Just like old times

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The next morning

I woke up by myself and Arthur was no where to be found. "Hey y/n after you're done with your eggs, do you want to go hunting with me? We won't go too far." Charles asked while sitting next to me. "Sure are we getting small things?"
"Yeah rabbits and birds for the moment. Do you still have your bow? Bet it's collecting dust." I smile, he's right I haven't been using any of my weapons. "It May be collecting dust but I still got it Charles." I say jokingly. He softly nudges me and I make my way to get my bow. Charles and I leave camp and into the woods.

I saw a rabbit eating some grass and I readied my bow. I strung it back and released while exhaling quietly. Immediate contact with the bow and rabbit. "Alright not that bad, let's try a bird." Charles takes a rock and throws it at a tree far up. A few birds scattered and I found one that caught my interest. I did the same before and I made contact. "Wow y/n not bad. You must be bored doing the same thing everyday." I shrug my shoulders. "There's not much you can do when you're pregnant. Plus Dutch doesn't want me to do anything extreme. We should head back before Arthur starts freaking out." We grab the dead animals and walk back to camp. Arthur wasn't back yet so I helped skin the rabbit and pluck the bird.

Hours and hours passed he still wasn't home. I just hope he's okay, whatever he's doing for Dutch. "Well I'm going to hit the hay. I'll see y'all in the morning." I get in my oversized gown and turn down the lantern. When my head landed on the pillow, I was out.

Next morning

Arthur was right next to me and I hug him by wrapping one arm around him. "Good morning honey. Anything new happened yesterday?" Arthur props himself up, "Well yesterday Dutch and I went to go get a boat and tonight we're going to give Bronte a social call. Then tomorrow everyone is going to help with the bank robbery." I shake my head, "Arthur y'all can't do all of this at once. Someone needs to talk to Dutch-"
"I've tried y/n, Hosea has tried only person that he'll listen to us himself." I shake my head because Dutch told everyone one time that revenge is a fools game.

"Well now I'm worried honey." I say while folding clothes and Arthur was cleaning his gun. "I know, this is way too fast even for Dutch."

Hours pass and the sun was setting so men get on their horses and take off. No goodbyes or where they are going. Charles and I sat by the fire and ate some chocolate. "Here try this." I take the chocolate piece and when I bit into it there was some caramel. "Oh wow, I didn't expect that. This is really good, where did you get this?" Charles smiles as he bites into the other half. "It's German chocolate and this man in strawberry is the only person that sells it." I bite into it again. "There should be more people selling this." This chocolate was heaven. "Thank you so much, I think you craved my sweet tooth for about a month now." He chuckles and gives me two chocolate bars. "Here you go, you need it more than me." I smile and I heard horses running in, it was Arthur and everyone else. I run up to him, "Hey try this." I take a piece of chocolate and hand it to Arthur. "Mm that's some good chocolate. Where did you get this?"
"Charles knows a man in strawberry that sells this. It's German." Arthur signals Charles a thank you and we head up to our room.

"So what happened with the social call?" I say getting undressed. "I don't want to talk about that honey. How was your day?" I stay quiet and continue getting ready for bed. "Dutch.. is different and it's not good y/n. When we relax or spend time together, you help me forget." We lay in our bed and I listen to his heartbeat. His little chest hairs were tickling my lips but I didn't care. Something didn't feel right and I couldn't help but hold him all night long. So if I got hot or sweaty I wouldn't let go. They are going to rob a bank tomorrow and it just didn't feel like the smartest thing to do. I stayed up all night worrying for Arthur. In the morning I was going to regret this but I just couldn't sleep. I finally fell asleep but the worries were still there.

"Y/n... wake up." Someone was gently shaking me awake and it was Charles. I was alone in my bedroom, asleep. "Come on we need to go." I open my eyes and then I remember I was in my underwear and bra. "Oh damn." I quickly cover myself then sit up. "Sorry about that, where's Arthur?"
"He's loading up with everyone else. You should get ready, you're going to be playing a part." I start getting dressed. "Don't you think that's the last thing Dutch wants?" Charles shook his head, "No he actually recommended it." My eyes widen at the thought of Dutch saying that. "Are you serious?" Charles being silent was enough for it to be serious.

'That bastard.'

"If it makes you feel any better, Arthur didn't want to go through the plan if you were at risk." Charles was trying I'll give him that but I was still pissed. "I get that you're trying to make the situation seem better but that damn bastard didn't need to put me at risk! He could've gotten any innocent person off the street!" Dutch is crazy for thinking that this is going to work.

Charles and I head out to the front where we saw everyone ready to go. "You're going with Hosea and Abigail." I get in the back of the wagon and Abigail ties my hands and feet together. "If I'm being honest, I don't like this one bit. Arthur was arguing with Dutch this morning about it." Arthur didn't want to put me in harms way, he tried that's what counts. "Y/n.." Arthur came from around the corner of the wagon. "Arthur..." he saw that I was tired up and his eyes started to water up. "I- tried.." I quickly hugged him, "Arthur I know, I'm not angry at you. I'm angry at Dutch for this dumb plan." Arthur kisses me for a long time then Dutch announced that it was time to go.

The wagons went first so I was able to see Arthur before I had to lay down. I waved at him and he did the same back to me. "Alright y'all go ahead, we don't want to go in as a big group." I took one last look at Arthur before laying down. The sun was creeping in and shining in my eyes. There were so many bumps along the way.

"Alright were here, y/n stay in the wagon if the law finds you use a fake name." Hosea opened up the back to take out a small red box. "Abigail and I will be back to get out of here and meet up with everyone."

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