Moving Again

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Next day

I woke up to scribbling on paper and my back was to Arthur. I try to think of what he's doing and only one thing came to mind. "Arthur Morgan are you drawing me?" I quickly face him and he quickly closes his journal. "No.. I was just writing somethin'." I raise a brow and reach out my hand, "Let me see." Arthur strikes back, "No."
"Arthur you looked at my journal and you crossed the line. It's only fair if I see yours." Arthur hesitates to give me his journal then he puts it in my hand. "Now let's see." I see a paper sticking out in the back so I flip it and it was a drawing. A drawing of me naked, my back was exposed but the blanket covering my butt. "You were drawing me." Arthur rubs the back of his neck and doesn't say anything. I kiss Arthur's cheek, "I love it though, I prefer pictures so I can have memories. That's what I need to buy a camera so I can create memories." Arthur smiles and gives me a kiss.

"So what are you going to do today?" I ask Arthur while we sit at the long table. "He is going to help Strauss." Dutch chimes in. "No I am not. I will be takin' care of (y/n) until she's able to do things her own." Arthur says back. "Arthur I think you should go help Strauss. I wouldn't want you to get into trouble cause of me. I'll be fine, okay?" I smile at him. "You're worth gettin' into trouble." I shake my head and he comes to give me a kiss on the head. "I'll be back as quick as I can." Arthur walks to Strauss to see what needs to be done.

"I understand why he wants to stay on his ass (y/n) but he has a job to do. If one of my boys gets lazy, they all get lazy." Dutch walks away before I could even say anything. I take my plate and put it where Pearson has all the dishes. Then I head back to Arthur's tent, I read his survival and hunting book for an hour. It was several hours since Arthur was gone.

"(Y/n?) can we talk?" I look up to see Abigail at the foot of Arthur's bed. I sit up, "Sure, what's going on?" Abigail sits down next to me, "I'm sorry (y/n) I'm usually not mean to people unless I have to be. John told me everythin' and I just feel bad." I place my hand around her and pull her in for a side hug, "Thank you for that apology Abigail."

I was sitting near the edge of a cliff and heard a lot of commotion near Dutch's tent. So I got up and sneaked up to hear what was going on, "Dutch we need to move now, I think moving will be the right choice for everyone." Arthur says. "I know son go with Charles and find a good spot. We'll start packin' up and we will meet you there." I quickly walk towards the campfire and Dutch gets everyone's attention. "Everyone we need to pack up and leave. (Y/n) can you pack up Arthur's stuff with yours?" I sigh under my breath and walk to my area. I take down my tent and I put it in his wagon.

My arm was hurting a little and it was sore, "Damn everyone packs so quickly." And they do, everyone was almost done and I was barely halfway. Abigail, Mary-Beth, and Tilly helped me pack the rest of our stuff. "I'll ride with ya (y/n)." Tilly said. "Thank you Tilly." I reply.

Well we're moving again, I think I have a clue why but I don't want to jump the gun just yet. Everyone is heading to a place called Clemens Point. I hope everything with Arthur is okay when I see him I just need to hug him. My wound is healing but I've been feeling nauseated all today. Hopefully this sickness will go away. Also Abigail apologized to me so that's new, she's not bad after all.

I close my journal and look up to see Arthur waving at me. I quickly jump down and run towards him, "Arthur!" I hug him tight and he attempts to kiss me but stops midway. Like he forgot about something, "Are you okay? I was worried about you." Arthur holds my hand and we walk to his wagon. "Yes I'm fine but we have matching wounds." Arthur shows me his arm and I rush him to his wagon so I can get medicine and wrap him up. "Arthur are you feeling alright?" He chuckles and I give him a serious look, "Yes I'm fine you don't need to patch me up." I roll my eyes in response, "Well I think I need to, so relax." After patching up Arthur, I helped him with unpacking, "Do you want to maybe get a bigger bed? Or tent? I would love if you would sleep right next to me." I smile while putting his books in a box, "Yes I would love that Arthur. I think a good size tent would do, you know... so we can have some privacy..." I wink at him and he smirks back.

Arthur and I lay down together, "So how was your day?" I ask him softly. "Well it was... full of surprises and tiring. I helped Strauss today and I didn't like that I was beating up a sick man 'cause of a loan. Then the Pinkertons were looking for everyone so I told Dutch that we needed to leave. So a lot happened today, what about yours?" Arthur turns to me, "Well Abigail apologized to me today and I read your survival book. Pretty productive day." Arthur laughs and puts his forehead on mine, "I love you (y/n)." I look into Arthur's eyes, "I love you too Arthur." I bury my head into him and feel his breath on my neck. It sorta tickled but I slowly fell asleep.

Next day

Arthur woke up before me and someone was moving me back and forth gently. I turn over and see Jack with a smile, "(y/n) can we go into town and buy me a book? I'm starting to get bored now." Jack pouts and I smile at his cuteness. "Sure just let me wash up and eat then we'll go ask your mama." He jumps with excitement and runs to his tent. I slash water on my face and go get food. Sitting at the table Abigail walks over, "You want to buy Jack a book?" I nod my head, "Yes, if that's okay with you." Abigail smiles, "Thank you, he's been wanting a new book for a while." Jack comes and sits at the table with us. "I promised Jack that I would." I mess with his hair then clear my plate.

Jack and I get on my horse and we ride to town. "(Y/n) what's your favorite color?" Jack asks.
"(F/c)" Jack looks back, "That's my favorite color! I like dogs, do you like dogs (y/n)?" I kiss the top of his head, "Yes I do. What kind of dogs do you like?" I ask in return. "Well I like when they are nice to me. The mean ones scare me-" I stop my horse and throw up on the side of the road. "Eww, (y/n) are you feeling okay? Do you need to go to the doctor?" I take out a rag from my satchel and wipe my lips then throw it down to cover the vomit. "I'm fine Jack, just been feeling sick lately and you're probably right. Since we're going into town, we'll go see if the doctor can help me."

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