Oneshot | Robbin' gone bad

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"Alright do you remember the plan? We can't mess this up." Arthur and I were about to do the most crazy thing. Rob the Saint Denis bank it was me, him, and Sadie to help us with the wagon. She was the driver because we were going to be shooting our way out of the city. I tap my revolver and we kiss one last time before putting our mask on. This kiss was different, this was kissing him like we haven't seen each other in a long time. "I love you y/n." Arthur says pulling apart "I love you too Arthur." I didn't like how he was saying this it was like we were saying goodbye to each other but I just brush it off.

Arthur gets his pistol ready and we kicks the door in. "Alright everyone get on the damn ground now!" He demands and everyone does what he says. "Honey get that man and have him open the safe!" Arthur signals his way to a man behind the counter. "Come on let's go." I grab the man by the collar and start dragging him. "Open the safe. This is the only time I'm going to tell you." He was so jittery and scared but he managed to open the safe. "Get on the floor and put your hands over your head. Don't try anything cause I am not afraid to take your life." E does what he says and doesn't move. There was so much cash in the safe I couldn't figure out where to start. "Fill up four bags honey!" Arthur tosses me two more pillowcases and I slide money into them.

A few minutes later I was done and I closed the safe room door so the man couldn't do anything. "Hey!" He could be heard on the other side as I was walking away with the money. "It's done honey, let's leave." Arthur was still pointing his weapons at anyone that was willing to do anything to stop us. "Y'all have a nice day now." We get on the wagon at the front and a lawman saw us. "Stop what you're doing and let me check those bags." I quickly pullout my revolver and cock it back then pulled the trigger on the lawman. He fell to the ground and Sadie started the wagon in a hurry. "Damn that was something." Arthur said as we were leaving. "He was going to blow that stupid whistle like a little coward." I spin my revolver and then holster it while sitting back on the sacks of money.

Arthur quickly places his lips on mine and his hand is on my right cheek. The passionate kiss is what took me out of all the troubles. His love is what makes me whole and after everything that's happened to me he makes me so damn happy. I run one of my hands through his hair and feel the greasy dirtiness of it. "You make me so happy Arthur Morgan." He smiles and says "You make me happy y/n." Immediately after Arthur was shot and when I looked down he started bleeding at his stomach. I quickly look out and he was shot by a lawman. Without hesitation I pulled out my revolver and shot the lawman on a horse until I was out of ammo. "You bastard!"

I held Arthur closer and he was bleeding out. "Arthur please. Stay with me honey." He dug in his satchel and pulled out a ring. "I-I was g-going to propose to y-you." His breathing was getting heavier and I knew he was close to his death. "You were?" His bloody hand touched my cheek and he got blood on it but I didn't care. I was too busy staring into his blue eyes. "Yes.. I'm so in love with you y/n. You make me the happiest man alive." Tears started to roll down and I pulled him closer "I can't lose you Arthur, not like this."

He stopped breathing just within a few seconds, his lifeless body was in my arms and there was nothing I could do to bring him back. Arthur was here one minute and he was gone the next. I take the ring out of his hand and put it on my finger. Kissing his forehead and then saying "I'll always be yours Arthur." Gently setting him down and as we were getting out of the city there was lawmen after us. "Y/n set up the gun!" I set up the mini gun and start shooting at these damn bastards. "You can all go to hell!" They were dropping like flies left and right. I just kept shooting out of anger and frustration, no mercy for the law.

The gun was hot and Arthur's blood was everywhere on me. We arrived to Shady Belle and I just stayed in the back. "Where's Arthur?" Johns voice was heard while Sadie was walking away. "He's with y/n." I assumed she pointed in the back because John made his way towards us. "Arth-" Johns face turned white like he saw a ghost. "Arthur! What's wrong with him? Y/n?!" I couldn't bring myself to say it I didn't want to believe it. "He's gone.." my raspy voice said still holding him close.

John gets out and a few minutes later Dutch arrives his face was full of tears. "My son..." Dutch gets on and Hosea follows afterwards. Dutch pulled Arthur's lifeless body toward him and he couldn't believe he was gone. "This is your fault Dutch. Arthur is dead because of you." I get out and brush pass everyone that was in the way.

I never left Arthur I was always close I even pitched my tent near his grave. It's far away from camp but I'm not leaving him. He's my cowboy and this might sound crazy but I'm in love with this man. I talk to him on a daily basis, there's not a minute that goes by where I don't. I miss you honey.

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