Bad Memories

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"Y/n, would you mind if you accompanied me to buy some groceries with me?" Lenny asked as he poked his head in. "Sure Lenny, who else is coming along?" I say closing a book I was reading. "Well just Sadie.. for protection. Pearson sent me but I don't want to wander the city alone."

'What is Lenny afraid of?'

"Umm.. okay, well let's get what's needed, done." He nod his head and we took a wagon into town. "Buy some new things and just what's on this list." Pearson handed Lenny the list and he gave it to Sadie. I shrugged it off and sat in the back of the wagon. "You'll be alright back there?" Sadie asked me. "Yeah I'll be fine." The ride was a peaceful and short one, well until we got to the city. Some people were staring at us while we were riding into town. Some of the ladies wore nice dresses and fancy hats.

'That's a really nice dress.'

"How much do you think a dress like that cost?" I asked Sadie while staring at this woman's dress. "Honey it would be a very long time before you could get a dress like that." I turn away and we arrived at a general store. Sadie asked for the items on the list while Lenny and I were putting everything in the back.

"Why are you helping him?" A woman tapped my shoulder and pointed at Lenny. "Because he needs help?" I answer. "He doesn't need help, he's an animal. You young lady should be the one sitting in the front, waiting for him to finish." I scoff and put the last crate in the back. I step to her with a stern face, "Listen lady, that is very rude and he's a person. Just like you and me, there's no need to have hate. Plus why are you even being rude?" I ask her. "Because he's.." she caught herself before finishing. "Come on, say it." She fans herself and said, "Because of his skin color." I shake my head in response and look at her with disgust. "I hope that one day this madness will go away." I climb to the back again and the lady walks away. Sadie comes out and she hops on the wagon, we head back to camp.

"Thank you y/n, you're a good person you know that?" Lenny says while riding the wagon. "You don't have to thank me Lenny, I'm just tired of people being rude to each other because of their race."
"What made you stand up for me?" Lenny slapped the reins on the horses. "My father lives in Saint Denis and he has butlers and they get treated badly. When I was little I thought it was because they did something wrong but the more I grew up the more I understood. I was talking to this woman and when we got caught she was beaten half to death. I was in trouble and I was taught that you needed to be rude to people that aren't white or wealthy." Lenny stayed quiet and Sadie spoke up. "Well it's good to know that you're not a mean person y/n."
"Y/n! That's such a pretty name and I would love to know where you got it but I need y'all to pull over right now." A man pulled aside of us out of nowhere and pointed a gun towards us. "Or you can turn the other way and pretend this never happened." Sadie said cocking back her 6 shooter and pointing it at the man. "Or you can just pull over the wagon!" He points at a set up of two wagons and 4 more men standing shoulder to shoulder.

Lenny stops the wagon and raises his hands up. "Why did you stop?" Sadie asked pissed off. "There was no way in hell I would ram that Sadie." I was really scared because these men obviously didn't have good intentions. "Get out and reach for the sky!" The same man said to all three of us. I cautiously get out and raise my hands above my head.

'Is this really happening?'

The men searched us for a lemoyne raider fee and they turned us around. The man cocked his gun back and pointed it at my head. "Hey! Can we help you fellers?" A familiar voice came from behind our wagon. "No! Just head back from where you came from." The sound of people getting off their horses and walking towards us grew. "Well we actually know these people, they're worth a lot of money but we would like to do the honors of shooting them." Dutch said. Arthur looked at me with soft eyes and worry. He quickly hid it when the man with the gun to my head turned to him to ask, "Is that true?" Arthur nod his head and the man gave him the gun. Arthur pointed it at my head and a tear rolled down, his face was soft at the sight of me crying. Then he clenched his jaw and furrowed his brows. Arthur kicked the man behind him, sending that guy on his back and then shooting the guy next to him. Arthur quickly pulled back and shot the guy he kicked down. Dutch did the same and everyone was fine.

"I wasn't going to shoot you it was just the plan that me and Dutch had." Arthur attempted to hug me but I pushed away his arm. I get on the wagon with my head tucked in my legs and my hands behind my head. I know Arthur was saving me but I couldn't help but think the worst. When we arrived to camp, I helped take down the groceries. Arthur followed in and he noticed what I was doing. "Let me take that." He grabs the crate from my hands and I just go back and get another one. Arthur tried stepping in my way and getting the crate but he didn't succeed.

After helping, I head up to take a bath and relax. The bath was helping somewhat and the warmth of the water was making me fall asleep. A knock was at the door, "Are you almost done in there?" Tilly asked. "I hope you're not fooling with yourself in there." She added and snickered. I wrap myself up and open the door. "It's all yours now." I smile and she closes the doors behind me. I go into our room at Arthur was laying down with only underwear on. It was quiet and the only noise in the room was the sound of the wooden floor boards. I turn around to lock the door and start getting dressed. "I've already seen your body you don't need to turn away." I put on my underwear not saying anything. Arthur gets up and wraps his arms around me gently then pulls me towards the bed. We lay down together and he starts kissing me. His tongue was wrapping with mine and I pulled away wanting him to say something. "I'm sorry but I needed to save you. I understand how you felt but I'm just glad you're okay. Those men could've done something horrible."
"Thank you for saving me but I won't lie I'm still on edge." Arthur brushes away some hair from my face. "Honey you have nothing to worry about, I promise." Arthur was rubbing my body and when he got to my stomach he looked down, then at me. "You're gaining a little bit of weight but it's okay, I don't mind."

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