The Deal

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You were stunned by his blunt answer and lost for words for a few minutes. Yoongi waited patiently until you had recovered, then looked at you sharply. "Can I continue?"
You nodded and he leaned back again.
"As I said, most of the higher demons managed to keep calm. Until one day", he looked down, "one of them died. Her name was Claire."
You looked up. The demon seemed genuinely sad and you wondered why. "Was she close to you guys?", you asked quietly and Yoongi shrugged. "Not to all of us", he replied, still avoiding eye contact. "But she was a wonderful woman, and she was especially close to one of us. When she died, that certain person flipped."
He finally seemed to get a grip on himself and looked up again. "He went to the surface and killed every single human he saw. Even for us demons, it was terrifying."
You swallowed. "Who was it?", you rasped out. Yoongi looked at you firmly. "You'll know at the end of the story. Be patient", he replied.
"Unfortunately, he was so caught up in his rage that he didn't notice the demon hunters who were very popular at that time." He sighed. "They caught him easily in the middle of devouring a woman. He wasn't paying attention, it was his fault. But we still couldn't let him get killed."

He crossed his arms in front of his chest. "The remaining six of us went up. At first, the demon hunters attempted to catch us too, but unless a devil is distracted, we aren't that easily to get a hold of. But they had a lot of weapons and even though we could've killed them with a bit of effort, we had a youngling with us, a young demon who had just recently become a part of our group. He hadn't experienced something like this before. We couldn't just kill a dozen of men in front of his eyes."
"A youngling?", you interrupted. "Who?"
Yoongi chuckled. "I'm not sure he wants you to know that."
"But why couldn't you kill them?", you insisted. "Even though he was a youngling, he still was a demon, right?"
Yoongi sighed. "That I will explain at a different time", he said. "Now listen."
You held back and kept quiet. The demon waited a few seconds before he was sure you wouldn't interrupt him a second time.
"Because we couldn't get rid of them, our only chance to get all of us out of there was to make a deal." His expression darkened and he interlaced his fingers, resting his elbows on the armrests of his chair.
"We were lucky. After a little while, the demon hunters agreed to the deal."
You swallowed dryly. It was pretty obvious what kind of deal that was, but you wanted to hear it.
"They would keep the whole group alive, including the ravaging demon. But only if we agreed to live in this cage deep, deep under the ground where we couldn't harm anybody." He seemed lost in his memories now, eyes so dark you couldn't even make out his pupils anymore. "Of course we agreed."
You kept quiet as his voice trailed off. It took a while for him to keep going, and when he did, he seemed tired.
"That demon has never forgiven himself for practically locking us all in down here. Since we arrived, he has shut himself off and only comes out when the human sacrifice arrives. Because he barely speaks, he is slowly turning more bitter and aggressive than ever before."
He looked up at you. "Even if you are a sacrifice, it's better to stay away from him as far as possible for as long as you can."
You gasped, now just too well aware of who he had been speaking of the whole time. "Namjoon", you whispered, eyes widening. "It's Namjoon."

The door opened with a quiet screech before Yoongi could react. "Thank you, Yoongi", a deep voice scoffed sharply. You flinched at the sound and even Yoongi straightened, watching Namjoon enter the room. "Thank you so much for explaining our life story to her. I'm pretty sure she feels better now."
He looked at you and his dark eyes with the always-evident red spark within them narrowed. With one glance he noticed your trembling hands and your frightened expression. His lips twitched. "Or maybe not."
The other demon didn't react in any way. Instead, he just relaxed a bit again. "Namjoon", he greeted. "You're welcome."
Before Namjoon averted his glance from you to look at the other demon, you could see the rage flickering in his eyes at Yoongi's words, and for some reason you wished for the latter to just give in.
Yoongi didn't seem very eager to do that. Instead, he got up and stood straight when Namjoon approached him. The latter was taller and towered in front of him, but Yoongi didn't even blink. "You know I am stronger", he said calmly, close to condescending. "You better behave."
Yoongi's arrogant words made Namjoon snap. He closed his hand around the other's throat, crossed the room at lightning speed and banged him against the wall. The sound of splintering wood and shattering stone filled the room and it took a while until silence returned. "Behave?", Namjoon snapped and his eyes were glowing aggressively. "You're telling our story to food!"
Yoongi blankly returned Namjoon's glance, then he quickly moved his wrist.
Namjoon's grip loosened and he coughed, falling to his knees in a mere seconds. Even though he wasn't screaming, his eyes looked as if he was in unbelievable pain, and Yoongi looked down on him coldly. "Behave", he repeated before he walked around him. He noticed your scared look almost immediately and nearly all the cold vanished from his face. "You better leave quickly", he mumbled when he stopped in front of you. You nodded, intertwining your fingers to stop them from trembling.
Something like a smile creeped up on Yoongi's face, very small and nearly unnoticeable, but it was there. "I enjoyed talking to you", he whispered before he straightened and walked past you.

After he had left the room, you stood there a few seconds motionlessly, left speechless by the change you had seen in Yoongi's face when he had looked at you. Only when Namjoon grunted and unsteadily came to his feet, you remembered he was still there too. His glance searched the room for Yoongi, but when he couldn't find the other, he leaned against the wall and calmed his breath.
You took a few staggering steps back but Namjoon didn't seem like he cared. He tried to walk but slumped back against the wall immediately, gritting his teeth in frustration.
"I'm sorry", you broke the silence and Namjoon looked up. "I-I made him tell these things. I-if it upsets you, I w-won't do it again." You couldn't suppress the stutter. Namjoon still looked wild and you were sure he could kill you if he wanted to.
The demon looked at you quietly. "What's done is done", he finally said. "Forget it." He took another experimental step, and this time it worked. Although he was slow, he approached you and automatically, you froze.
Namjoon walked past you to the door, but before he left the room, he turned around once more. "Oh, and about the sacrifice", he said, referring to your question from the beginning. "Humanity knows very well that we could escape from here if we really wanted to and give us the sacrifices to keep us satisfied. But even more so, even if they can't kill us, they give us food only once a year to keep us weak."
You quickly turned around and suddenly noticed the dark eyebags and his sunken face. As soon as he noticed your glance, his expression hardened.
"Now you know."
And before you could say anything else, he vanished into the dark.

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