Clawsons Rest

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The next morning

"Where are we heading to?"
"I have no clue." Charles slaps the reins against the horse. "I thought you said there was a place we could go to?"
"There is but I'm not sure if it's abandoned. I've checked it out from a distance to see if anyone would come out or go in and nothing." I think for a minute, "I could check it out."
"No." Charles snaps which makes me jump. "Sorry, I just don't want you to end up hurt." The baby started crying so I checked to see if he needed changing. "I think he's hungry." Charles stops the wagon and cautiously takes the baby. I unbutton my shirt and pullout my breast. Charles hands me the baby back gently and little Arthur immediately starts eating. "That baby is lucky you know." Charles says while giving a smug look. "Shut up." I giggle.

Shortly we arrive to a small cabin and we come to a complete stop. Charles grabs the pump shotgun, "if I yell get out of here or run do exactly what I say, okay? Don't help me just leave." I nod my head and Charles cautiously makes his way to the door. I looked around and the place needed a clean up. The shudders were closed and the door was locked, that could only mean one thing. Charles suddenly broke down the door and quickly made his inside. He took a while to come out and he didn't say anything either. I was hesitant to get off and check but I only gripped the reins. "Charles?" I say. "Don't come near the cabin y/n." Charles still didn't come out, "Why Charles?" There was no response so I just sat there. Finally he came out and headed towards my way. "There's two dead bodies in there and.. they're children." I close my eyes and look into the distance, "Charles we can't stay here."
"Y/n we have nowhere else to go. I will bury the bodies close okay? In the meantime you can clean the place up and then I'll help make supper." I agree and place my hand on his, "Just take the bodies out first." Charles nods and I get off the wagon and get the baby off as well. I turn around and I stare at the view we had. It was so beautiful, there was so many trees and it was getting sort of cold. I take out Arthur's scout jacket and put it on me. I quickly smelled the collar and it still smelled just like him. I put the little beanie I made for little Arthur and he was already happy. I put the baby carriage down and gently put him in. Charles signals that it's okay to come in, "Let's go see our new home."

I was cleaning the counter tops and throwing away old cans. Charles was gone for sometime and Arthur and I decided to get some fresh air. "Come on little one." I push the carriage and I sit on a chair outside. The breeze felt good and Arthur's scent was coming off the jacket and blew into my nose. "You know I may not have your father by my side and yes it makes mommy sad. But I got you and you're all I need." I gently brush the little tiny hairs back on little Arthur's head. Charles finds us, "Let's make supper." He smiles weakly. We go inside and I start cutting potatoes and Charles brings in the bags. Then closes the door and places a chair to hold it. "I'll fix the lock tomorrow and head into town to get us some food. I'll also look into getting a job." Charles turns on the stove and prepared the meat. "Do you want me to get a job as well?" He shakes his head, "no i want you here for Arthur. I should get you a horse in case you need to go into town."
"That's too expensive."
"I could give you mine after I find a wild horse for myself." I scoff, "You'll get yourself killed Charles."
"It's better than giving you the horse, I don't want to put you or him in harms way." He points at little Arthur while saying that.

After supper we washed the dishes and I put little Arthur to sleep. "I miss Sadie and Abigail already." I whisper to Charles. "Yeah me too, John said that they were going to head near Strawberry." I nod my head and then place a thick blanket on top of the bed I was sleeping in. "So is it okay if I take this bed?"
"How about we.. sleep together?" Charles suggests. I was hesitant at first but then he grabs ahold of my waist and placed me on top of him. "It's okay, it's just us now." Charles starts kissing my neck then unbuttons my blouse. "Charles... I don't know."
"Y/n it's okay." He slips his hand up my skirt and I change my mind. It felt wrong but the rush, the high is what I needed. I feeling of being wanted is what I needed to fill the emptiness. Unfortunately after we made love, that emptiness came back. I laid on his chest staring at the wall, slowly blinking my eyes.

Was this going to be my life? Forever?

"What are you thinking about?" Charles asked. I need to make something up quick. "I'm thinking about going hunting tomorrow. It's been a while." I smile weakly hoping that he didn't think something else. "Yeah I think hunting sounds good for you. Just be careful when you're out." Charles turns his head the other way and drift offs to sleep. I slowly turn to my side and think about Arthur. I feel guilty for giving myself to Charles. The baby started crying and Charles was waking up, "want me to take care of him?"
"No it's okay, I got it." I haven't let Charles change a diaper or anything. I don't want him to think that he has to take care of little Arthur. I know what Arthur said to Charles but still. I wouldn't lay that much responsibility on Charles. I change Arthur's diaper and feed him afterwards. I slowly sway side to side and watch him eat. Brushing some of his hair back while he slowly falls asleep. I look back to see Charles still asleep, he's such a nice man but he's not who I want.

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