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To your surprise, the demon didn't eat. Instead, he just sat there and watched you indulge in the unbelievable variety of food. There were some fruits and snacks you had never seen before, and you tasted all of it. You weren't too sure about the Seven Sins' good intentions with you, and since you didn't trust them to offer you food regularly yet, you ate as much as you could. It took you at least 30 minutes, and when you were finally stuffed to the point that your stomach was aching, you leaned back and let out a long, content sigh.
Hoseok watched you curiously and you noticed his glance. "What is it?", you asked, feeling so satisfied you didn't have the brain capacity to be nervous. He shook his head. "Oh, nothing", he answered. "I just find it pretty interesting to watch humans eat."
You sat up a bit and frowned. "Don't you guys eat, too?", you asked, curious as to why the young man seemed so unexperienced with food. He hadn't touched anything of it, either.
The male shrugged. "We do", he replied. "But in a different way than you mortal beings." When he realized your quizzical glance, he sighed, but was quick to explain. "We don't eat food in the sense of this", he made a vague hand movement towards all of the dishes, "but depending on our species, we get strength from feasting on souls, emotions, thoughts... Most of what we consume isn't solid food. There are a few types of demons and devils that eat human flesh, but that's just nasty."
You listened, both surprised and fascinated. But suddenly you had a thought that didn't seem nice to you, and you swallowed. "So... What happens with mortal beings when you eat their souls?"
Hoseok looked up. "They die normally", he answered, seeming a bit confused. "Sometimes they survive, but they are nothing but empty bodies after that. It's best to kill them before they do something stupid in that state." You tensed up at his words. "So", you said, trying to keep your voice calm, "when you eat me..."
"... you'll die", the young male finished your sentence. "But don't worry. It doesn't take long, and it's not painful at all."
You frowned, interlocking your hands to keep them still. "How do you know?" The demon took an apple and looked at it curiously. "How I know?", he snickered. "You don't know how demons are made, do you?"
You held your breath at his piercing glance. "No", you whispered. "I don't."
The apple flew against the wall and with a disgustingly wet sound, burst into little pieces. You flinched. "Maybe it had been better to inform yourself before descending to the netherworld", Hoseok said sharply. Obviously, he didn't seem too pleased. You wondered why he acted like this since he had been fine with questions just a second ago, but now his eyes were glistening maliciously. "Well", he continued, getting up from the table abruptly, "one of the others will probably explain it to you later. Until then, don't ask me any more questions, understand?"
You didn't dare to speak up, so you just nodded quietly. Hoseok glanced down on you and to your surprise, his features softened a bit, but not so much that he didn't seem dangerous anymore. "Oh, and about Namjoon... Don't behave as familiar with him as you have been with me. He doesn't like getting close to scum."
You lowered your head at the curse word, closing your eyes and expecting a hit, but Hoseok simply stepped past you and left the room without any further word, just like Namjoon had done yesterday. You waited until his faint steps vanished into the distance, then you sighed and relaxed a bit. "What is it with those demons", you mumbled, getting up from the table because the heaps of food suddenly made you feel sick. Turning around to leave the room, you groaned quietly.
"Why can't they just eat me already", you growled as you stepped into the entrance hall.

Someone laughed quietly. You flinched in surprise, but the blonde man lounging on one of the benches lazily just grinned.
He had a nice face and seemed like even less of a threat than Hoseok. "The answer is simple", he said, and while you still wondered what he was referring to, he got up and approached you. "They don't eat you because they want to have fun." He cocked his head to the side and eyed you in interest.
"Have fun?", you asked confusedly, so taken by surprise that you didn't even think of getting out of the devil's reach. "How?"
The young man stared at you, and his grin grew. "You really are a bit naïve", he declared. "Don't be fooled by Hoseok's appearance, he's a pretty ruthless person. And Namjoon, well", he crossed his arms behind his head, "that guy's even worse."
You sighed. "I noticed", you mumbled. "But have fun...?"
The blonde sighed. "Listen, cutie", he said. "How often do you think a human is stupid enough to enter this cave?"
You shrugged. "Not too often?", you replied.
The young man smiled at you widely, but judging from the ugly dark-reddish color of his eyes, you assumed he was being sarcastic. "Correct! Now, if you were locked into a room with nothing to eat, and once a year, someone would come by with a bit of food, would you eat it all at once or keep it so you can enjoy it longer?"
Your breath hitched and you stared at him with wide eyes. "I would keep it", you replied, your voice trailing off as you realized what he meant. "Don't tell me..."
The demon grinned, and this time it didn't seem nice at all. "Oh yes. So you better be careful and behave, right beautiful?"
You couldn't do anything else than nod, your head spinning with panic. The conversation with Hoseok and the nice atmosphere made you forget what you were actually here for, and now that this blonde creature mentioned it to you unabashedly, you felt cold creeping up your spine.
The demon chuckled. "Now, now, don't be so afraid." He lifted your chin with one finger and you recoiled from his cold touch. His eyes narrowed into slits. "We'll make sure to have a lot of fun before you go", he purred. "Just enjoy it while you can."
You saw the pleasure he got from scaring you dancing in his eyes and took a tiny step back. The blonde male straightened and looked at you arrogantly. "Well, I think that's all for today. We don't want to ruin our little girl too early, right?" He smirked.
You gathered all of your courage and quickly walked past him, nearly running. The expression on his face was all but friendly.
"Oh, and little one", he called after you while you hurried up the stairs. "My name is Taehyung. Don't forget it, right?"
You didn't dare to look back or reply. Instead, you just fled to the second floor and escaped into your room as quickly as possible.

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