I Will

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"(Y/n) wake up." I open my eyes to see Arthur waking me up. "Good evening (y/n) are you feeling better?" I look to my right at see that the sun was setting. "Oh my, I slept way too much and yes I feel better." Arthur giggles, "Well you're feeling better is what I wanted, don't worry about oversleeping."
"What do you want to do now that I'm up?" I stretch while he sits next to me, "I want you to get dressed in something nice. We're going out tonight."

I thought about where we were going to go while I was getting ready but nothing came to mind. "Alright I'm ready Arthur."


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(I thought this was a pretty dress, if you don't like it sorry

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(I thought this was a pretty dress, if you don't like it sorry. 😕 this is not my screenshot of our sexy cowboy.)

"Wow (y/n) you look beautiful." I blush at Arthur's compliment. "You're not bad yourself Arthur. Now, where are we off to?" Arthur takes my hand and walks me to the boat. "A late night fishing trip?" I ask jokingly, "Very funny." Arthur replies back.

We paddle to the middle of nowhere and he pulls out a basket. "I got us some wine, fine cheese and bread with 2 bottles of moonshine." I smile at him while he lights a lantern, he was being romantic. I remembered that I brought my satchel, it's a habit but I remember that I had my camera. "Arthur can I take a picture? Just one?" Arthur nods and turns the gas high on the lantern while I insert film. I take a picture of him looking into the camera giving me a glass of wine. "Alright, done." Arthur raises a brow while I take the glass. "I wasn't ready."
"It's okay I just wanted to capture the moment. I love this Arthur, it was well thought of." We cling our glasses together and take a sip. The wine was a nice gesture but the taste was awful. "Do you like the wine?" Arthur asks disgusted with the taste. "Not really." He pours it pack in the bottle and takes mine then does the same. "How about that moonshine then?" He takes a bottle and gives it to me we cheers to, "Let the old people have the wine." I laugh and cheers to that.

"So you've never had sex with anyone else?" Arthur and I lay side by side on a blanket. "Nope, I wanted to wait until marriage but I just didn't want to wait that long. What about you? Was there anyone before me?" I tickle his chin with my index finger, "Between the time of Mary and you? No, not one woman. I was just always busy and tired so I didn't even try." Arthur takes another sip of moonshine and then he puts it in the basket. "Want some of mine?" He shakes his head and I sit up then sipping my moonshine. "(Y/n) I know this sounds like a terrible idea but I would like to meet your parents." I stand up with my back to Arthur then I sit down on the board. As soon as I turned around Arthur was on one knee, "(y/n) when we first met you were running for your life from a bear. If we had just left a minute early I would've never met you. I am not a perfect man but I will try to give you my all and everything you want. I'm glad to call you my mine but if you accept this ring, I promise to call you my wife for as long as I live. (Y/n) will you marry me?" I nod my head with tears going down on my cheeks, "Yes! Arthur Morgan I will!" He puts the ring on and hugs me, "I love you so much (y/n)." I give him a quick peck on the lips, "I love you too Arthur."

We slow dance a little after to his bad humming and we sit on the blanket after. Just enjoying the sound of insects and looking at the stars in the sky. I would mess with Arthur's hair and give him little kisses on his cheek. I'm so in love with this man, he makes me the happiest. "Alright we should head back the night is not over." Arthur takes off his jacket and rolls up his sleeves. I couldn't help but bite my lip and stare at him, "What?" Arthur asks while getting ready to row the boat. "Nothing you just turned me on." I say softly. "By rollin' up my sleeves?" He laughs while rowing. I roll my eyes, "You wouldn't understand Arthur." Arthur looks to the side and then looks at my hungrily. "Just you wait, I have a surprise for you."

Arthur and I arrive at camp then he gets off the boat to help me. His horse came to us and he helped me up then we were riding away from camp and into the woods. Arthur gets off and helps me down, "What are we doin' here Arthur?" He picks me up by sweeping me off my feet and he walks towards a big tree. "Relax, okay?" He sets me down and leans in to push me back to the tree. Arthur slowly picks up my dress and starts fingering me. "No underwear?" He asks me. "Laundry day was pushed 'til later today." I say placing my arms on his shoulders. He puts his fingers in and his palm was rubbing my clit. I moan into Arthur's neck and he stops then turns me around to take off my dress. It took a while but he finally got it off, then I loosened his pants and began sucking his dick.

"Oh damn (y/n)." Arthur moans and gag while moving my hand back and forth. I moan softly while going deeper, "It's okay honey no one won't hear us." I pull out and spit on his hard dick then shove it back in my mouth. He places a hand behind my head and pushes me in more. Then he stops me and he pushes me on the tree then picks up my right leg. He holds my right leg up then looks into my eyes while putting his cock in me. I moan while staring in his eyes, "Oh yes I want you Arthur." He starts going hard, "I want you too (y/n)." He cries out and goes faster, then Arthur attacks my neck by biting down on it. I moan with pain and pleasure, "Arthur do that again." Arthur bites down on another spot on the same shoulder. "Do you like that?" He asks afterwards, still going hard. "Yes Arthur, pull my hair." He pulls on it and I let out a moan while rolling my eyes back. "Oh fuck (y/n) I'm gonna cum!" I dig my nails on Arthur's back, "Me too, don't you dare stop." Arthur pushes a few more times and he cums then pulls out. I put my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. "Let me see your shoulder." He asks out of breath and softly. I show Arthur my shoulder, "Damn I'm sorry honey that was too rough." I shake my head then I bit my bottom lip, "No it's okay. I... I liked that."

Arthur and I went back to camp quietly and we laid down together. After when Arthur went to sleep I was fiddling with my ring that Arthur gave me and I couldn't help but smile. Everything was so perfect about this day.

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