rather not provoke him. It's not my style."
You paused in your eating and looked up. "What is your style, then?"
The devil grinned, sharp teeth showing up between his rosy lips. "Why work if I don't have to?"

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