Goodbye Mama

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Third person POV

Josiah wakes up and doesn't bother y/n so he can let her get some more sleep. He makes some eggs with bacon then baked some bread. Josiah was reading the newspaper to make time pass. He looked at his pocket watch and it was almost two o' clock. He gets up and makes his way to the bedroom, "y/n it's late, you should get up and eat." He noticed that I was in the same position as earlier, "y/n?" Josiah cautiously walked over and gently shook me. He noticed that I was sort of cold. Josiah made his way to the phone and called Arthur.

A few hours later

There was a banging on the door and Josiah opened it quickly. "Where is she?" Arthur brushed passed Josiah quickly. "She's in the room." Arthur slowly makes his way to the room and then looks in to see my lifeless body. "Mama..." a tear rolled down his cheek. He quickly makes his way to me and pulls me close. "Mama come back. Please don't go." Arthur cries as he pulls me closer and my cold body makes him shiver. "She loved you very much." Josiah said at the doorway. Arthur looks at me and brushes some of my hair back. "She left too soon."
"That might be the truth but she's in a better place now. She's a good woman Arthur." Josiah walked away and he cried into my chest. "I'm going to miss you so much mama. Goodbye mama."

Readers POV

It was dark but I couldn't see anything, it was pitch black. Then suddenly a bright light just appeared everywhere. I felt like I was in a white box or world. There was white everywhere but nothing in sight. I look at my hands and I was young again. I shake my head and head music and laughter. I turn to my left and see that there were people. I walk up to the area and there were people dancing and having a good time.

I noticed two people at the bar and I softly tapped their shoulder. "Y/n! It's so good to see you!" I smile, "it's great to see you too Hosea and you too as well Lenny." I give the both of them some hugs and then they hand me a beer. "So.. What happened?" Lenny asked. Hosea bumped his arm on Lenny, "Hoesa it's okay. Dementia got the best of me." Hosea shakes his head, "damn the diseases."
"Indeed." I clank my beer with the both of them.

Suddenly I feel arms around me and I quickly turn around to see Arthur. "Arthur!" I say excitedly. "I missed you so damn much honey." He still smelled the same and it was really him. "What.."
"How's the baby?" Arthur asked curiously. "Well.. he's not a baby anymore."
"Yes Arthur, he looks so much like you." He smiles and plants his lips on mine. After kissing for a while we pull away, "So tell me everything that happened when I was gone, we have all the time in the world."

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