Like a Flower

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After Jimin was gone, deafening silence was filling the room. Both you and Yoongi didn't move for what felt like forever, but then the demon sighed and his posture relaxed.
"They're all children", he murmured, head lowering as he stretched his fingers as if they were cramped from how hard he balled them into a fist. "All stupid children."
He seemed to be back in full control of himself, so you slowly slid towards the edge of the table Jimin had pinned you to and climbed off it. Only with the sound of you moving, the demon seemed to realize you were still there and slowly turned around.

His glance was dark but calm, and the redness had vanished from his eyes. He quietly watched you sit down on your chair and reach for a new bandage and the bottle of alcohol, but before you could start disinfecting your wound, he rushed over to you – so quickly that your human eyes weren't able to follow his movements.
Before you could realize that he was next to you, his cold fingers picked the bandage out of your hand. "Let me do it", he mumbled and sat down on the chair across from you. Without another word, you let him pour the alcohol on the bandage and didn't protest when he reached for your hand and began to carefully clean the slits from the glass shards.

"What happened?"
It took you a while to muster the courage to ask the question that had been spinning around your head since Yoongi had ripped Jimin away from you. The latter's actions didn't make sense to you at all, and you wondered if Yoongi had an explanation for the sudden outburst of the younger devil.
Yoongi froze in his movements and then quietly put the wet bandage to the side, grabbing a new one to wrap around your palm. While he did so, Yoongi began to speak – slowly and quietly, atypical for him. You felt sorry looking at his face, his expression exhausted and depressed. It was more emotion than the old devil had ever shown before, and it made your stomach twist.

"He's hungry", Yoongi started, glance resting on the bandage that he was carefully wrapping around your hand. "Hungry, like Jungkook, like all of us. He just snapped, it's nothing personal. Sometimes, the urge gets all too overwhelming and-"
"Why my blood?", you interrupted him, and without wanting it, tears started pooling in your eyes. Your voice was shaking, proof of the emotional uproar within you – Yoongi tensed the tiniest bit when he realized and his hands faltered in their movement for a second, but he didn't raise his glance. Only now did your body seem to realize that you had avoided death by mere milliseconds, and the adrenaline and shock caused your tears to overflow. "Why did he bite me?"
Silence weighed down on your shoulder while Yoongi seemed to gather his thoughts enough to answer.

"Blood has nothing to do with the soul", he finally said. His voice sounded pressed and he seemed reluctant to answer your question. "Yet a tiny bit of a human's soul runs in their blood. It's hard to withstand if you're starving, and it's easier to attain than the soul, so..." His voice trailed off and he averted his glance. "He couldn't bear it anymore, I guess."
Your heart clenched at the sound of Yoongi's voice. He seemed to be feeling genuinely bad about what happened as he now continued to wrap your hand in the bandage a few more times before he tied a knot and let go of it. "Here", he smiled, but it seemed weak. "Make sure to keep it clean, okay?"
You quietly nodded, eyes glued to the expression on is face. It almost looked as if he was in pain, and when he turned away, a quiet sound slipped past your lips as you extended your hand for him.

The tug on his sleeve made the demon halt in his movements and he threw a short glance back, his expression softening when he saw your face. "What is it, human girl?", he hummed and turned towards you again, but in contrast to Namjoon, the words didn't sound harsh or humiliating.
For a second, you stared at him, body trembling with all the pent up emotions that still rushed through your veins, and then you looked away and gritted your teeth.
"Nothing", you said, and Yoongi quirked his eyebrows.
You didn't want to say anything else, didn't want to admit what was going on inside you and the fact that being alone was scaring you to death.

A hand was closing around yours. Yoongi carefully plucked your fingers from his sleeve, the fingertips of his other hand raising your chin and turning your face towards him. His expression was serious, but the black of his eyes seemed almost warm as he eyed your features.
"I won't leave", he finally mumbled, intense glance still lingering on your face. "Relax."
His words lifted the burden on your shoulders a bit and you attempted a small smile, but the turmoil inside didn't die down enough for you to fully relax. As if your brain was trying to distract yourself from the mess you turned into, a question slipped past your lips – a question that probably seemed inappropriate given the setting, but before you could shut your mouth, the words already rolled off your tongue.
"What does a soul taste like?"

Yoongi frowned, seeming surprised if not the tiniest bit shocked. "The taste... of a soul?", he repeated, eyeing you curiously. "Are you sure you want to talk about this? We can have a conversation about anything you want if you need some distraction."
You shook your head. It wasn't that you hadn't wondered before what actually drew the demons to a soul, you just didn't dare to ask. But now that it was hovering in the room anyway, you didn't mind Yoongi answering.
The demon sighed and you thought you could see him slightly shaking his head as if he was in absolute disbelief over you, but he didn't say anything about it. Instead, he indeed proceeded to answer your question.
"No soul tastes like the other", he silently replied, which made it seem as if it was a secret between the two of you. His eyes glossed over and only now did you realize that he, as well, was starving.
You raised a hand. "Stop", you interrupted, "you don't have to talk about it if..."
Yoongi looked up, amusement making his dark eyes sparkle like black diamonds. "If what?", he said mockingly and his tone made you feel ashamed for some reason. You averted your glance.
Yoongi snickered. "Don't worry", he said, and when you looked back at him, his eyes were glowing, but not in the same unsettling red colour as before. "I am much more controlled than any of the younglings. Let me finish."
You nodded quietly and the demon returned to the original topic.

"A soul is like a flower. They all have the same purpose, but they're shaped bytheir environment, and every flower has a different smell."
His glance pierced right through you.
"They have only one thing in common – they all smell delicious to demons." 

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