In the woods

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Next day (smut)

Arthur gulps his coffee and then says, "Arthur Morgan is a handsome man. I just want him to kiss me again. I don't want to confess things just yet." My eyes immediately open and I attempt to grab my journal from him but I fail. "Arthur give me my journal!" He laughs and turns the page, this one is definitely my favorite. "John Marston is a lowlife and a coward!" I finally snatch the journal out of his hands and close it. "Why are you reading my journal?" Arthur sips his coffee, "Just trying to pass the time because that's all we have out here." I step out of the tent and I grab a cup of coffee then sit on a chair. Arthur comes out and then sits next to me. "Why don't you tell me about your feelings?" I give him a look to the side, "I'm angry at you so I will not tell you how I feel."
"Because I read your diary?" He mocks. "It may be very amusing to you Arthur Morgan but that's my only place to let out my secrets and frustration." He stays quiet and then starts to snicker, "Maybe you can let out all of your frustration on me?" I shake my head and walk away.

I put on some clothes and grab my bow then head into the woods. "Why are you huntin' today?" Arthur shouts. "Because I want to get this over with! I don't want to be around someone that looks in peoples private things." Arthur walks over to me and his face was 2 inches away from mine. "You know what I think? I think you need someone to kiss you. Take you away from your troubles, right?" I nod my head a little and Arthur grabs me by the back of my neck then pulls me in for a long kiss. His tongue was moving around with mine and he was moving his hand to my breasts. Arthur moves his hands to my ass and squeezes it then he picks me up and head towards the tent. We pull apart to breathe, "Arthur I don't-" He places his finger on my lips, "Do you wanna to make love, (y/n)?" I think for a moment and then I kiss him again, "Yes." We start to take off our clothes in front of each other outside of the tent. He had a farmers tan it was the cutest and funniest thing ever. "What?"
"Your farmers tan.. it's funny." I try to hold in my laugh. "I'm gonna get you for that!" Arthur picks me up and starts kissing me. His penis was getting hard and it was rising on my vagina. "Get in the tent." He looks at me hungrily while putting me down, "Only if you keep the hat on." I wink and start to head in the tent, "Yes ma'am." Arthur says to me then smacking my ass.

I lay down and Arthur gets between my legs, "Are you ready (y/n)?" Arthur smirks. "Do you have a condom?" I ask and Arthur goes back out to his jeans then searched the pockets. He finds one and then puts it on, "Good thinking, (y/n)" he kisses me then puts it in me. Arthur starts slow and open my mouth but nothing escapes. "Are you okay? Am I hurting you?" Arthur stops. "Yes I'm fine, don't stop." This was my first time so it hurt a bit but I didn't want to say anything to him. Arthur speeds up the pace making me moan, "Oh Arthur." He goes harder and spreads my legs wider as I was slowly closing them because of the pleasure. "Oh damn (y/n). You feel amazin'." He goes faster making me wetter and my legs start to shake. "Oh (y/n) I'm gonna cum!" Arthur moans. "I'm sort of close too." Arthur speeds up my orgasm by rubbing my clit and I moan loudly. "Yes Arthur! Make me cum!" He keeps rubbing and I clinch my walls making Arthur cum. "Shit (y/n)." He collapses on me, sweaty.

He rolls over to his pillow and steadied his breathing while taking off his hat. I put my head on his bicep and my hand on his chest. "So... are we together?" He slowly sits up and grabs his underwear, "No."
"Are you serious Arthur? I gave myself to you." He better be joking. "Yes I'm serious I can't be with you because... it doesn't matter it won't work." He shakes his head and steps out to get dressed. I huff and start getting dressed too, "Fine, whatever you're not a man anyways." I grab my bow and pistol then head into the woods.

I must've walked forever because when I came to a stop my feet were hurting.

'I can't believe I did that.'
'I should've known better!'

I hit my hand on the rock hard and the pain hurt so much, I could barely move my hand. I look back and I was really far in the woods, I think I'm lost. Oh well it's better than being around Arthur, damn bastard. Opening my satchel I take out my journal and start to write in it.

Today I finally gave myself to someone but he wasn't worth it. I think Arthur might be worse than John Marston. He said that "it wouldn't work." Whatever the hell that means! I'm tired of being disappointed and let down, I know life is about that but I'm getting old and all I want to be is a loving wife to someone. I know I still have a little time but I want to give my love to someone.

I heard a twig snap in the distance so I quickly put away my journal. "Arthur if that's you don't mess around. I'm not in the mood." I say towards the twig snapping. There was still no one coming out, "Arthur I mean it! Come out now!" Arthur would've gave up by now but instead it was a man running full speed with a machete. "Arthur help!" I scream at the top of my lungs and I start shooting my gun. I kept missing because I was scared and running more into the woods. "Get the hell away from me!" I run out of bullets so I holster my weapon and continue to run. The man caught up to me and tackled me to the ground then flipping me on my back. His laugh was unpleasant and very scary he also had a crazy look in his eye. He raises his machete in the air getting ready to impale me in the chest but a gun shot took over. The man falls to the side and I push him off to see Arthur on the other side putting away his revolver. "Arthur!" I quickly get up and hug him. "Are you alright (y/n)? I heard you screaming from the distance." I bury my head to his chest and start to cry. "I thought I was going to die Arthur." He caresses my hair back, "No more going to the woods by yourself. It's not safe for you (y/n). I don't care if you're mad at me."

Only thing that ran though my mind was me being confused. He cares but then he says he doesn't want nothing to do with me.

 He cares but then he says he doesn't want nothing to do with me

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Yes there were condoms back then

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Yes there were condoms back then. I had to double check and it looks like paper to be honest.

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