Sleeping Together

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The next day

I wake up early and get some breakfast with coffee before Abigail could tell me no. After eating I change to my outfit from yesterday and head to my horse. "Mornin' (y/n) I got you something." Arthur pulls out a daisy from his satchel. "Are you here to replace my sunflower you got rid of?" I pat my horse then give it a carrot. "Can we talk alone? Maybe head to Valentine and explain things?" I gesture him to hurry and he gets on his horse.

Following him to a hitching post next to the sheriffs office. He gives me his hand to help myself off, "Lets buy you a gun and some more arrows." We head into the gun store and I browse the catalog. "I want one like yours." I point at his gun in the holster. "Okay but get the handle a different color. I don't want to mine mixed up with yours." A black handle will go good with the gun. "Alright give me a minute to get this prepared." I step away from the counter and took some arrows. "Add this too." The man adds up the price and I just look around. "So can I talk to you?" I nod my head while reading the ammo boxes. "I-I kinda.. like you. Not in a friend way... more than friends." I sigh at his confession, just went I thought things were complicated. "Charles likes me, you know that right? Is that why you two were fighting because of me?" He gulps and looks into my eyes, "I know he likes you but it makes me.. jealous. I don't like when he hangs out with you..." I smirk at what he says but then I remember that this love triangle is going to be a pain in the ass. "Alright all done with your weapon, ma'am." I take the gun and put it in Arthur's satchel. "Thank you. Have a great day."

I step out and Arthur was right behind me. He quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me around the corner of the gun store. Arthur pushes me to the wall and kisses me. I don't fight this because my heart was racing and my legs felt like noodles when he kissed me. Arthur pulled his lips from mine, "We should go see a show, right now." He pulls me to the horses and we go down to buy some tickets. Arthur and I pick the second row in the front to sit down. The show starts and he slowly puts his arm around me. "What are you doing Arthur?" He removes his arm and clears his throat, "Nothing I thought you had something on your shirt."

When the show was over we head back to our horses. "Can I have my gun now? I need to go find some money." Arthur doesn't give me the gun. "You are not goin' alone. Also we need to head back to camp, Dutch wants us to go hunting and bring back a lot of meat." We ride back to camp.

When arriving to camp I take my tent down and pack some my of stuff in my area then some from my horse. I put it in the back of the wagon then Arthur puts only his bedroll and some canned food. "That's it?" I ask confused. "Yeah men don't need a lot of things like women. Give us some food and a place to sleep and we're fine." I climb on the wagon and before Arthur could accelerate, "Wait! (Y/n)!" I turn to see Charles running to the wagon. "Hey Charles." I smile at him. Charles gives me a handmade headband with a feather in the back. "Oh wow this is beautiful. Did you make it?" He nods his head while I try it on. "It looks great on you." I smile at him and then hug him in return. "Thank you, I love it but would you mind holding onto it? I feel like I would lose it if I took it with me." I hand back the headband, "Sure but when will you be back?" Arthur cuts in before I could say anything. "It'll be a few days if I know a good spot." Charles stares at Arthur then looks back at me with smile. Charles steps forward and leans in slowly, he wanted a kiss before I go. "Come on we don't have time for this." Arthur interrupts before anything happened. "I'll see you in a few days Charles." I get on the wagon and we head to Cumberland Forest.

"This is a nice place, what should I keep an eye out for?" I ask Arthur. "Bears." I look forward with a worried look, "Don't worry, I wouldn't let a bear get to you." That made me feel a little better but I wouldn't want Arthur to get hurt either. We pull over and I cautiously get off the wagon, looking at my surroundings. "Pitch the tent and start a fire, I'll get tonight's supper." Arthur gets his throwing knifes ready and disappears in the trees. I start to place rocks around in a circle then I put some paper from the news paper underneath the sticks. I take a rock and another rock then start rubbing them together to get a spark. I successfully start a fire then I start pitching the tent. I grab my bedroll and put it in the tent along with my things. I sit in the tent and write in my journal.

I have a secret to tell, Arthur Morgan is a handsome man. He kissed me and just wanted him to kiss me again. Knowing that he likes me just gives me a feeling in my stomach. I don't want to confess this just yet. On the other hand though, Charles is just too sweet. I don't want to hurt him but Arthur is something else.

I smile to myself then I hear a twig break by my tent. I slowly poke my head out and no one was there. So I get out and check my surroundings, I quickly pullout my gun. "Whoever you are, you better come out." Arthur comes out laughing and then smirks. "Oh my goodness you.."
"You.. what? Come on say it." He encourages me. "You bastard. You scared the hell out of me." He chuckles, "What were you doing anyways?" I put away my gun, "I was writing in my journal. Nothing special." Arthur sits by the fire and skins the rabbit. "Who were you writing about?"

'Lie. No wait. Don't lie.'

"That's none of your business Mr. Morgan." I sit next to him. "Yeah if I had to guess it was about me or someone else. I write in a journal too." Arthur hands me a rabbit, "Skin this." I hold the end and pull off the skin, just like he did in front of me. We cooked the rabbit and talked about ourselves. "Why did you run away?"
"I didn't want to marry the man that ask for my hand. I wanted to choose, I didn't want a random person." I add back. "Well that's a risky move right there." Arthur tells me, "Yes I know but I believe that there's someone out there for me."
"Don't we all?" Arthur gets up and picks up his bedroll. "I think we should sleep in the same tent. We'll be warmer this way." I stop Arthur from putting in his bedroll in the tent, "Arthur it would be more courteous if you slept somewhere else." He smiles holding in his laugh, "So you want a bear to get me?" I throw my hands up, "Don't make me feel bad." Arthur smirks and throws his bedroll next to mine. "Let's hit the hay." Arthur climbs in and so do I. We lay down facing each other, "That's your side and this is my side. Stay on your side, I'm letting you sleep here because I don't want you attacked by a bear." Arthur smirks then closes his eyes and I stare at his handsome face.

'I want you, Arthur Morgan.'

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