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Next morning

"Y/n!" I wake up to Arthur coming in the tent loudly. "Y-Yes Arthur?" I slowly sit up and rub my eyes. Arthur was wearing his winter clothes and he was hot taking them off. "Why are you wearing your winter outfit hon?" He was getting undressed while explaining, "the cavalry is after me and Dutch. He was doing something with the people of Wapiti and I tried to put a stop to it." Arthur continues to get dressed. "Arthur you can't be serious.. what did we talk about yesterday?"
"I know y/n but this is different." Different? "How is this different Arthur?" He grabs his hat and heads out without even saying anything. "So now you're not going to answer?" I cross my arms while he goes to get some food. Arthur still didn't say anything to me. "Arthur!" I turn him around and he looks at me with a serious look. I was so angry at him, my eyes watered up and I walked back to the tent.

My anger only build up and I just felt like doing something foolish. I packed a suitcase and made my way to my horse. I got on with my suitcase and rested on it while I was controlling the horse. "Y/n you get off that horse right now!" Arthur demanded me but I didn't listen. The horse and I took off on my way to Annesburg. I don't know why I was going there but I just wanted to get away from everything.

When I was about half way a group of men stopped me by standing in the middle of the road. Some men with semi long hair and tattered clothes blocked the way. "Can we help you find your way miss?" The skinny one asked me. He was dirty and was balding at the top, this smelled like trouble. "No, I was on my way to town."
"State your business." The big man said. "I needed to get away from all the drama."
"Y/n! No!" I turn to see Arthur riding quickly with a pump shot gun in his hand. One of the men tried taking me off my horse but I managed to kick him away. I turned around and hauled ass towards Arthur. As he kept going he shot all of them down and left no one alive. Arthur turned around and came towards me. "Are you trying to get yourself killed?" That's it I couldn't hold back. "You don't care Arthur." He looks at me surprised to snap at him. "What the hell do you mean? I do care! Why do you think I'm running around acting like a goddamn fool! To get you some place safe and away from his gang." I shake my head, "Arthur all I want is you with me. You're running around dying and all I want to do is spend however much time we have left together." A lump in my throat started to form. "I know.. but I'm trying to set things straight and we'll spend time together, okay?"
"I-I can't promise that y/n." Arthur gets on his horse and we hold hands all the way to camp.

"Arthur!" Rains Fall called. Arthur made sure I got off my horse and went in our tent. "Arthur there's a negotiation going on but I want people there I can trust. Will you be there?"
"Sure." There was a silence for a brief moment. "Y/n... I'm sorry." Arthur said while he was outside of the tent. I went out and wrapped my arms around him. I cant stay mad at him because the worst can happen today or tomorrow. "I'm sorry too honey." My voice cracked. "I love you." Arthur pecks my lips. "I love you too, be careful." We pull apart and he gets on his horse with Charles.

"Y/n" Reverend Swanson steppes in front of me. "Reverend." He had his suitcases and set them down. "I-I would like for you to come with me to the train station."
"You're leaving too?" I ask. "Yes, I feel like the group is just drifting into something I don't want to be apart of." I nod my head in agreement, "Arthur is helping me, John, and Abigail. We'll leave soon." Reverend grabs my hand gently, "I pray that you make it out and never look back."
"Take care of yourself Reverend." He smiles weakly and a stagecoach pulled up and he went in with his bags. I waved goodbye and Abigail came right beside me. "We have to leave soon. There won't be anyone else left and the last ones get it worst." I tell her. "We do need to leave, soon."

Night fall

I was reading a book in on the bed to pass time and I was just about done with it. When I finished it I checked the time with the pocket watch Arthur stole a long time ago. It was midnight, I think arthur is going to be gone another day.


Tilly was talking to Karen about her drinking herself to death. "I don't need you to watch after me. Get the hell away from me!" Karen slapped Tilly and I quickly got up and ran to Karen. "Karen! What the hell are you doing?" I help Tilly up and Karen finished the bottle in her hand. "Shut the hell up y/n, you bitch. All you cry and whine about is Arthur. No one cared if I was crying about Sean!" Karen was slurring her words left and right. "Karen I know that you're still upset about Sean. You have that right but you have to have a clear head." Karen throws the bottle at my feet and I look at her pissed off. I couldn't set her straight because she was drunk off her ass. "Just leave her, she doesn't want any help." Tilly said while I was still holding her. We made our way to get Tilly a cold towel. I took a clean cloth and put it in a bucket of water. "Here it's cold so this should help the fact that you have that handprint." I sit down and Pearson was no where to be found. I think he was still asleep and I started making breakfast for me and Tilly.

I chopped up some potatoes and egg then put them on the skillet. I cooked them for a bit and when they were done. "Here." I hand her a fork and we eat from the skillet. "This is not bad. You should teach Pearson to cook." She laughs afterwards. I smile and continue to eat. Suddenly I feel arms around me and a kiss was placed on my cheek. "How's everything?" Arthur asked in my ear. "Everything is okay. Karen hit Tilly because she was trying to get her to stop drinking."
"You alright Tilly?" She nodded her head still eating. "I have something to tell you, let's go talk." We make our way to the tent and Arthur takes off his gunslinger jacket then hands it to me. "You can keep this and all of this." He gives me more clothes and I set them down on the bed. "Why are you giving me all of this?" Because I want you to remember me and it'll be painful but I just thought you might want something. The rest you can give to the baby when it's time." Arthur had sadness in his eyes, "What happened?" I ask. "I had to help this man escape he was part of the cavalry. They were going to hang him for something he didn't do. I don't understand why people are so mean to these people."
"The Native Americans? I don't know either but I do know one thing. This thing they're doing is going to backfire one day." Arthur was so mad he just ended up punching the wagon that was next to our tent. "Hey you're going to break your hand. Let's go sit down." Arthur and I make our way by the fire.

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