The Vows?

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"Wake up." Someone softly shook me and whispered for me to wake up. When I finally adjusted my eyes to the sunlight being beamed in, it was Tilly. "We need to get you breakfast then when you're hungry again we'll put your dress on." I softly exhaled and slowly got out of bed. When Tilly brought my breakfast she sat next to me, "Are you so excited?" I think she was more excited than me. "Yes very. I just hope Arthur doesn't runaway when I say 'I do.' That's all I'm worried about." She knitted her brows together and opened her mouth but Mary-Beth chimed in. "Oh my goodness, you are going to look so beautiful today. You're glowing already." I smile at her. "Thank you Mary-Beth. Will y'all excuse me? I just need a moment." I go in the tent and grab my journal then I head to the small pier.

I sit down with my legs crossed and open my journal.

Today I am getting married to the man I love, Arthur Morgan. He may not be perfect but he's soon to be my husband. I am only emotional because I have waited for this day since I was 16. Now that it is coming true, I can't help but feel mixed emotions for this day. I hope all goes well for the both of us.

"Y/n?" I turn around quickly to see Arthur in his sleep clothes. "Arthur." I get up and hug him. "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be getting ready."
"I could say the same to you Mrs. Morgan." He places his hands on my hips and then pulls me in for a kiss. "I'm nervous.."
"Are you having second thoughts?" Arthur looks down, bracing himself for the worst. "No! God no, Arthur. I love you, I want to marry you." He lifts his head, "Then what's wrong?" I sigh and the words come out, "What if I fall? Everyone would laugh and I felt like I was in a dream when you asked me but now it feels real? If that makes any sense." Arthur chuckled and nods his head, "Yeah that makes sense honey."

Later that day I was in Dutch's tent getting my hair done and makeup. "I don't want too much makeup please." I tell Tilly while she's putting some eyeshadow. The time went so quick and by the time I knew it, it was time. "Here's some tissue if you cry." Mary-Beth stuffs tissues between my breasts. "Oookay." I straighten myself and Dutch walks me down the isle to Arthur. He had his hands together in front of him and he just couldn't help but smile. "You're going to be a great wife y/n." Dutch kisses the top of my hand and we meet Arthur underneath a big tree.

"Everyone please have a seat, we're going to start the ceremony." The nun said. We couldn't afford a priest to the ceremony but a sweet nun volunteered to attend our wedding. "We are here with y/n and Arthur on this day to celebrate. To celebrate a new marriage that will last forever because it's a promise. Before we exchange vows I would like to say that marriage is more than just being together. It's about spending the rest of your life with your best friend, someone that you can count on. Arthur would you mind getting the ring ready and your vows?"
Arthur was shaking and getting a paper along with a ring, out of his pocket. He opens it and looks at me. "Y/n you are the most beautiful and important person in my life. You know that I am not a rich man but I have a lot of love to offer you. You being my wife will be the best thing ever because I never thought I would get married again. Hell.. I didn't think I would be loved again. You are a blessing and I'm so grateful to have you. I love you y/n." Arthur slides the ring on my finger and it was gorgeous. I take my paper from Tilly and open it. "Arthur Morgan I take you to be my best friend, my husband, my world and my heart. Every time we're away I feel incomplete but when you're around I feel like I just completed my plan." I turn to Dutch with a playful smirk and he shakes his head in return. Everyone was laughing or chuckling in response. "I would love to be your wife until our time is up because being with you is perfect. You make my day everyday and you don't even do much Arthur. You can laugh, you can smile, even you breathing makes my day just knowing that you're okay makes me happy. I love you Arthur." I slide his ring on his finger and we hold hands. "By the power invested in me I pronounce you Mr and Mrs Morgan/husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.

With that Arthur connected his lips with mine and his tongue went in my mouth. Others noticed what he did and they were cheering and whistling. We pull apart and we face our friends smiling as Mr and Mrs. Morgan. "I'm the happiest man alive!" Arthur shouts at the sky while holding my hand still. "Oh my goodness you're a wife now, how does it feel?" Mary-Beth asked and Arthur went to go with the men to continue celebrating. "It feels wonderful to be his wife and I'm so happy." I smile then look over at him, he looks back and smiles as well.

We stayed at camp for a bit chatting up with our friends and Arthur comes from behind me to cover my eyes. "Guess who?" He saying changing his voice so I won't know who it is. "If you're not my husband I suggest you should take your hands off of me." I jokingly say. "Well what happens if I don't?" He says back. "Well then I guess I better call for my husband." Arthur leans next to my ear and whispers, "Who's your husband?" I take off his hands on my face and kiss his lips, "You, sir." I add a smirk and wink at him. Arthur sits next to me and very close, "You know you just turned me on right?" I bite my lip in response and he looks down at his lap defeated. He slowly and discreetly takes my hand and places it on his bulge. "I got a surprise for you tonight." He whispers in my ear again then kissing my neck afterwards. "What are you going to do?" I ask. "We'll have to see."

The whole day was eating, laughing and dancing to Javiers songs. The both of us are happy and in love.

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