Orange Candy I

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You were astounded at the sincere flicker in Jimin's eyes, and in your surprise, you shrugged and agreed with a quiet "Sure". You weren't so sure if this was gonna go well, but Jimin's lips curled into a smile right after and he pressed his hand into your lower back to steady you on your way back over the rocky path.
It took a while for the both of you to get back to the mansion, and it was mostly filled with silence. Unlike all the previous times though, it didn't weigh heavy on your shoulders. You had to admit that Jimin's presence was the most likeable so far, even if Yoongi showed some signs of a pleasant nature too when he explained most of the demon's history to you. But with the silver-haired male that was walking next to you right now, it was almost too easy to forget that he could rip out your throat in a mere heartbeat. Maybe he's too good at hiding it, you thought to yourself as you climbed through the harsh landscape, or he really is better than the rest of them.
It felt like someone electrocuted your mind when you realized that you yet again tried to make one of the demons less scary and less dangerous than they actually were. May it be your good nature, may it be a sliver of hope to get out of this alive, but your mind seemed hell-bent on lowering the demons' potential to actually kill you – even if it was only wishful thinking.

You scolded yourself quietly, but Jimin seemed to notice. "Is something wrong?", he asked, and you were quick to shake your head no. "Just concentrating on not breaking my ankles", you tried a joke, and Jimin's bell-like laughter filled the cold air. "Let me help you, princess", he chuckled and with a slick motion – you were sure he either practiced this with his cat or did this one too many times already – he swooped you off your feet and carried you across the stony area effortlessly.
"Way more comfortable, huh", he grinned to you, and you nodded, heart pounding at the close proximity to his body and, admittedly, the perfection of his face near yours. Your mother had once mentioned that the faces of demons, just like the faces of angels, were made to lure you in and make you feel safe. Apparently, one of the first demons to ever live possessed the gift of shape-shifting to enormous extents, which allowed him to copy the facial features of every being he encountered. When times for the downworld got rough, he allegedly took on the looks of an angel which earned him the trust of many humans and meant an increase in human souls to be consumed by him and other demons. Since then, every single of his offsprings had both incredibly beautiful looks to lure humans in, and the shape-shifting ability, even if not as developed as in the original demon. Being one of the first ones to roam earth, he was father to a lot of lower demons; hence the high quantity of beautiful and shape-shifting demons nowadays.
Looking into Jimin's face, you could imagine very clearly why times were so good for demons in those days. It was luring you in, practically begging for you to press yourself against him and let him consume your soul. You felt the urge overtake and turned away from his looks, staring into the darkness of the cave to distract yourself until you arrived at the mansion.

Jimin set you down carefully and smiled at you. "Let's make orange candy, shall we?"
You frowned. "Now?", you asked. "Do we have the ingredients?"
Jimin looked at you curiously. "I don't know", he stated bluntly. "What do we need?"
A silent snicker escaped your mouth. "You have no idea what goes in candy?", you asked, and he shrugged. "Jin is the one cooking", he replied. "We don't eat, so why should I cook?"
His explanation made so much sense that you stifled your chuckle and pushed open the door with a bit of effort. "Let's go and see what you have then", you said, and Jimin followed diligently.

When you entered the kitchen, to your surprise, it was lying there quiet and dark and empty. No sign of Jin. He would've been a great help with finding ingredients, but since he was nowhere in sight, you just shrugged and started searching the cupboards. Jimin leaned against the giant wooden table in the middle of the kitchen and watched you. "So, what do we need?", he inquired again, and you replied while pulling out a pot of sugar from one of the cupboards. "Sugar", you said and put it down next to him. He eyed the pot curiously. "And?", he asked further.
You looked around the kitchen. "Oranges", you said, and Jimin's eyes lit up with childish excitement. You couldn't tell if it was fake or not when he whirled around and searched the countertops as well. "I know how those look!"
'Not very hard to judge their looks from their name', you were tempted to say, but since you didn't know how well demons could handle sarcasm and the experiences with talking back at them didn't end well so far, you refrained from saying it. Before you could search another cupboard, though, Jimin held up a net filled with oranges. "Found them."
You chuckled, having just discovered the huge spice rack located over the stove. "Then I guess we should start making the candy, huh?"

You were painfully aware of Jimin's presence when you started squeezing the juice out of the oranges. He was right behind you, carefully watching your hands. It wasn't just the weird warmth of his demonic body, but also his scent and the slightest tingle of his breath that fanned over your neck. When he attempted to take one more step closer, you flinched and turned around to him. "You're too close", you complained, and a smirk flickered over his face. "I'm sorry", he said and stepped back, but the amusement in his eyes told you he wasn't at all sorry.
"Help me with the oranges", you huffed, and the arrogant attitude dropped in an instant.

A bit helpless, Jimin stared down at the round fruit in his palm and then threw you a questioning glance. Now it was your turn to smirk. "It just takes a bit of strength and-"
Jimin's fist balled around the orange and it exploded everywhere, juice dripping from the countertop and the nearby cupboards. You blinked through drops of orange juice on your face and Jimin sucked in a sharp breath, dropping the crumpled orange. "Sorry", he said, looking down at his ruined shirt and jeans. "Sometimes evaluating my own strength is a bit..."
You couldn't supress a tiny giggle and Jimin looked up at you, a relieved smile lighting up his features. You reached for another orange.
"Try it like this", you chuckled, cutting the orange in half and then pressing it out with one hand into the bowl in front of you, holding one hand underneath to catch any seeds. Jimin watched for a second, then pulled a second orange out of its net with a faint amused smile tucking at the corners of his mouth.

"Yes, Ma'am."

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