John Marston

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I wake up and the first thing I see is a little boy hovering over me. "Hello, I'm Jack. What is your name?" I smile at him because he's just a cute little button. "(Y/n) its nice to meet you. Where is your mom?" The last part I say sitting up. "She's probably getting mad at my dad or helping Miss. Grimshaw." I tussle his hair and stand up putting on my coat. "You're really pretty. If there were any flowers around I would give you one." I smile and give him a hug. "You're quite the gentleman, Jack. I hope you have a great day, I need to head out. See you later." I give him a smile and wave goodbye then I grab my bow and head outside.

I head out and I walk out of the camp again heading to the trees. I hear someone yell across the stream. "Hey! What are you doing?!" I sigh and look down at the snow annoyed, I really just wanted to kill a deer or something so I can do my part. Earning my keep. I head over to the man that called me from far away. "What are you doing miss?" I look at his face and noticed his scar. "Ooh that looks really bad, are you okay?" I was going to put my hand on his stitched up scar and he caught it just in time. "Answer me. Now." I look down in the snow, "I was going to earn my keep just like everyone else." He changes his feet left foot back and right foot front now, cocking his head to the right side. "I heard that my friends saved you from gettin' eatin' from a bear. Is that true?" I nod my head looking down, he laughs in response looking down with me. "Let me go with you, we'll go on a horse." He whistles for his horse and a black horse with long black hair trotted to him. "Nice horse." He gets on his horse and he reaches out with his hand, offering me to get on with him. "Wait. I don't even know your name." He smiles and says "John. John Marston." I take his hand and I sit right behind him.

(This is how I would picture John Marston

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(This is how I would picture John Marston. Yes I know he looks different but I think he looks nice.) 😍

"I can't find anything here. Do you see anything?" John looks around. "I haven't seen an animal at all." I sigh in defeat, "let's just head back, there's nothing here."
"Wait." He whispers and then pulls me down with him. "Look, over there." He points and a deer was looking for food on the ground. Then I noticed I was really close to John, I turned to meet him and he does the same. We were so close to each other that we could kiss.

He tilts his head and places a hand on my cheek and kisses me. I kissed him back, I don't know why but he was a handsome man. I pull away and look into his eyes, "I need to go get this deer. I'll be right back." I head towards the deer crouching and slowly. I finally got a great shot at it and I get my bow ready. I pull it all the way back I inhale, hold it, and I let go. Exhaling out and the arrow landing right on its head. I turn to see John right in my face. "What are you doing?" He places a finger on my lips to shush me and he kisses me again. This time more passionately and longer, then he starts kissing my neck. "John we should get back, I don't want people to find us like this." John pulls away from my neck, "You're right.. I'll grab the deer and we'll head back." I put up my bow and get on the horse. "Alright let's go." John and I head back to Colter.

When I arrive back I help John take the deer to Pearson. John starts to walk away so I smile and wave bye at him. "Uhh.. Miss. (l/n) help me skin this deer." I head to the cutting table, "Okay where do I cut?" He gives me some pointers and so I start cutting. "There you go that's wasn't too bad was it?" Before I could answer Arthur interrupted, "Person we brought more deer. Oh hello Miss. (l/n) how was hunting?" I clear my throat, "It was fine I caught one."
"Did John kill a deer?" I shook my head no and Arthur scoffs.

We stayed at Colter for a while but now we're moving to a place called Horseshoe Overlook. John and I have been hanging around and getting to know each other. He's sweet and very handsome, I wonder if we'll ever get to go see a show together.
So I got this journal because I need to write my thoughts down if I have no one to talk to. Also if I need to take directions, I can just write them down. Anyways I hope this place is permanent, I don't want to move again.

"Alright were here, let's start unloading ladies!" Miss. Grimshaw told us. I started unloading Arthur's stuff from his wagon. I was going to ask how his day was going but he needed to go into town to meet Javier and Bill. "Miss. (L/n) would you mind helping me with the laundry?" Miss. Grimshaw asked, "Yes ma'am, who's laundry are we washing?" She gestures me to follow her and we arrive to Abigails tent. She hands us her clothes and we head over to the large container.

After pinning up the clothes to dry John walks over behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. "Hey sweetheart." John kisses my neck and moves his hands up slowly towards my breasts. "Hey! What if someone sees us? We should talk, do you have time?" He smirks and nods his head. "We'll be back! Going to go get some food!" We get on our horses and head down the trail that lead us next to the river. "Let's get down here." He says getting of his horse and helping me off mine. "Well were alone now Miss. (l/n), what did you want to talk about?"
"We should go see a show together, you know?" I say with a smile and looking into his brown eyes. "Umm.. I-I don't think that's a good idea." I furrowed my brows, "Why? You don't like me?" I look down at the ground in defeat. "No I do. I just-" John stays quiet then lifts my chin. "One day we'll go see a show, I promise." John connects his lips with mine. "Umm sorry to disrupt but Dutch needs to see you." He quickly pulls away and sees Arthur. "Y-Yeah I'll go right n-now." He quickly jumps on his horse and Arthur jumps off his. When John disappears in the trees, Arthur shakes his head. "What?" I ask confused. "Miss. (L/n) no disrespect but you can do better and are you sure you want to go down this road?" Arthur looks at me with concern, this is a look that you shouldn't brush away. "What road?" Arthur laughs while getting back on his horse. "Jack is his son and Abigail is mother." A lump was forming in my throat, "I didn't know..." Arthur cocks his head to the side, "You better tell her, not me."

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