Good Moaning

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I woke up before Arthur and our backs were to each other. I turn on my right side and search for his manhood. "Mr. Morgan wake up..." I whisper in his ear while rubbing him. "Mmm good morning Mrs. Morgan." I get on top of him and pin his arms above his head. "I think we have a few minutes before people start waking up." I wink then kiss his neck and work my way down to his body. I could feel his boner rising, "I think someone is happy..." I stand up and take off my underwear then toss them aside. Arthur does the same as well and when he gets them off I lubricate his dick. "(Y/n)..." he whispers while closing his eyes. I stopped when I thought it was enough then I inserted his dick in me. Arthur helps me and then when I got it in He interlaced his fingers with mine. I was softly moaning while going in and out. "Oh yes, (y/n). You're so beautiful honey, your body is so sexy." Arthur whispers to me. I go faster and our body's start slapping together. "Oh my god." I say a little loud which makes Arthur cover my mouth. I breathe louder into his hand then Arthur stops me and holds me into place, them he starts thrusting up into me. "Fuck (y/n) you're so wet. I'm so glad I'm marrying you." He continues to whisper and he goes faster in me. "Oh damn I'm gonna cum." Arthur was shaking a little bit and so was I. When I started rubbing my clit, my walls were beginning to tighten. "Yes, yes." Arthur pumps in me one last time before cumming. We both collapsed down and Arthur was still in me. "I-I'm sorry for cumming in you (y/n)." Arthur tells me out of breath. "It's fine Mr. Morgan. Do you want some breakfast?" He nods his head yes and I kiss him on the cheek.

After getting dressed and wearing Arthur's hat with my outfit. I head down to Pearson to get Arthur and I some food. "We would like for you to try on the dress today." Tilly comes up from behind me to scare me. "Oh yeah.. sure just not when Arthur is around." Tilly nods in response and then skips away. "Here you go." Arthur sits out of the tent to get some sun. "Thank you darlin' and I'm gonna need that back." He points to his hat on my head, I playfully frown. "But I like it."
"I know.. but it's my favorite hat." He smiles and I do too.

After about 2 hours Arthur was getting ready to leave. "I really wish you didn't have to go."
"I know, it might be a couple of days so don't worry alright? We're going to try to get some money from these families, I'm not really fond of the idea but I don't really get a say." I glance over at Dutch and see him staring back. "I love you Arthur." He leans down and pecks my lips, "I love you too, I will be back in time for the wedding, okay?" I nod my head and he takes off with Hosea, John, and Dutch. I go into the tent where my dress we being made, "Alright, let's have you try this thing on." The ladies helped me put it on and I was shocked to see that it fit perfectly. "Wow Thank you so much Miss. Grimshaw." She faintly smiles and nods her head. Tilly and Mary-Beth jump with excitement. "Oh my goodness you're getting married!"
"Alright ladies we need to get back to work now." Miss. Grimshaw stated. Everyone helped me take off my dress and I put my clothes back on. "Have you two decided where you're going to spend time together after the wedding?" I shake my head, "No I think he just wants to stay at camp. We didn't really discuss it." I get down by the river and start washing clothes. "Well I think you two should get a hotel room in the city and make love."
"I agree!" Mary-Beth comes from behind me and helps me. I laugh, "Maybe, I don't know.."

The rest of the day was just slow and boring, I just kept thinking about Arthur and I getting married. When the day was over I just sat in our tent and went to sleep. The past 3 days were so long, it felt like Arthur was gone for months. It was just the same thing everyday wash clothes, help Pearson, and play with little Jack. That was the only thing that was entertaining and keeping my mind off Arthur a little bit, little Jack is just the sweetest.

"The men are back!" I get up and run to everyone that came back. Arthur was hitching his horse and I run up to him. "Honey!" He said as I jumped on him excitedly. I couldn't help but kiss him all over his face. "(Y/n) I stink, let me shower." He laughs while I'm on top him him still kissing his face, then we connect our lips together. "I missed you so damn much (y/n). Are you excited for the wedding?" I nod my head and he starts to sit up. "Go relax and I'll get you a plate." I help him up and he walks to the table that was in the middle. I grabbed him a big plate of potatoes, meat, carrots, and tomatoes. "Here you go." I give him the plate and when I was about to walk away Arthur grabbed my wrist and pulls me to him. "Sit with me. How was your day?"
"It was alright, mainly boring without you but I think someone might steal me away..." Arthur bites into his food then licks his lips, "Oh yeah and who might that be?" Arthur and I know when we're playing along or joking. "Little Jack, he's quite the gentleman." I wink at Arthur. "Well that's a tough one... he might just win cause I can't compete with that." He smiles at me and I giggle then bury my head into his chest. "Let's lay with each other, after you're done." Arthur agreed by taking another bite and nodding his head.

I head to our tent and Arthur and I laid down, being near him was enough to put me at ease. "Are you ready for tomorrow?" Arthur kisses my head after asking. "Yes. I'm just really nervous."
"Why?" Arthur immediately asked me. "Because I feel like we'll get married and then years to come you'll leave me. I just want this to be my only marriage and I don't believe in separating." Arthur tilts my chip up, "I am never going to leave you y/n. I want this to be my last marriage, I didn't believe in getting married twice but it just feels right." He pulls me to his chest and I listen to him breathe. "Good night Arthur."

"Good night y/n."

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