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After a long, hot shower which didn't only rinse the dust off your skin but also helped to wash all the thoughts and feelings out of your mind, you plopped down on your bed and almost immediately fell asleep. Despite all the stuff that had been happening to you, you had a dreamless, exhausted sleep that lasted for what felt like eternity, but in reality was probably closer to a day.
When you woke up again, your head was fuzzy and it took you longer than usual to properly wake up. A glass of water was sitting next to you on the night table and only after a few sips of the cold drink did you realize that you hadn't put it there – ergo someone else had entered your room while you were asleep.
While the thought would've sent shivers down your spine only a short time ago, you were used to the ever-looming presence of the devils by now. You finished the water and then slowly made your way into the bathroom to freshen up.
As if the time in this cave had finally taken its toll on your body, all of your muscles were protesting every movement you attempted to make. Therefore it took you a long time to wash up, slip into some clothes and leave your bedroom.

The mansion was lying quiet and dark as usual as you made your way down the stairs and peeked into the dinner room. There was breakfast arranged on the table – for which you were thankful, because you were in no mood to prepare something for yourself – yet the room as well as the kitchen were empty.
Half disappointed, half relieved, you sat down to have some food. You didn't feel like you could stomach anything heavy and the unusual silence was buzzing in your ears. Whether it was the fact that you rarely ate anything down here anymore or whether your body longed for some sunlight and warmth, you didn't know. But as soon as you attempted to stand up from the table to drag yourself back to your bed, convincing yourself that this was nothing, you felt your vision go black, The last thing you heard after all your other senses had already failed was the rustle of clothes and a silent huff, then you fell into all-consuming darkness.

"She's fine."
The voice seemed familiar, but you couldn't tell who it was exactly.
A low growl. "She's clearly not fine."
It was tempting to just act as if you were asleep and shut out the whole world, but an invisible force made you open your eyes and blink as they readjusted to the weird light that was surrounding you.
"Water", you croaked, and the two figures standing next to you quickly turned around to face you. "Thank Lucifer", the second voice mumbled while the other just breathed a deep sigh of relief. "At least she's alive."
"Water", you repeated yourself, your throat was so scratchy that your voice almost gave out. With a snip of his fingers, the first figure – you now knew it was Namjoon – made a huge glass of water appear on the night stand. A night stand, you now realized as you rolled onto your side to reach for the glass, you didn't know; the demons seemed to have transferred you to a different room. The sheets also felt different on your skin, almost silky, and after another glance around while you chugged the water, you realized it was Taehyung's.
As your eyes now adjusted to the dimmed light, you grew aware of the owner of the room leaning against the wall across from the bed, eyes piercing through you from the shadows. "She's dying", he stated calmly, unimpressed as usual, and the other two interrupted their quiet talk and turned towards him.

Silence filled the room for a while before Yoongi spoke up to reply to the younger. His voice sounded strained. "I know", he pressed.
"Why only now, though?", Namjoon asked, crossing his arms in front of his chest. He eyed you, seemingly deep in thought. "She's been here for what, half a month? The symptoms are late."
Taehyung snickered, but it sounded bitter. "How would you know?", he spat, pushing himself off the wall. "It's not like another one of them lived for half a month down here."
Yoongi hissed. "Calm down", he hushed both of them. "Before we find out why, we should try to understand what we can do for her." He turned towards you and stepped closer, ignoring the heated glances Namjoon and Taehyung exchanged. "Y/N", he gained your attention, now carefully sitting down on the edge of the bed. "Is there anything you need?"

In your weakened state, you weren't able to act as tough or defiant as normal. Tears started pooling in your eyes and you couldn't prevent a silent sob. "I want to see the sun", you cried, emotions suddenly washing over you, and buried your face in your hands. A tiny part of you deep down quietly complained how embarrassing this all was, but your weak body wasn't able to hold back anymore. The dam broke, and all the sadness, grief and anger that had been accumulating since you set your foot into this cave broke out all at once.
"I want to see the sun, and the moon, and the grass. I want to hear the birds." Tears were now running down your face without you being able to stop them. "I want to go home!"

The devils stood there as if they were frozen, glances out of wide open eyes resting on your shaking figure as you cried yourself to sleep in their presence. Even when your breath had calmed down again, it was interrupted by a few hiccups and sobs, and tears were still glistening in your lashes. The demons still stared at your pale face and tried to pull themselves together. They had seen a lot of crying humans in their life, but somehow, this was different.
Finally, Yoongi stood up, careful not to shift the mattress so he didn't wake you.
"She's breaking", he softly said, and it sounded as if he regretted it. "She's not made for a life down here, however much some of us wish for it."
Taehyung looked at him curiously. "Do you, Pride?"
Yoongi didn't reply. His glance was glued to your face.

Namjoon growled lowly and regained his comrades attention. "I told you this would happen", he spoke through gritted teeth, seeming agitated. "What are you going to do now?"
Yoongi sighed. For once, he seemed helpless. "I don't know", he mumbled, and the leader replied with a hiss before turning around and leaving the room with big steps.
"Then figure it out!"

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