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As Jin ordered, you took one, two steps back, careful not to tumble over the edge of the boulder. Then you quietly watched as Jin raised his arms, redness sparking in his eyes as he started to mumble a few words and spread his fingers.

There was a bright, white flash of light illuminating the cave for a mere millisecond and you quickly closed your eyes in expectation of another flash to follow, but everything stayed dark. After a few heartbeats, Jin's voice cut through the dark. "You can open your eyes now."
Blinking carefully, you looked up again and wanted to allow your eyes to adjust to the darkness again when you realize you didn't need to anymore.
The more you grew aware of your surroundings, the more you couldn't believe what you were seeing.

The cave's originally grey and stony ground was hidden by a thick layer of grass, small flowers growing here and there. Even though the cave ceiling was still intact, a few sunbeams managed to find their way into the huge room somehow, illuminating a beautiful scenery. In the distance, you could hear the sound of water splashing, and there was even a few butterflies and bees flying around. It was too good to be true, everything you thought you would never see again.
Tears of joy filled your eyes as you fell to the ground and ran your fingers over the ground. The boulder you and Jin were standing on top of was overgrown with moss and tiny, white flowers, and you couldn't stop inhaling their sweet scent.
"It's beautiful", you finally murmured and looked up to Jin who had been quietly watching you the whole time. "It is", he finally agreed, now letting his glance wander over the scenery. "Or was."

You sat down properly, crossing your legs. "Was?", you asked, and Jin nodded as he sat down next to you, his legs hanging over the edge of the boulder. Whereas you were keeping a safe distance from the ledge, the height didn't seem to bother him at all. "This is a projection", he mumbled and plucked a flower from the ground. As soon as he ripped out the stem, the flower vanished from between his fingers as if it had never existed. "It's not real."
Your heart sunk even though you had known all along that something had been wrong. "I see", you replied and ran your palm over the soft cushion of moss once again.
Silence filled the air and it took a while before Jin spoke up again. "Namjoon destroyed all of it", he said. He sounded indifferent but there was a hint of bitterness in it. "During his countless fits, he destroyed this one part after another. The last thing to go was the sunlight." He raised his face and blinked into one of the sunbeams that was shining down into the cave. "It was a spell performed by Yoongi, bound to his life force. After Namjoon destroyed it, it was impossible for him or any other to rebuild it."
"Why?", you asked, and Jin threw you a piercing glance.
"We had forgotten what real sunlight looked like", he answered tonelessly and your breath hitched in your throat. The demon turned his head away again.
"I'm the only one who sometimes agrees to build a projection, even though I'm unable to hold it for a longer period of time. And now that the cave is the way it is, I'd rather have it dark so I don't have to look at it all the time."

You nodded. You could well understand the demon's decision, even though the knowledge that this view would be gone all too soon made your heart ache.
To distract both you and Jin from the melancholy of the situation, and because you were genuinely serious, you looked at him again. "Now, what about Jimin?", you asked. The name on your tongue made your insides curl, but you ignored the unpleasant feeling. "You wanted to tell me about him."
Jin hummed. "Right. I will." He took a deep breath, then he started his story.

"As you already know, from Hoseok I suppose, Jimin and Yoongi were close from the beginning." He frowned. "Noone exactly knew why, but Yoongi seemed to take a genuine liking to Jimin, and the youngling followed him obediently like a dog. Not anymore, of course, not since he grew into a strong demon and one of the Seven Sins himself, but when he was just separated from Zezenha, he was desperately looking for something to hold on to." Jin paused shortly. "That something was Yoongi apparently."
"What sin is Jimin?", you asked.
Jin glanced at you sharply as if he was about to scold you, but then he sighed and lowered his glance again. "I guess you deserve to know at least so much after what happened yesterday, and you have to know for the end of the story anyway...", he murmured to himself as he let his eyes wander over the beautiful scenery surrounding the two of you. A few heartbeats long, it was quiet, the sound of a cold breeze brushing through the bushes the only thing noticeable. Jin's voice was surprisingly soft when he spoke up again to answer you.
"Jimin is Lust."

You nodded to yourself - Jimin being Lust wasn't a surprise to you - before you asked another question to get Jin to continue his story. "Why Yoongi?"
Jin grimaced. He didn't seem to feel comfortable talking about this, but he wasn't one to break his promise.
"Jimin is Lust", he quietly said. "He can't get enough. His appetite for all kinds of pleasant sensory impressions is wild and unstoppable. Especially before he got full control of his powers and what he was, it was unbearable. That's why he was such a good playmate to his mistress, Zezenha." His glance shot towards you. "You felt it yourself – Jimin only has to do as much as touch any being and it lies at his feet, begging for more. His power might sound ridiculous, but if you have once watched him make a whole army crawl at the ground trying to get closer to him and trying to touch him, it becomes quite scary. Lust is not to be messed with. Jimin... is not to be messed with."
He paused shortly, then ran his fingers through his hair. "Anyway, as I said. Before he was aware of his powers, Jimin was uncontrollable. Yoongi..." He hesitated and shifted a bit, the first time you had seen one of the devils uncomfortable. "He took care of that."
You had an idea what he was talking about, but you wanted to confirm. "He took care of it?"

Jin's jaw muscles tensed.
"Jimin became Yoongi's playmate." 

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