Last Train

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The next day

Arthur didn't come back last night, I have a feeling something went wrong. Abigail was making food for jack and I went to go make some food for myself. "Morning." I said getting some coffee. "Morning y/n. Where's Arthur?" I shrug my shoulders while sipping my coffee. "I don't know, he didn't come in last night. I hope he's okay." I sip my coffee again. "John said the last time he saw him he was alright." I sit next to Jack, anxiously hitting my nails on my cup. "I think we should go hunting again but we shouldn't get too much." I nod my head and I heard hooves hitting the dirt. I look and it's Arthur coming in, he quickly got off his horse and made his way to me.

I got up and he grabbed my arm, "let's walk and talk." I try not to make it too obvious. "So how was your day?" I say casually. "It was great I had to sleep outside of camp for a bit. How's your morning so far?" We got far enough so we stopped and Arthur looked at me. "Dutch was going to have me arrested. We got some bonds from an office and when the Pinkertons caught up with me, he left me." I shake my head, I never wanted to punch someone so bad. "What the hell is his problem?!" I whisper loudly. "Honey you have to stay calm. Today is the day." There was a pause in my thinking. "We're leaving today?" He nods his head and gives me a serious look. "When I leave with everyone you have to pack and make sure Abigail packs too." I hug him and kiss his lips gently. When we pull away I ask, "what do you want me to pack for you?"
"Nothing, maybe just my pictures that I have and some food." Nothing? "Oh okay, I'll get to it when y'all leave." Arthur and I head back to camp and I went in to get my satchel from the tent. Arthur went to go talk to Dutch and I made my way to the table and opened my journal.

We're finally getting out of this hell hole. Arthur finally days were leaving today, I'm too excited. This is not a safe place for my baby and my husband. I'm hoping that we can find a cabin to stay at. I'll be fine if Arthur is by my side.

"Y/n I'll be back okay?" Arthur kisses me goodbye and I waved goodbye. "Be careful honey." After when the men left I made my way to Abigail and Jack. "Hey did John tell you?"
"We're leaving today." I nod my head, "I'm going to start packing." I make my way to the tent and pull out the suitcase where I put Arthur's things out. Then I took my empty suitcase and put clothes, a pair of shoes, and some food. It wasn't closing so I had to rearrange things. I needed my weapons so I put my belt on that had my pistol and I put my shotgun, bow, and two revolvers in Arthur's suitcase. I packed the last German chocolate and the medicine Charles gave me in my satchel. Then I just waited on the bed.

It was the afternoon and Abigail came in my tent. "Hey do you want to go hunting?" I get up and nod my head. I have her half of my throwing knives and Abigail asks me, "No bow today?"
"No, I didn't feel like taking it out. Plus we're just hunting rabbits right?" We walk to the same place and I get a throwing knife ready. "Yeah I was thinking we could do a soup or something." I shrug my shoulders, "I don't mind trying something new." She smiles, "Yeah I know but it's little Jack I worry about. He's getting a little picky. We'll meet back here?" I nod my head and go my separate way. It was hard to find rabbits but when I did I slowly approached as close as I could. I get the knife ready and throw it at the rabbit. I was pinned down by the knife through the head. I head to the rabbit and pick up the knife and clean the blood off it.

Heading back to where we were supposed to meet I noticed a rabbit was lying near a tree. It was Abigails but where was she? I picked it up and called out to her, "Abigail? Are you okay?" I heard a muffled scream and knew she was in trouble so I ran back to camp. I was so close, I saw Tilly and Jack by the fire. "Tilly! Grab the shotg-" my mouth was covered and I was being pulled back. "Shut your damn mouth woman." Some men with a stagecoach pulled up and the man tied my hands behind my back. He threw me in the stagecoach and they started to turn around. "Tilly! Tilly!" The same man turned me around and hit me across the face to knock me out.

Third person POV

The men were heading back to camp and just when they were close. "Arthur!" Tilly and Charles made their way to the gang. "What's the matter?"
"It's y/n and Abigail the Pinkertons got them." She said out of breath. "What!? How?" Arthur asks immediately. "They were out hunting for food but they both were just caught up. They could be facing a murder trial." Arthur was pissed, "Dutch we have to go help them." Dutch didn't say anything, instead Micha stepped in. "Arthur we need to let them go, they are just girls nothing won't happen to them." Arthur saw red and got off his horse then pulled Micha off of his. "What the hell is wrong with you?! That's my wife! You son of a bitch!" Arthur was about to choke him but Dutch stepped in. "Arthur get off of him. He's right we can't help them we just have to move forward." With that everyone but Tilly, Charles and Sadie took off. "I can't believe this. After twenty years, he turns his back on me." Arthur says shaking his head while getting on his horse. "Tilly take yourself and jack to copperhead landing and wait there. I think you should go back for everyone's bags." Tilly nods her head in response and starts to head back. "Charles? Sadie? Will you ride with me?" Arthur asks fixing his hat.
"Lead the way."

Arthur heads down the trail and hauls ass on his horse. "Where do you think they might be?" Arthur asks Charles. "I think they might be in van horn. There's word that there's a boat coming to ship prisoners to the other side." Arthur picks up the speed after hearing that.

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