Worst Winter Ever

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'This damn winter is going to kill me if I don't find some place to stay or someone to help me!'

My thoughts got the best of me but I carried on and tried to stay positive. I was wearing a dress with a thin sweater, a heavy jacket over it, with a blanket over my head to cover my ears, and my boots. I felt like my legs were getting numb by the minute. I was running away with a group that was from Saint Denis, I was from there and I had been forced out of the house by my parents.

I don't have to hear complaining or yelling anymore but most days I miss it. My group was separated by O'Driscolls they just came out of nowhere, they took the women and killed all the men. I managed to escape but I haven't been doing good on my own, I have been held up in this abandon cabin and I'm on my last can of food. The only thing I have on me is a bow n arrow that I was able to take before I head into the woods. Of course I went back to camp to see if there was anything I could salvage I had a satchel with three cans of food and a blanket.

Well I need to head out so I can go get some food for the night, hopefully I can get a deer or even a good size rabbit. One of my friends showed me how to get food with this bow n' arrow, so I figured I couldn't be too hard. I open the door and head into the trees, this will be a little difficult because I don't know if I'll be things right. I see a deer in the distance I walk up slowly to try not to scare it, I get my bow ready and take the shot. I hit the torso and it ran the other way but I ran after it. I was following the trail of blood and then when I looked up I saw it laying down on it's side. It was screaming in pain so I took an other arrow and stabbed it in its head.

Attempting to pick it up after I took out the arrows I couldn't put it over my shoulder so I had to drag it all the way back. This deer was spilling out so much blood, I was getting worried. When I was about half way back to the cabin from the distance I heard a growl that scared me out of my boots. I stopped dragging the deer and looked up the snowy hill. A big bear with a huge scar stood up on two legs and let out another growl. I let the deer go and I started running towards the cabin, when I was about to head inside I saw two men near the trail with horses. The man with the blue coat had a deer stowed behind him and the other man with the black coat had one too. "Help! Help me please!" The men turned their heads in my direction and the man with the blue coat placed his hand on the holster of his gun. I ran towards the man with the black coat. "Sir you have to help me.. there's a bear chasing me!" They both glance at each other and for a second they thought I was lying. A roar was heard around the corner, I look back.

"Can I go with you? Please? I can't die here."

"Come on, we can't leave this poor woman out here." The man in the black coat helped me on his horse after handing the deer to Arthur. "Let's go." We take off and the bear got so close to the man in blue. We got away just in time.

"What is your name?"

"(L/N)... (F/N), (L/N)"

"My name is Charles and this is Arthur."

"It's great to meet the both of you." We rode all the way back to where they were hold up. "You might want to go talk to Dutch." I was pointed to where he was held up and I walked in the cabin. There was nothing but men in the cabin, I felt a little uneasy by the way they looked at me but I needed to see this Dutch. "Is Dutch here?" I asked. "Who wants to know?" A man with blonde hair to his jaw and a big beige hat. I didn't say anything at first, then I noticed that the one with blonde hair and the other big man with a beard and a pinned at on the side were looking at each other with a mischievous look. Then they looked at me, got up from their chairs and walked towards me. "No, no. What are you doing?" My heart started to race and I turned around to head for the door and another man came in with a poncho and bowler hat. "Please don't hurt me. I beg you." I said with a lump in my throat. "Please! Don't hurt me!" The blonde guy said, then he slapped me so hard I landed on the wooden floor. I look up to the other two men and they were about to grab me but then Arthur walked in just in time. "What the hell is goin' on? Why is she on the damn floor?!" Arthur picked me up and before he tossed me outside he saw a red mark on my right cheek. "Go outside... now." I went outside and I sat in the snow. "Keep your damn hands to yourself! Do you understand? She has been through a lot and she doesn't need no damn lowlife... doin' things that she don't want." I had enough so I got up and started walking out towards the stream.

"Miss (L/N)?" I turned around and a man with a black hat, black coat and a red scarf called me. "Do I know you? Mister..." He walked towards me and said, "van der Linde, Dutch. Pleased to meet you." He holds out his hand and I shake it. "I don't want to be a bother so I think I will head out." I turn around and he grabs my arm gently, "Miss, I think you should stay. I heard about the bear situation and do you really want to take your chances again?" I look to the woods and I look back at Dutch. "Okay I will stay but those men need to stay away from me." Dutch raises a brow, "Which men?" I start to explain who did what and he knew exactly. "Accompany me, Miss (L/N)." He had his arm out and I wrapped mine around his.

"You should go see Miss Grimshaw. She will give you some food and a new set of clothes, and don't worry about those men. I'll set them straight." Dutch shows me to the cabin next to the one where I had went in. I walk in and I see so many ladies around the fire. "Hello I'm Miss (L/N). Dutch said Miss. Grimshaw would help me." Miss Grimshaw took my hand and led me to a chair near the fireplace, she grabbed the nearest bowl and filled it with soup. Potatoes, carrots and meat it wasn't much but it was more than what I would've had. "Thank you Miss. Grimshaw." She nods her head and sits back down.

I really didn't think this through when I ran away now that I'm these people they are going to want me to owe them. I have to owe that at least.

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